Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Twenty Photos of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake

On April 18th, 1906 at 5:12 in the morning, the coast of Northern California was hit by an earthquake that is considered to be the worst natural disaster in the state's history. The quake pre-dated the Richter scale measurement by thirty years; experts estimate the magnitude of the quake on the modern moment magnitude scale as anywhere from 7.8 to 8.25.

The earthquake caused deadly fires to break out, which weren't extinguished for several days. In the wake of the disaster, more than 3,000 people died and over 80% of San Francisco was destroyed.

This collection of photos gives one a feel of the devastation that the quake inflicted on the city. 

Images: uncredited, Via Vintage Everyday

How to Make British Cocktails

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In this 35th episode of Anglophenia, hostess Kate Arnell presents viewers with British summer cocktail recipes to sweeten Saturday night and keep them satisfied, if not soused. Included are mixing instructions for the Bramble, the Bramley Somerset Temperley Sour, the English Country Garden and the gin and tonic. Cheers and bottoms up! Via Laughing Squid

Lola the Chihuahua Puppy Playing With Two Baby Goats is All Kinds of Cute

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Are you in need of a smile? Check out Lola the adorable chihuahua puppy as she romps with two bouncy baby goats. Lola seems inspired by the goats hopping around and at times she almost appears to be imitating them. Even when Lola gets playfully headbutted, she's still game to keep up the playtime. Perhaps the puppy wants to be a goat when she grows up.

See another video of Lola with the goats at the Sunflower Farm Creamery YouTube channel. Via Mashable

Millenials of New York

"For months I was utterly miserable. I was going to therapy three times a week and actually listed 'crying' as one of my hobbies on Tinder. After realizing nobody was going to solve my problems for me, I went to the zoo and paid $80 to take a picture with a penguin wearing a tiny sweater. I posted it on Instagram and it got 123 likes! 123!! I suddenly felt like my life had been filled with a purifying, healing light. I was able to completely stop going to therapy, and last weekend my ex even texted me 'Mouth?' at 3 AM. I think things are finally starting to turn around. Thank you so much, Instagram."

Elite Daily created a Facebook page called "Millenials of New York" that is an entertaining satire of the popular "Humans of New York." Instead of hearing about the plights and passions of the diverse New York City population, we are treated to millenial tales of woe about rancid artisanal kumquat compote and beards that won't grow past the stubble stage. MONY's stories, like HONY's, will hit you right smack in the feels and could even prompt you to purchase a pair of oversized, fully ironic eyewear. 

Check out the Millenials of New York Facebook page for more entries like these.

Via Design Taxi | Images: Millenials of New York on Facebook 

"I’m a feminist, okay? And I don’t care who knows it. I believe that women are JUST as capable as men, and deserve the right to equal pay. Guys who wouldn’t vote for someone based on their gender offend me to my core. It’s ridiculous, in this day and age, to have a problem with a woman in a position of power. Personally, I would be overjoyed with a female president if she’s not fat."

"It's literally impossible to take advantage of the city when everything is as expensive as it is. Isn't DeBlasio supposed to be doing something about these ridiculous rent prices? It feels like by the time I'm done paying for other basic necessities—groceries, electric, Internet, MetroCard, Sunday brunches, margarita machine maintenance, feather headdress-making lessons, Saturday brunches, an officially licensed SoulCycle machine for my apartment so I don't have to worry about classes filling up—there's really nothing left for me to have any fun with. I don't want to ask my parents to up my allowance but I don't know if I have a choice anymore."

Striking Shots From Wes Anderson Films That Could Be Paintings

The Darjeeling Limited, 2007 | Image: Fox Searchlight

Say what you will about film director Wes Anderson but he, however eccentric, is an auteur whose talents are widely recognized. He may not be a maker of box office smashes, yet each of his quirky films have his signature obsession with symmetry and an overall striking aesthetic. So much so that if you pull still shots from his films, many appear as if they could stand alone as art found in a gallery, such as a photo or painting. Above and below are a few examples; see more lovely shots in this article

The Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014 | Image: Fox Searchlight

The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou, 2004 | Image: Touchstone Pictures

Kitty Has Rude Awakening When Jumping into the Bathtub

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A sweet looking cat gazes longingly at an inflatable rubber ducky toy floating in a bathtub full of water and suds. The cat likely has kitty visions of calmly sailing above the water on the nice cushy float. Yet once the cat jumps, reality sets in. Water is deeper than kitty. Water is wet. Suds are... sudsy. The cat scrambles out of the bathtub and goes running for the hills, likely never to make that mistake again. Via Uproxx

Artist Turns the Sugar in Soft Drinks into Lollipops

Photographer Henry Hargreaves' (previously at Neatorama) latest series de)hydrate is also a demonstration of the amount of sugar contained in sodas and energy drinks. Hargreaves boils the liquids until only the sugar remains, then pours the carmelized sugar into lollipop molds sized by comparison to that of the drink's container. Hargreaves said of the project in a YouTube video,

"After recently hearing a health professional refer to soda as 'the cigarettes of our generation,' I decided to do an experiment to show what’s in soft drinks after the water is boiled away. After all, I figure that’s what you’re essentially getting: candy in costume as a soft drink."

See a variety of soft drink-sugared lollies here. Follow Hargreaves' work on his websiteFacebook page and Instagram.

Massive Great White Shark is the Size of a Real-Life Jaws

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This video of an immense great white shark filmed by marine biologist Mauricio Hoyos Padilla is new footage of the famous "Deep Blue." The female shark is approximately 50 years old, 20 feet long and pregnant, according to Padilla. The information on the video claims that Blue is one of the biggest great whites ever caught on video. See Padilla's Facebook for more information. 

The Best Desserts in 25 Countries Around the World

Spanish Tarta de Santiago

Some things in life are universal, such as the love of sweet treats. It doesn't matter where one travels on Earth, finding a friend with whom you share a love of sweets is inevitable. Just as the cultures of man across the globe are diverse, so are their offerings of desserts. This article has a sampling of that vast array. Read it at the risk of craving sugary self-indulgence immediately afterward. 

Japanese mochi

Argentinian pastelitos

This is a State-Owned Chinese Pharmaceutical Company

State-owned Harbin Pharmaceutical Group is China's second-biggest drug maker. When the company posted these photos of their facility on their website, it sparked outrage in the country and beyond. The photos showed lavish architectural features and fixtures seemingly fit more for a palace than a pharma building: intricately carved wood corridors, gold foil inlays, triple-tiered crystal chandeliers and marble columns. Cost of the construction of the building was reportedly over 93 million yuan (15 million USD).

Residents of the neighborhood surrounding the company were incensed that just months prior to the photo revelation, Harbin was charged with illegally discharging wastewater, waste gas and industrial waste. Corporate response to the accusations was that they had no money to address the problems.

One user on the "Chinese Twitter" Sina Weibo wrote, 

“It’s a palace which is built on the pain of millions of patients.”

Another posted:

“Now I finally know why Chinese people can’t afford to go to the doctor and buy medicines.”

See additional photos and read more on this story in this article. 

A (Luxury) Shortcut for Elephants

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Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia is a beautiful getaway for human occupants, but it also serves at least one family of elephants annually. Three generations of elephants return each year from late October to mid-December, taking the shortcut through the lodge in order to feast on the fallen mangos from the trees on the grounds. This footage catches the elephants' shortcut beautifully and features the entire family, with baby in tow. What an interesting amenity of the lodge! Via Arbroath

Baby and Bulldog Born on Same Day are Inseparable

Ivette Ivens of Chicago adopted a French bulldog pup when she realized that he was born on the same day as her infant son Dilan, thinking it was a sign that the pup should be in her family. Ever since, the bulldog, which the family named Farley, has been like a brother to little Dilan. Ivans said, 

 “I’m pretty sure Dilan thinks they’re both the same species, as they walk at the same level and are both going through the stage of chewing on everything.”

Ivans is a photographer specializing in family shoots. She has a book on breasfeeding coming out soon called Breastfeeding Goddess. See more adorable photos of Dilan and Farley here. (Includes one NSFW-ish breastfeeding shot.) Keep up with Ivens' projects at her websiteFacebook and Instagram.


Anchorman Has On-Air Meltdown in Protest of Reporting on the Kardashians

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When Orlando's television station Fox 35 aired a story about Kylie Jenner getting a pet rabbit, which she named Bruce, anchorman John Brown walked off the set in mid-report and proceeded to go on an anti-Kardashian rant. Offscreen he could be heard exclaming loudly,

“It’s a non-story! We’re talking about this family every freaking day on this show! Nobody cares about this family anymore! It’s enough! It’s Friday! I want to have a good Friday! I don’t want to talk about the Kardashians!”

Poor Brown. I can only imagine what it's like to be forced to talk about the Kardashians regularly (or, as he puts it, "daily") as a condition of employment.

The Biggest Treehouse in the World

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This massive treehouse, located in Crossville, Tennessee, is thought to be the largest in the world. The 80-room structure is four stories high, 97 feet tall and is supported by six trees in all, the largest being an 80-foot-tall white oak. It was closed to the public due to being a fire hazard, but there are hopes that necessary changes will be made so that visitors may once again be allowed to enjoy the fanciful building. Via Uproxx

Yearbook Photos of Rock and Heavy Metal Icons

Rock stars are seen by many as the height of cool. Their stage swagger, hip clothes and loads of groupies make it seem like they never had a nerdy day in their lives. But what about their high school years? Did they have awkward or nerdy looks once upon a time? Judging from some of these high school photos from this collection of yearbook photos of rock and heavy metal icons, the answer would be yes. 

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