Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Sharing Isn't This Cat's Strong Suit

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This kitty is polishing off a cup of yogurt, but she's not interested in sharing the treat with her fellow feline. I say "she," not because I know the cat's gender, but because bogarting yogurt is just something that seems like a chick would do. Another chick-type behavior is casually moving something out of another's reach as opposed to causing a big, ugly scene over it. Sure, I'm making massive generalizations, but while I had you distracted just now, I ate the last square of dark chocolate. Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

Things You Can't Do if You're Not a Toddler

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How many behaviors could a toddler get away with for which you'd ban a party guest (not to mention a date) for life? I was mentally adding things to the list as I watched this video. My conclusion was "too many to count." Via Viral Viral Videos.

Baby Monkey and Jack Russell Terrier Pups Become Fast Friends

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Mubi is a 2-month-old drill monkey who was first attacked, then abandoned by her mother. But her story sweetened significantly when Simon Jeffrey, a keeper at Port Lympne Reserve, near Canterbury, Kent, UK, took Mubi home to play with his Jack Russell Terrier puppies. Now Mubi is happy, thriving and the pups are schooling her in the ways of animal play. Via Laughing Squid.

Circumrotation as Optical Illusion

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This video presents an optical illusion of sorts in the form of white circles inside a larger red circle. The simplicity of the illusion is, to me, part of why it's of interest. Aside from the pattern that the video points out, a rotating square forms when there are four white circles inside the red one. Via IFL Science.

Ten Exotic Fruits You May Not Have Tried

Buddha's Hand

Fresh fruit is delicious and refreshing, particularly during the hot summer months. There are so many varieties around the world that our grocery stores only have a fraction of them represented in their inventory.

These three examples of exotic fruits are from a larger list at Woman's Day. From the fragrant, citrusy Buddha fruit (above) and beyond, see the list in entirety here. Have you tried any fruits on the list? If so, comment and give us your review. Via Unique Daily.

African Cucumber

Large Canines and the Little Children Who Love Them

Image: Vin J.

A few weeks ago I featured Giants of the Canine World. Here they are again with some of their most enthusiastic cheerleaders and partners in crime: the kids who grow up with them.

Kid and canine duos are often inseparable. Dogs instinctively know which members of their "pack" need the most gentle protection; that instinct is evident in these sweet photos. See the rest of Bored Panda's article "22 Little Kids And Their Big Dogs" here.

Image: imgur

Image: mediumclay

Image: Blake Grimmer

 Image: Elena Shumilova

Drawings That Practically Define "Photorealism"

Malaysian artist Monica Lee may spend up to a month on a single drawing until she decides it is complete, but the result is photorealist nirvana. 

“I like to challenge myself with complex portraits, especially people with freckles or beards,” says the artist. Lee gives her father credit for her love of the realism genre, as he was a photographer by trade.

Follow Monica Lee on Instagram and Facebook.  

Trompe-l'œil Animal Murals by Fiona Tang

Vancouver-based artist Fiona Tang uses charcoal, chalk pastel and acrylics as her media to create these virbant murals that appear to be three dimensional at certain viewing angles. Tang achieves this effect using the ages-old artistic technique called trompe-l'œil (French for "deceive the eye"), which produces the optical illusion of third dimensionality.

See more of Tang's work on her Tumblr site and on Facebook.



Elephant Retrieves Dropped Camera for His Passengers

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If you happen to be at Victoria Falls Safari Lodge in Zimbabwe and choose this elephant as your method of transportation, have no fear if you happen to drop any personal items during your ride. Trunk pickup service is included! Now that's customer service! Via 22 Words.

Icebergs of the Antarctic: A Photo Series

These gorgeous captures were shot by nature and wildlife photographer Martin Bailey for his Antarctica photography series.

Born and raised in England, the photographer is now a Japanese national based in Tokyo. 
As one might imagine, a nature and wildlife photographer is driven by a passion for travel and the beauty of the natural world. His passion is evident in this series, which features ice structures, some of which are 1,000 years old. 

Martin Bailey sells prints, which can be perused and purchased at his website; he also does private portrait and commercial works on commission. Visit Bailey's site to see more of this stunning series. Via Trend Hunter.   

French Girls App Shows Young Selfie Takers a New Mirror

"Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes"

Ah, the age-old wisdom of the Butthole Surfers. Such a hard truth. Yet there is an app called "French Girls" that lets you know how you look in the eyes of an anonymous "artist."

According to the developers, the application's name is a reference to Kate Winslet's line in Titanic, in which she instructs Leonardo DiCaprio's character to "draw me like one of your French girls."

Application users upload selfies and wait to receive a drawing of their photo from the perspective of another anonymous user. The app is popular — presumably with the younger set — with over one million downloads to date. They may not know how they look to others, but apparently it doesn't stop them from trying. Via Uproxx. 

Images Credit: French Girls


Lovable Lynx Living Large

This Canada lynx kitten named Jasper seems to be having a ball at the Point Defiance Zoo, between the love he gets from keepers and admirers and his fondness for play. The nine-week-old kitten weighs approximately four pounds and is being hand-reared by zoo staff.

The Canada lynx is native to North America, specifically to Canada, Alaska and the northernmost parts of the United States. Adults of the species weigh 18 to 24 pounds on average and measure 19 to 22 inches in height. 

The lynx is typically a solitary animal, although it may occasionally roam in small groups. The lynx roams anywhere from 1.5 to 3 miles per day. As they take shelter in areas of dense forest, they usually stay close to the treeline, however they generally like to swim. One researcher recorded a lynx swimming two miles across the Yukon River.

Read more and see additional photos at Zooborns. 

Images Credit: Point Defiance Zoo


Brave Kitten Faces Windshield Wipers

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In this video, a Russian family is stuck on a highway during a rainstorm. It's a good thing they have this heroic kitty to stand between them and the evil black things moving back and forth behind their windshield. Via Unique Daily.

Pop Culture in Pen and Ink

Artist Rik Reimert has an impressive array of celebrity portraits on his website. The simplicity of his crosshatch pen and ink drawings does not lessen their intensity; on the contrary, it seems to enhance it. And simplicity is something that the artist wholeheartedly embraces. Reimert briefly explains his thought process behind his choice of media:

"Analog, that’s my thing. From music to photographs to art. Yes, of course we use computers and cellphones, but isn’t it great to put on a record on your turntable on a Sunday morning and just enjoy the cracks in the music and the great artwork on the cover? That’s why I chose pen and paper."

Visit Reimert's website to see more of his drawings or to request a commissioned piece. Connect with him through social media on FacebookTwitterInstagramGoogle+ and Pinterest. Via 22 Words. 

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30 Star Wars Impressions

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This entertaining video from Barely Political serves up 30 impressions of characters in the Star Wars franchise. (They also throw in Miss Piggy and a few other celebrity impressions for good measure.) The farce is strong with these three. Via Tastefully Offensive.

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