the pedals are how you get the sharps and flats. one of the harp majors who studies music with me has 6 pedals on her harp. it's totally cool to watch when she gets both feet going!
having lived there and back from a recent trip, i TRULY don't think there are any reasons to believe that Italian cuisine would be in ANY danger in the country. this just seems dumb... I'm a little embarrassed for my country... @Gary: I thought that pasta was originally from the China, or is that one of those things they taught us in elementary school that isn't true?
One of my friends and I realized this when we took our first year of music theory together, and since then we can't listen to pop music because it bothers us so much.
I have a fear of syringes, so anytime I'm watching House or any other medical drama I freak out whenever somebody gets a shot. I've managed to control it enough to be able to get my vaccinations and what not, but I usually have to sit still for about five minutes after getting it to make sure I don't pass out.
I knew a girl in college who had a fear of cats, and one day we found a little kitten and brought it into the classroom. She and a friend walked in a few minutes later, the friend saw me holding the kitten and tried to put up a big book she was carrying to keep her from seeing it, and instead smacked her in the face with the book.
I don't know if this is true or not, but when I studied in Italy the professor told us that the Italian flag represents absolutely nothing, and that they basically stole the design from France and changed the colors. I may have to Wikipedia that to find out, but it was pretty funny to find out.
the pedals are how you get the sharps and flats. one of the harp majors who studies music with me has 6 pedals on her harp. it's totally cool to watch when she gets both feet going!
@Gary: I thought that pasta was originally from the China, or is that one of those things they taught us in elementary school that isn't true?
I knew a girl in college who had a fear of cats, and one day we found a little kitten and brought it into the classroom. She and a friend walked in a few minutes later, the friend saw me holding the kitten and tried to put up a big book she was carrying to keep her from seeing it, and instead smacked her in the face with the book.