Anonymoose 2's Comments

>>1. wide open border with Mexico and a government (USA) that turns a completely blind eye to this

Yes, it's TOTALLY that we don't have enough fences. I guess we ought to put a fence up at the Canadian border to keep out pot too, right?

>>2. there is a demand and a market designed to meet that demand

And you won't EVER stop a demand for 'illegal drugs' unless they're not illegal, and simply regulated and taxed.

>>3. too many people in power (legal and illegal) who are making too much money off the current system

A comment that may actually have some merit, since THE WAR ON DRUGS just like The War on Terror is a 'war' that can be perpetuated indefinitely because there is no set goal or endgame, and even gain or loss is entirely subjective. Meanwhile, personal financial or political gain is easy to be had by many from it.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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