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Anamorphic Portrait of Einstein

If you like the anamorphic portrait by Bernard Pras we featured on Neatorama recently, you'd get a kick out of this one of Albert Einstein, made completely from junk. Via Juxtapoz

Suspended Coffee

Need coffee but don't have any money? Some cafes have the solution: suspended coffee, a donation scheme where patrons can buy a cup of coffee for themselves and another cup for a complete stranger. The second cup is claimed at a later time by someone who cannot afford it themselves.

Caffeine fix and a good deed? It's coming soon to a Starbucks near you. The BBC's Suraj Patel explains in this video clip: Link [auto-starting video]

Would you buy suspended coffee for someone else?

STOOPID TALL 14.5-foot Bike

Richie Trimble rides tall in his 14.5-foot bicycle. He sees the world from 17 feet above ground, which gives him a unique view. It can't be easy balancing on a bicycle that has to be up against a building just  to climb on!

As a cinematographer in Los Angeles, it’s rare for Richie to make it out to bike rides. Two weeks ago, his calendar clear, he rode on The Safari Bike Ride where he met up with friend and fellow bike builder, Rick Hill. Richie tells me that “Rick makes the most awesome bikes.”

Richie challenged Rick to the tallest bike in LA – two weeks later, STOOPID TALL would be constructed. Richie was building it for Saturday night’s bike ride, C.R.A.N.K. MOB, to take it to the next level. It took him twelve hours to build, the final eight hours on the day of the bike ride.With only one Huffy beach cruiser frame, crank, handle bars, seat post and the fork as the rest of the bike is made by round and square steel tubing. The curves in the the round tubing were created from an upside down shopping cart and log on top. The chain alone is six and a half bicycle chains, that’s thirty-two and a half feet.  With no real tools or a flush surface, Richie used c-stands (usually seen being used on film sets), levels and small wedges, built by eye-ing it in his back yard. “I was skeptical it would even ride at all.”

But it did, as you can see from this POV video. Warning: may induce vertigo.

(YouTube link)

Read more about the bike called STOOPID TALL at L.A. Streets Blog. Link  -via Blame It On The Voices

The Geekiest Tattoo Ever

Redditor s_jove's tattoo is a beautiful affirmation of geek identity: the inscription of the One Ring from The Lord of the Rings, a Gallifreyean seal from Doctor Who and the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It could be improved only by adding a quote by Malcolm Reynolds written in Klingon.

An artist named Dave at Tattoos at the Red Room in Michigan inked this tattoo.

Link -via Fashionably Geek

Starlings Take a Bath

(YouTube link)

European starlings bathe every day if they get the chance, but it happens too fast to get a good look. In this video, Earth Unplugged TV uses a high-speed camera to show the action in slow motion. First a dunk, then a flap, then water goes everywhere! -via Viral Viral Videos

Batman Villains as 1920s Mugshots

Inspired by a collection of stylish Australian mugshots from the 1920s exhibited at the Sydney Justice & Police Museum, Canadian CG artist Jason Mark (AKA Jempix) created a series of Batman villains in the same style. Here is the series, The Usual Suspects: Link - via Laughing Squid

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What Happens If You Wring a Wet Wash Cloth in Space?

Internet's favorite astronaut Chris Hadfield explains what happens when you wring a wet wash cloth in space: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Krulwich Wonders

Fujitsu FingerLink

Let your fingertip do the scanning! Check out this new technology from Fujitsu, where engineers added touch system to the good ol' scanner in their new FingerLink system: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - via Spoon & Tamago

Ducklings Fly for the First Time

The photographer behind a Swedish-language photo blog captured this image two Common Goldeneye ducklings flying for the first time. Flap harder, baby ducks!

Link (Translation) -via Twisted Sifter

Convertible Napping Desk

The only thing better than a refreshing nap on your desk at work is a nap under it! Behold the napping table by Studio NL in Greece. Via Lost at E Minor

One Dress, One Woman, One World

Most women only get their wedding dress photography sessions when they get married, but if you're married to a photographer, you get to do it over, and over, and over again!

In 2008, photographer Jeff Salvage married his wife Jennifer on a volcano crater on Easter Island. There, they did three photo shoots around the island and an idea was born: why not recreate the wedding gown photo shoot around the world?

Since then, the couple have traveled over 135,000 miles around the world. And at each exotic location, Jennifer dons her original wedding dress for another fantastic photo shoot for their project One Dress, One Woman, One World.

Michael Zhang of PetaPixel has the story and more marvelous photos | Visit Jennifer and Jeff's official page: Link

Inflatable Hand Anime Body Art

Hands down, this is the best body art featuring One Piece manga and anime hero Monkey D. Luffy's unique fighting style where he inflates his fist into gigantic proportion. You may not have read the manga or seen the animation, but surely you can appreciate the visual cleverness: Link - via reddit

8 Cures That Did More Harm Than Good

Once upon a time, and not all that long ago, the medicine you took had more to do with advertising and wishful thinking than with scientific testing of its effectiveness. The latest miracle cure would be discovered, sweep the country, and then die out when it turned out to not work. But worse, many of the cures could kill you.  

“The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off” has to be one of the best Wall Street Journal headlines of all time. The “radium water” in question was called Radithor, and the jaw in question belonged to one Eben Byers: industrialist, socialite, and amateur golf champion.

Radium and radiation were all the rage around the turn of the 20th century. People who went to natural hot springs seemed “invigorated and renewed,” and scientists noted that many of these natural springs were high in naturally-occurring radon. The radon seemed to be to water what oxygen was to air; without it, water was “dead.” Looking to profit off of this discovery, companies first bottled water directly from the springs, and later produced “invigorating” crocks (containing internal radon discs or coatings) to irradiate water. Just fill the crock before you go to sleep, and have healthy, stimulating water all day long!

Things did not work out well for Eben Byers, who drank three bottles of radon water every day. Read about his case and seven other dangerous "cures" at mental_floss. Link

The Spirit of the Masks

Italian photographer Anthony Pappone attended FESTIMA (Festival International des Masques et des Arts) in Dédougou, Burkina Faso. The week-long festival draws people from Burkina Faso and other West African countries to show off their elaborate traditional masks and costumes.

music and dances are performed throughout the day and the night, there are also clothes made ​​of leaves, fiber feather dresses, white dresses, suits and straw animal skins.
The masks belong to the tradition animist and come out at the end of the dry season to ask for rain.

See more gorgeous pictures of festival participants at Pappone's Behance post. Link -via Everlasting Blort

Meenakshi Amman Temple

In Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, lies a 45-acre temple complex dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Parvati and her husband consort, Shiva. The Meenakshi Amman Temple is surrounded by ten towers, which are each covered with thousands of stone statues depicting Hindu figures. The picture shown here is but a small detail of one tower. Kuriositas has photographs of the towers up close and far away, the temple complex itself, and interior shots, all with breathtakingly intricate details. Link -via the Presurfer

(Image credit: Flickr user muvare)

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Profile for Neatorama_Maestro

  • Member Since 2013/01/07



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