Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Watch Two Men With Jetpacks Fly Alongside an Airbus A380

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In this footage presented by Emirates and Jetman Dubai, ex-fighter pilot Yves Rossy (previously at Neatorama) and parachuter Vince Reffet execute a carefully planned and choreographed "dance" around a 238-foot long Emirates A380 — the largest passenger airliner in existence — as it flies over Dubai. Preparation for the stunt took three months. See the details of the project in the video below. Via Mashable

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Willow the Mini Pig Discovers Her Love of Leaves

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Willow is an acutely adorable miniature pig who has found a new love in life: leaf piles! The enthusiastic noises she makes and her deliriously happy spins and jumps are quick evidence of her intelligence and ample ability to be playful and experience joy. Via The Dodo

Bacon Cannoli

Bacon cannoli: it's quite possibly the answer. The answer for bacon fiends, enthusiasts of classic desserts with inventive twists and lovers of sweet and savory combinations. Make an easy bacon "shell," stuff it with the riccotta cheese-based filling and liberally add the chocolate chips. 

Ready for the recipe? Head over to Thrillist. 

Via Foodiggity | Images: Cole Saladino/Thrillist

Troubled Puppy Soothed by Hearing a Guitar for the First Time

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According to her human Ahon Sarkar, Nyx the Bernese mountain puppy has been timid and anxious since being brought to her new home. In trying things to make it easier on the pup, Sarkar found a winning solution with his guitar. Nyx was having trouble falling asleep in her crate until Sarkar gave the pup her first experience hearing the sounds of soft guitar strumming. It wasn't long before the puppy's eyelids were drooping, then dropping into shut position. Sleep well, little cutie. Via Uproxx

There Are Two Kinds of People

Lisbon, Portugal-based art director and illustrator Joao Rocha playfully illustrates the tendencies we all have in everyday affairs that invite good-natured ribbing from our friends, coworkers and family. Rocha's Tumblr, called "2 Kinds Of People," is full of these images that induce in the viewer smiles and/or quick, internal decisions as to which side of the coin is more akin to their personality.

See more of Rocha's illustrations on Tumblr and follow him on Twitter.

Via Bored Panda | Images: Joao Rocha 

Colorful Pictures of Computing in the 1970s and 1980s

As if their size didn't command enough of your attention, some of these computers and assorted machines of the 1970s and 80s are finished in (or made to coordinate with) the avocado green, bright orange and mustard yellow from the finest of Brady Bunch episodes.

As if the 1970s and 1980s consumers and business buyers needed convincing that computers and technololgy were groovy, the colors must have been the clincher. All these computers needed were coordinated macrame yarn cozies. (But then, that would have hardly fit in with the negative 30° rooms that housed them.)

See more colorful machines of the 1970s and '80s at Vintage Everyday.


Pod City: Nine Podcasts That’ll Scare Your Pants Off

Image: JoolzWiki

Happy Halloween, readers! In case you're looking for supplemental spooky material for the evening, mental_floss has put together a list of creepy podcasts that will fit right into the spirit of Halloween. There is something for everyone here, including family friendly material such as this:

The Halloween Haunt
Each October this podcast returns with new episodes about spirits, Halloween history, and more. Aimed at older kids, the eps have spooky sounds but the content probably won’t give them nightmares (i.e. some delve into Halloween traditions around the world). A five-minute runtime also makes the show ideal for short attention spans.

There are also ideas for more hardcore horror enthusiasts. One example: 

This podcast takes the scary tales we’ve heard endless times— about haunted insane asylums, creepy old houses, sinister creatures in the woods—and traces them back to their origin stories. The thoughtful, well-produced episodes appeal to history and horror buffs alike.

Read about more spooky podcasts perfect for Halloween here. 

Christy the Westie Loves Her Pool

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Christy the West Highland white terrier and her humans have just arrived in Florida for their vacation. What's the first thing on Christy's mind? Water! No, not the ocean and not in the form of a cool, refreshing drink. She wants to swim in her pool! As soon as she's let out through the sliding glass door to the pool area, we see the enthusiasm that has led to the pool being "owned" by Christy. Via Arbroath

The Today Show Dresses for Halloween, It Goes Horribly Wrong

It's the Great Chumpkin, Charlie Brown

When the Today Show hit the airwaves this morning, it's surprising that, knowing the show was live, the citizens of New York City didn't immediately flee the area en masse. Risking great protest and possible bodily harm, the cast of the show dressed as what should have been one of the most innocuous and sweet bunch of characters on Earth: the Peanuts Gang.

But somewhere in between Al Roker's terrifying Charlie Brown getup and one seriously sinister Snoopy, something (or a lot of things) went horribly awry. For their sake, I hope these people intended to be The Creepiest Peanuts Ever (and Ever). 

Gird your loins and follow the links to see Matt Lauer as Lucy, Kathie Lee Gifford as a Woodstock worthy of Hitchcock's The Birds and more, here and here. 

The most frightening Pigpen ever

Linus, like you've never seen him

The Science Behind Cheating

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Are you cheating on your significant other? If so, this AsapSCIENCE video might give you some scientific excuses as to why. There may be some chemistry involved. Or certain circumstances of your situation might increase the likelihood of infidelity. But hey, just because it's science, it doesn't mean you'll get off the hook if your secret's revealed! How about looking for some scientific ways to spice up your sex life with your partner instead? Nothing like using science for the forces of good! Via Design Taxi

13 Foreboding Facts About The Omen

The Omen | Image: Twentieth Century Fox 

With many of us cozying up on the couch and watching our favorite horror films during this time of year, the spotlight is on the scare. Whether it's a recent release or a classic, there's nothing like savoring something spooky on a cool, October evening. One popular classic is the original version of The Omen (1976). Numbers of the beast, hell hounds, evil governesses, otherworldly spawn: what more could you ask for? The article linked below is a list of facts that you may not know about the film. For instance, 


There’s a scene in the movie where Damien’s mother takes him on an outing to a safari park. Apparently sensing Damien's evil, the baboons violently attack the car. To get the baboons to run at the vehicle, handlers refrained from feeding them the night before. When the scene was filmed in the morning, food was placed on and around the car, bringing the hungry primates right over. To make them angry, handlers placed two baby baboons in the car with the actors and the trainer, thinking the adult baboons would be upset about being separated from the youngsters. It did the trick ... maybe a little too well. “Lee screaming in there is Lee really screaming,” Donner said.

Read more facts about The Omen at mental_floss.  

31 Thrilling Transformations Realized with the Power of Makeup

image: Alexander Khoklov

The metamorphosis that can be achieved with the help of a talented makeup artist and his or her wares is mindblowing. Truly, the design is only limited by the imagination of the designer. As Halloween nears, so much emphasis is placed on the clothing component of the costume. Yet with one of the amazing faces shown here, not much else is needed. One could wear a nondescript outfit of all black and be set for any event celebrating All Hallows' Eve. 

See all 31 makeup transformations here. 

Image: Hikaru Cho

Image: Hikaru Cho

Bad Lip Reading of the First Democratic Debate 2015

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Once again, Bad Lip Reading presents us with a hilarious interpretation of a political forum, this time taking aim at the first Democratic party debate. How do babies exit mothers' bodies? Who is about to get the beatdown for staring? Who's going to do what to Chewbacca? Press play and find out. Via Esquire

The Best of the Trumpkin

Especially after the presidential debates started, Donald Trump has been teased in just about every possible way. You might even be tired of seeing his mug all over everything, in a constant state of lampoon. 

But wait: before you say you're Done with All Things Trump, consider the Trumpkin. Out-of-control strands of straw go with it like peanut butter goes with jelly. It's bumpy. Naturally lined. It's orange and meant to be scary. Hideous expressions are encouraged. This could be THE way to poke fun at Donald Trump! Feast your eyes on some of these lovelies. See even more Trumpkins here. 

A photo posted by Monique Hawk (@thehawkgirl) on Oct 6, 2015 at 9:07am PDT

Ridiculous Pictures of Vladimir Putin

Shirtless Horse Whisperer

It only takes a brief perusal of Vladimir Putin images on Getty's archive to see it. The man has a massive investment in trying to look politically shrewd, virile, animal friendly, nature loving, mechanically inclined and all other things wonderful. He's a friend to baby animals AND Steven Seagal. He's hairless and naturally in a state of muscle flex. He has his shirt off more often than Matthew McConaughey at a celebrity sand volleyball game.

But don't take my word for it. Check out some of these Putin glamour shots above and below. Then get additional amusement at Putin's expense on this page, which has more photos and adds appropriate "context" and imaginary quotes. 

Images: Getty

Shirtless Sharp Shooter

Martial arts master

Shirtless angler

 River contemplation, sans chemise

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