Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Orwell's Animal Farm as Illustrated by Ralph Steadman

British illustrator Ralph Steadman has been featured previously on Neatorama (specifically, for his Alice in Wonderland artwork and his book The Little Red Computer). 

Showcased here are some of Steadman's striking illustrations for George Orwell's fusion of "political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole," his 1945 classic Animal Farm.

Steadman's illustrations first appeared in the 50th anniversary edition of Animal Farm, which was published in 1995. This edition included Orwell's previously unpublished preface to the original, entitled "The Freedom of the Press." In this preface, Orwell writes,

"The chief danger to freedom of thought and speech at this moment is not the direct interference of … any official body. If publishers and editors exert themselves to keep certain topics out of print, it is not because they are frightened of prosecution but because they are frightened of public opinion. In this country intellectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face."

Via Juxtapoz  


Strike it Up

YouTube Link

This video of upward lighting strikes is from the Storm Channel on YouTube; it was originally broadcast on Discovery's Raging Planet. Theories regarding the cause and physics of this natural phenomenon are briefly discussed within, although the lightning footage is the "highlight." Via Unique Daily.    

Creeptastic Halloween Costumes Circa 1875–1955

English artist and musician Ossian Brown's book Haunted Air is filled with these spectacular vintage photographs of American Halloween festivities between 1875-1955. The author collected the photographs from a number of old photo albums.

Brown delighted in the resourcefulness of the subjects, some of whom were living in poverty, yet still combined the dark side of their imaginations with ingenuity to produce what he calls “these incredible and phantasmagorical apparitions." 

The frightening black-and-white captures of homemade masks and costumes are perfect inspiration for tales of horror. Some images remind me of The Shining and other books and films that make great use of flashbacks to horrific pasts. 

The foreword to Haunted Air is penned by film director and master of surrealist horror David Lynch. He writes in part,

“All the clocks had stopped. A void out of time. And here they are – looking out and holding themselves still – holding still at that point where two worlds join – the familiar – and the other.” 

Ossian Brown's book can be purchased here. Via Beautiful Decay.


Hula Hoop Groove

YouTube Link

What's harder than flawlessly pulling off all of the hula hoop tricks that Rachael performs in this video? I imagine it would be thinking of any additional hula hoop tricks that Rachael doesn't perform in this video. Short of lighting the hoop on fire and making it disappear, I think she has it covered. If you've been waiting all of your life for a hula hoop guru, Rachael gives lessons via Skype and teaches workshops. 

Things the Public Often Pictures Incorrectly

Cracked asked readers to present them with items or concepts that many people perceive incorrectly, due to media or public misrepresentations. Chosen submissions were made into comparison graphics. Check these out and see if you agree with the readers' ideas. Read the full article to see all 20 common misconceptions here. Images:

Photos of Terminally Ill People Before and After Death

German photographer Walter Schels' series Life Before Death presents captures of terminally ill individuals at the end of their lives and once again a short time after their deaths.

The subjects granted interviews with the photographer's partner Beate Lakotta in order for him to have context for his powerful images. The interviews were a jumble of daily life minutiae mixed with the existential ponderings that would be expected from those who are aware they are living out their final days.

A few of the peaceful postmortem photos seemed a relief to me, after the tense, distorted faces of some who were alive yet likely suffering in pain, discomfort and fear. 

Learn more about Schels' long, distinguished career and see more of his portfolio at his website.

Images Credit: Walter Schels 

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Female Beauty Standards as Rendered by Artists in 27 Countries

Esther Honig, a Kansas City-based radio journalist, contacted artists from forty different countries, emailing them her self portrait. Honig's only request was to "make her look beautiful." Even if an artist replied with questions, the only way Esther would elaborate was to say she wanted them to make her look like a popular fashion model.

Honig's requests yielded replies from 27 countries. The Photoshopped results were strikingly different by country, from garish makeup jobs (Philippines, Argentina) to a hijab (Morocco). The artist from India was apparently dissatisfied with the bones in her clavicle, so they were erased. Even countries like Great Britain, Israel and Bulgaria, which kept makeup and hair relatively natural, noticably changed Honig's (already beautiful, in my opinion) grey eye color. Eyebrows in some cases were made thicker and darker. Nose shape was slightly shaved down by some. In the end, no country simply put light makeup on Esther's unmade face and called it beauty. 

I suppose we all could have predicted that the results would be wildly varied. But the variances do provide some interesting "people watching," all from just one person's face. See more shots from Honig's series, which she calls Before and After, at her website. 
Via Beautiful Decay.

Images Credit: Esther Honig 


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Inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

YouTube Link

This SciShow video presents some interesting facts about Chernobyl and the area surrounding it, including a discussion of the plant life, large wildlife population and chemical makeup.

In spite of the 28 years that have passed, the danger to all forms of life has not diminished. In some ways it continues to rise. An example would be when risk projections of human cancer cases due to the accident are factored in (an estimated 16,000 cases of thyroid cancer and 25,000 cases of non-specific type cancer by 2065, according to a peer-reviewed report in the International Journal of Cancer).

Zoo Saves Pudú Fawn Whose Mother Dies After Giving Birth

A mother Southern pudú at Edinburgh Zoo gave birth to her fawn, named Scarlet. Sadly, only two and a half weeks later, Scarlet's mother died due to a preexisting health condition that was exacerbated by giving birth. The keepers had to work night and day with Scarlet, who was at risk without her mother's nourishment and care. The tiny fawn is being bottle-fed and is now gaining weight and thriving.

Scarlet's bright outlook is not only due to the dedication of her keepers. Her father Normski began to nurture Scarlet and keep her company (see photo number 2). Edinburgh Zoo staffer Liah Etemad explained,

“Scarlet started on seven to eight bottled feeds of milk each day, getting her first feed early in the morning, throughout the day and then into the early hours. She is steadily gaining weight each day. During the first week after mum died she was cared for solely by her keepers, but then at four weeks she was reintroduced to her dad Normski. We were all delighted how well it went and the two were soon cuddled up together in the evenings and he maintains a watchful eye over her during the day. The fact her and her father have bonded so well means that he is teaching her natural pudú behavior.

It has taken a lot of time and commitment from keepers, and at seven weeks old we are still giving her a small number of bottles during the day, but we could not be happier to see little Scarlet thrive. She has done so well that visitors are able to see her with dad at our pudú enclosure at Edinburgh Zoo.”

Pudús are the smallest deer in the world. Southern pudú are native to southwestern Argentina and Chile. When pudús reach adulthood, they are only about 15 inches high and 20-35 pounds. These animals are classified as a vulnerable species, as their numbers are diminished due to the rainforests of their habitat being cleared for cattle ranches and other land development. See a video of Scarlet at Zooborns. 

Images Credit: Edinburgh Zoo

Migaloo the White Humpback Whale Spotted off Sydney's Coast

Image: Tom Lancashire

A sighting of 
Migaloo, Australia's celebrated white humpback whale, was made June 23 off the coast of Sydney. Until September of 2011, Migaloo, which translates to "white fella" in the language of Australian Aboriginals, was the only known white humpback whale in the world. It was then that footage surfaced of a white baby humpback whale (calf). The calf is unofficially named M.J., for Migaloo Junior, according to Australia's White Whale Research Centre. Another all-white whale was documented in Norwegian waters, so Migaloo and M.J. may be rare, but they're not alone. 

YouTube Link.

Although the video of the news report included here --as well as a report from CNN -- calls Migaloo an albino, that fact actually seems to be in dispute. The While Whale Research Centre and the Pacific Whale Foundation don't refer to Migaloo or MJ as albinos, so I've stayed consistent with their terminology.

To learn more about Migaloo and track future sightings, visit the website of the White Whale Research Centre. Via Twisted Sifter.

Hey Man, It's Anthony Bourdain

Today is Anthony Bourdain's 58th birthday, and he apparently had no reservations about letting loose and poking fun of his younger self. The dry-witted chef, author and television personality posted this picture of himself to his Instagram account today, with text that reads "Stoned immaculate."

He didn't specify how old he was in the picture, but one wonders, did the 1978 graduate of the Culinary Institute of America become interested in food during his stoner days? Via Eater.

Churches Underwater

Image: JuanTello/Flickr

These submerged churches and the European and South American lands surrounding them were flooded during the construction of dams in the areas. The church in the last photo shown here stood for over 150 years prior to its ruin. Sometimes regional development trumps all.

Read more about these photographs and see other examples in this article at UK Daily Mail online. Via Nag on the Lake.

Image: Andre Estima/Flickr

Image: Imir Kamberi/Flickr

Nature's Dazzling Show

Vimeo Link

I've seen other timelapse videos of blooms opening, but I think this one is particularly well shot and mesmerizing. Recently uploaded by David de los Santos Gil of Madrid to his Vimeo channel, it features several varieties of orchids, irises, hibiscus flowers and more. See David de los Santos Gil's impressive portfolio of photography at his website and his 500px site.

An Honest Trailer for Forrest Gump

YouTube Link

Watch this heartwarming Honest Trailer to "relive the heartwarming tale of Forrest, a simpleton who bombards complete strangers with his entire life story, and Jenny, a suicidal, junkie hobo." That's the very definition of life-affirming.

What Gives a Dollar Bill Its Value

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In this TED-Ed video by Doug Levinson, the concept of the valuation of currency is explained. Watch it and have an instant defense if anyone ever accuses you of not knowing about the value of a dollar. Via Viral Viral Videos. 

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