Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Getting in Shape: Expectations vs. Reality

Kathryn Rose illustrated this comic about the differences between expectations and reality of getting in shape. Expectations are on the left side and reality's at right.  I'm sure that none of us can relate; our reality is always of the "expectations" variety. I just thought I'd post this so we could laugh at how that poor other half lives.

See the rest of the panels on this topic here. 

-Via Design Taxi  

Leopard Mama and Cub Cross the River

YouTube Link

This footage captured in Kruger National Park in South Africa shows a careful, protective mama leopard demonsrating the moves and jumps necessary to navigate the Sabie River. That was a pretty big jump for a little cub. I bet, if mama leopards can be proud, that did it. -Via Arbroath

A Chip off the New Stock

Blueberry | Image: 

The companies responsible for the manufacture of most popular food products work to keep their lines interesting to consumers by creating new versions of old standbys. For example, in the United States, Lays has been heavily advertising several newer flavors of their chips, all released at the same time. They are asking the public to vote for their favorite.

Because tastes differ by region, potato chip flavors around the world vary greatly, as evidenced by this user-submitted post on Bored Panda. Perhaps, with some flavors, we can eat just one.

See the other potato chip flavors from this collection here. 

Mint (l), Octupus (r) | Image: (l),  (r)                       

Caviar | Image: 

German Sausage | Image: 

Ten Misconceptions About Food

YouTube Link

Ah, food. There aren't many things on which the people of the world agree, but our love of food is one of them. This Mental Floss video selects common bits of misinformation often heard about food, its additives, shelf life, preparation, cooking methods and more. One food mentioned that I can foresee never being under a false impression about is chocolate. I have that one down cold!

Moms' Notes on Front Doors: Ring this Doorbell and Regret It

Image via: Beth Anne

This collection of notes posted on the front doors of exhausted women everywhere is full of sage reminders and cautionary tales. If you wake the child in the name of attempting to sell mama some vinyl siding, you may be diving into a sea of regret the likes of which you stand no chance of treading. Ring at your own risk. (Unless, of course, you have cookies.) See more funny notes from tired moms at 22 Words.

Image via: Chicago Now

Image via: Chicago Now

Image via: Chicago Now

Via: Anchor Wife

The Top 100 Science Fiction-Themed Songs of All Time

YouTube Link

George Dvorsky at i09 compiled a list of his suggestions for the top 100 songs having to do with science fiction. This comes after their prior list of the top 100 essential albums for science fiction fans. Do you own any of the songs and/or albums listed? I have a fair amount. Porno for Pyros is part of my music collection  I've worn that CD out over the years, as well as Jane's Addiction's stuff. Beasties too.(Video/song above NSFW, language.) 

YouTube Link

Black Bear Knows When He's Not Wanted

YouTube Link

This black bear was ambling up to the patio of a New Jersey homeowner who gave him a verbal warning to vacate the premises. Evidently, New Jersey bears are fluent in English. Or perhaps this bear is just a genius. Whatever the explanation, he turns around quickly and heads back into the woods. -Via Tastefuly Offensive

What Kind of Latte Does John Q. Pumpkin Drink?

Aram J. French of Mandatory Roller Coaster (previously at Neatorama) may be on to something with his imaginings of what Mr. Pumpkin orders at the coffee shop. Let's hope the baristas are on the top of their game and he doesn't have a long wait. 

-Via Laughing Squid | Image: Mandatory Roller Coaster

Classic Horror Works of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, Available For Free Online

The writings of H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe played a part in laying the groundwork for tales of modern horror. Stephen King called Lovecraft "the twentieth century's greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale." Both Poe and Lovecraft's real life hardships lent to their ability to delve into darkness.

Poe, born in 1809, was a predecessor of Lovecraft, and an influence on his writing. As a child, Poe was abandoned by his father and a year later, his mother died of pulmonary tuberculosis (referred to then as consumption). He was taken in and raised by another couple, John and Frances Allan. His relationship with the former was stormy. Poe enjoyed success from his writing during his lifetime, unlike Lovecraft. An early success was his celebrated poem "The Raven."  Poe married his 13-year-old cousin Virginia when he was 26 years old. She died of tuberculosis at age 26. Poe's already present alcoholism worsened after the death of his wife, at times leading to professional setbacks and failures. Poe died at age 40 of unknown causes, though a number of explanations including complications of alcoholism, heart failure, cholera, syphilis and even rabies have been suggested. 

Lovecraft, born in 1890, was only three years old when his father had a psychotic episode and was committed to a mental asylum for the remainder of his life. Once his father was committed, Lovecraft was raised primarily by his domineering mother, with help from two maternal aunts and his maternal grandfather, all of whom lived with the mother and son. Lovecraft, though a prodigy, was prone to ill health, anxiety and night terrors as a child, and suffered from anixiety and self-imposed isolation at times throughout his life. His mother was eventually committed to the same institution as his father after suffering mental health problems of her own. Like Lovecraft's father, his mother died in the asylum. H.P. Lovecraft died of cancer, nearly penniless, at age 46. Unfortunately, his talent wasn't duly recognized until after he died. 

Today, Lovecraft and Poe are highly acclaimed for their macabre tales of horror, of which there are too many notable titles to name here. Luckily for those interested in becoming more familiar with the works of Poe and Lovecraft, many can be accessed online. These stories are perfect for the time of year when darkness comes early and there's much talk of the horror found upon midnights dreary.

Visit this link for the works of Edgar Allan Poe

Visit this link for the works of H.P. Lovecraft

-Via Open Culture | Image: Made from portraits on Wikipedia

Endangered Species Postage Stamps for 2014 Released

U.S. stamps

The United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) has released a set of 12 stamps illustrated with beautiful artwork of endangered species. For the last 21 years, the UNPA has issued this stamp series in order to raise awareness of the need for protection of endangered animals across the globe.

The sets for 2014, all of which are pictured here, were released yesterday. Each 2014 stamp features a marine animal. There are three sets: United States, Swiss and European. The U.S. stamps depict Denise's pygmy seahorse, the whale shark, scalloped hammerhead and the Asian arowana. Swiss stamps include the arapaima, basking shark, largetooh sawfish and Siberian sturgeon. European stamps feature the humphead wrasse, great white shark, giant manta ray and the paddlefish. 

American artist Amadeo Bachar created the artwork for the 2014 series. His background in marine biology and scientific illustration made him a particularly qualified artist to handle the task. Bachar's work has been featured in National Geographic and Scientific American, among other prominent publications.

See more of Bachar's work at his website. The stamps can be ordered here.

-Via i09 | Images:

Swiss stamps

 European stamps

Faces of Fright: Scary Halloween Makeup

  "Creepy Monster" | Image: The Painting Lady

Killer makeup jobs like these can take an average costume to the next level. Bored Panda asked for creepy makeup user submissions; these are a few of the 117 submissions thus far. From oozing flesh wounds to evil, toothy clowns to pierced and punctured zombies, these makeup masks are a wide range of nightmare fodder. See more unnerving makeup art here. 

  "Terrifying Zombie" |  Image: Imgur

"Ripped Flesh Wound" | Image: redeyedemon

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More Honest Brand Slogans

We've previously featured Clif Dickens' Honest Brand Slogans, which he features on his Tumblr site. Here are some more of Dickens' corporate targets for parody. He seems to have a knack for deconstructing things down to a pessimistic take on their essence. See more images at Dickens' Honest Slogans Tumblr site as well as his website.

-Via Design Taxi | Images: Clif Dickens


Grandma Fighting Cancer Knitted Herself a Head of Hair

This is one 71-year-old grandmother who is practically the definition of cool. Rosemary Capitolo of San Jose, California may be suffering from ovarian cancer, but she's doing so in an upbeat, admirable frame of mind. Capitolo knitted herself a cap that resembled hair for her 2013 Halloween costume. This year, her hair gone due to the effects of chemotherapy, Capitolo is once again having fun with her knitted creation. Granddaughter Megan Shone shared this photo via Twitter, and unsurprisingly, it's become popular with people who enjoy examples of those who take life's bad turns with humor, strength and dignity. Visit Megan's Twitter account and Rosemary's Facebook page to keep up with these inspiring ladies.

-Via Bored Panda | Images: Megan Shone

Ten Hollywood Breakthrough Roles Landed by Stars Who Barely Spoke English

Charisma and sex appeal are universal. That fact explains a number of Hollywood casting situations. For instance, it's one way musicians, models and others with no prior acting experience are able to pull off and even stand out in some film roles. Universal appeal also has led to certain actors and actresses being able to secure major Hollywood roles at a time when they speak little or no English. 

One such case is Antonio Banderas. Director Arne Glimcher cast Banderas in his 1992 film The Mambo Kings at a time when Banderas spoke no English. In fact, in order for Glimcher to clearly convey a request to Banderas that he learn English for the role, he had to use a translator to communicate with the actor. Banderas went on to do well in Kings, so well that his next role was in the Oscar winning Philadelphia with Tom Hanks. Mambo Kings director Glimcher said of Banderas,

"[Antonio] was very responsive, incredibly charming. I think he can seduce any woman, man, cat, dog or bird in the world.”

Read nine more cases of actors and actresses temporarily skating by on their screen presences here. 

Image Source  

Eight Things You May Not Know About The Terminator

With the thirtieth anniversary of James Cameron's The Terminator now here, some people are looking back to the earliest days of the franchise. In addition to this excellent, early celebration of the film's anniversary over the summer, here are another eight facts about Cameron's tale of a cyborg assassin wreaking havoc. 

For now, I'll leave you with number six on the list, a dubious fact regarding casting. Disgraced former NFL player O.J. Simpson was considered for the title role. At the time, Simpson had a fair amount of success as an actor, having appeared in Roots, The Towering Inferno, among other movies. As the story goes, the studio suggested O.J. Simpson's name to James Cameron as a possibility for the role. Ironically, Cameron felt that no one would believe O.J. as a killer. 

-Via Uproxx | Image: 

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