Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

The Adventures of Moyo the Rescued Baby Elephant

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The Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery near Harare, Zimbabwe rescued the baby elephant seen in these videos, who was found in February, 2014 abandoned by his herd. The calf, named Moyo, was brought to the nursery after a search for his herd was unsuccessful. The staff at the elephant nursery suspect that, judging by his extremely low weight when found, Moyo was born premature and wasn't physically able to keep the pace of his herd, which would have been pressured by poachers.

Since his rescue, Moyo has made friends with the nursery staff, as well as with the baby warthog in the video above. The video below shows various adorable clips of Moyo's adventures at the nursery, where he's said to be thriving, happy and loved by many. -Via Tastefully Offensive 


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Misconceptions from the Movies

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Mental Floss produced this video highlighting misconceptions in movies. What plot devices and actions commonly seen in movies are unrealistic? Megashocker: quite a few. Who would have thought?! Check out the video. I'll be back later... my car needs its gas tank refilled and I need a cigarette. Nothing like multitasking! -Via Tastefully Offensive

Elephant Herd Loves their Mud Baths

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These elephants at Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand are enjoying a mud bath created by the park staff. According to the staff, mud bathing is the elephants' favorite activity, which is evident as they splash and roll around joyously. -Via Laughing Squid

Indepth Interview with Stephen King

Fans of Stephen King will like this Rolling Stone interview with him from his office just outside Bangor, Maine, which "sits on a particularly dreary dead-end road... just down the street from a gun-and-ammo store, a snowplow dealership and, appropriately enough, an old cemetery." Perfect.

Visit Rolling Stone to read the interview, the scope of which spans King's entire career. 

Illustration by Roberto Parada

New Video By Flying Lotus is All Manner of Horrifying

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This new video by Los Angeles musician and rapper Flying Lotus is the stuff of Halloween nightmares. Animated by David Firth, this NSFW video full of twisted images, violence and gore contains, as the warning states, "scenes that some viewers may find disturbing." -Via Juxtapoz

Whatever Happened to the Cast of The Blair Witch Project?

Can you believe it's been 15 years since The Blair Witch Project came out in theaters? It seems to be a "love it or hate it" kind of movie. I've heard and read a lot of comments over the years from those who hate it. But I'm definitely in the "love" category. I still remember the night I saw the movie. When my friends and I walked back into the movie theater lobby after the film ended, there were twigs fashioned into shapes with string hanging from the lobby ceiling. They looked exactly like those from the movie. That gave those of us leaving the theater another second of startle. 

So what have the actors who played Heather, Michael and Josh in the film been up to since? Find out here.  

Image: Artisan Entertainment 

Animals Enjoying Pumpkins

Image: Zoo Vienna Schönbrunn 

We humans aren't the only ones who like to consume and play with pumpkins when October hits. These animals find pumpkins both fun and delicious in their various zoo homes all over the globe. It probably would take humans having "zoo keepers" to get us to cut out the candy and feast on what's natural and good for us instead. There's a health benefit to having a boss! -Via Zooborns

Image: Lincoln Children's Zoo

Image: Sue Ogrocki

Image: Tammy Spratt/San Diego Zoo Safari Park

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Fifteen Everyday Products Invented by Accident

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Who doesn't love anesthesia when faced with time spent on the hospital surgery unit where painful punctures will be made to our person? Then, anesthesia is our BFF. But did you know that in the early 1800s, well-heeled ladies gathering together to gossip and eat bon-bons inhaled the gas for extra giggles at the party? And that's just the ladies. In 1844, a man observing another under the effects of the party drug put two and two together when the man with a leg injury said he was feelin' no pain. First used as a painkiller in dentistry, anesthesia quickly became the standard in surgical procedures. Check out this video to hear about other products invented by accident. -Via Science Dump

Photog Mom's Daughter Loves Cosplay, Together They Create Iconic Characters

Joan of Arc

Photographer Kelly Lewis' nine-year-old daughter Alice is no shrinking violet. She's an aspiring actress and model who enjoys cosplaying. So frequent shoots dressed as beloved (and not-so-beloved) cultural icons from Marie Antoinette to Little Miss Muffet are likely bright spot(light)s in Alice's day. 

Alice has the way cool distinction of being the only girl for miles who picked her own name. When adopted into the Lewis family at age seven, the little girl was enamored with the story and character of Alice in Wonderland. So Alice she became. 

Visit Kelly's Tumblr site Malice of Alice to keep up with the photographer and her ambitious daughter.

Images: Kelly Lewis | Via Bored Panda

Little Miss Muffet

 Edward Scissorhands


What Countries Have Nuclear Weapons?

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This video is made by TestTube, a video series by the Discovery Network. It discusses countries known to have nuclear weapons, whether or not they have signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation on Nuclear Weapons, and briefly explores the likelihood of conflict escalation to the point of their use. -Via Science Dump


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Earlier this week I posted a video showing a New Jersey black bear on his best behavior. These two New Jersey black bears are in an all-out brawl, knocking things over in a front yard of a home in a residential area. Occasionally stopping to rest and stare each other down while breathing heavily from the exertion, they eventually take the fight out into the street, as drivers pull their cars over to catch the action.

Kevin Smith Shaves His Facial Hair, is Now Unrecognizable

Via Facebook

Film director Kevin Smith posted these pictures of himself to his Facebook page, one of which is the "after" picture of him having shaven his trademark facial hair. People familiar with Smith, what do you think? Does he look better with beard and mustache or without? And what on Earth would Silent Bob say? (Yeah, likely nothing.) -Via Uproxx

Via Facebook

Which Halloween Candy is the Least Healthy to Eat?

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This animation by Daniella Urdinlaiz supplies information about popular candies containing ingredients that are more harmful to the body than others. In watching it, I learned what I could have guessed before I pressed play: if I like it, it's most likely on the "worst" list. Isn't that pretty much the way it goes? Oh well. Scary, dangerous edibles fit right in with Halloween theme. -Via Laughing Squid

'Tis the Season for Tons of Horror Webcomics

This i09 article hooks readers up with "tons of horror webcomics" to keep bones chilled and blood curdled. "From post-apocalyptic epics filled with monsters to anthologies packed with serial killers, alien invaders, and nightmares come to life, here is something for every sort of horror fan." 

Image: Zombiehunters / Jenny Romanchuk

Things We Wish We Could Say at the Gym

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The gym: for those of us who go regularly, there are certain thoughts trapped in our heads during workouts that aren't a good idea to verbalize. The part I could relate to most in this video is being annoyed when someone picks the machine sandwiched right next to mine when almost every machine of that type is not being used. Can you identify with anything in the video? Or, maybe you skip the gym to work out another way. Or perhaps you do arm curls on the couch with cheese curls. Weigh in (bad pun intended) in the comments. -Via Viral Viral Videos

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