Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

What Works as a Waffle?

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How do we waffle the? Let Buzzfeed count the ways. In this video, all kinds of foods are pressed in a waffle iron. As you can imagine, there is a range of outcomes, varying from taste sensation to fail. Check them out. Do you think any look good? Do you have other ideas? Via Viral Viral Videos.

Ten Actors Who Died on Set

Silent film actress Martha Mansfield, pictured above, was cast in the lead female role of the 1924 Civil War drama film The Warrens of Virginia. The cast and crew were shooting on location in San Antonio, Texas on November 29, 1923 when a bizarre accident occurred.

Mansfield was sitting in a chauffered car between scenes when a match from an unknown person dropped onto a large Civil War era-inspired dress she was wearing. The flame ignited the highly flammable, hoop-skirted costume, and Mansfield suffered severe burns on most of her body. 

Mansfield's face and neck were not burned due to her leading man, Wilfred Lytell, throwing his heavy coat over her. Mansfield's chauffeur was badly burned when he attempted to save her by stripping off her burning dress. 

Less than twenty-four hours later,  Mansfield died of her injuries. She was 24 years old. 

The person who lit the match was never identified. Some witnesses claimed to have seen a match fly into her open car window. Others suspected the actress of lighting a match to smoke a cigarette, a theory her mother shot down, saying that her daughter disliked smoking.  

Read about nine other actors who died with projects in production here.  

Nefari the Baby Giraffe Delights Onlookers

Lion Country Safari announced their first giraffe birth of 2014 on June 24th. The male calf, born weighing 141.5 pounds and measuring 70 inches, was named Nafari ("first-born” in Swahili). The healthy calf and his mother are spending time bonding together in the maternity enclosure, away from the herd for three months.

Once Nefari has his one-on-one time with mama, the two will rejoin the herd. Soon afterward, the calf will have the opportunity to play with other young companions, as several other female giraffes at the facility are expecting. 

The gestation period of a giraffe is approximately fifteen months. Giraffe calves are born with the mother in a standing position and they drop to the ground head first. Life expectancy of a giraffe is twenty-five years.

Adult giraffes stand fifteen to twenty feet tall. The average weight of an adult giraffe is 2,628 pounds for a male and 1,825 pounds for a female

The large eyes of giraffes provide them with excellent vision, and they see in color. Their hearing and sense of smell is also well developed. Their prehensile tongue is approximately 20 inches long and purplish-black in color, possibly to protect against sunburn. The animals use their long tongues to grasp acacia leaves, a main ingredient of their diet, as well as for grooming and cleaning.

See more pictures and a video of Nefari at Zooborns. 

Images Credit: Lion Country Safari.

If Google Was a Guy (Part 3)

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Part three of being a fly on the wall in Google's busy office. Curious about what the cat's been searching? Please don't let it be yet another "big booty Puerto Rican goddess." Via Viral Viral Videos.

The Illustrated "A - Z of Unusual Words"

  Fanfaronade: Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.

Irish graphic artists The Project Twins set to illustrate strange, unusual and lost words with their minimalist yet visually interesting graphics. They call this project “A-Z of Unusual Words.”

The artists, James and Michael Fitzgerald, work together on art, design and illustration projects both personal and commercial. Their work has been commissioned by various magazines and agencies in a number of countries on four continents.

See more illustrations from this series as well as other projects from the two Fitzgeralds at their website, and you can keep up with them on social media via Facebook and Twitter. Via Beautiful Decay. 

Images Credit: James and Michael Fitzgerald

 Gorgonize: To have a paralyzing or mesmerizing effect on: Stupefy or Petrify.

  Pogonotrophy: The act of cultivating, or growing and grooming, a mustache, beard, sideburns or other facial hair.

        Scripturient: Possessing a violent desire to write.

   Ktenology: The science of putting people to death.

Beer Grab by a Crab

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This crab apparently was parched from his sandy travels and nabbed a man's Samuel Adams. Sure, the man filmed the action in portrait mode instead of landscape, but alcoholic beverages plus crab burglaries in progress often produce poor decision making. Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

Surprise Stash of Sweets Found in Cambridge Library

A book on the shelves of a library at Cambridge housed a sweet secret awaiting any student who cracked it.
 A Newnham College Library stock check turned up chocolate bars stashed in a hollowed out area inside the cover of The Oxford Companion to English Literature by Margaret Drabble, a Newnham alumna.  

Within the hollow area was also message encouraging the treats recipient to replenish the book with more chocolates after they enjoyed their find.

Newnham College spokeswoman Jo Tynan said.

"We do regular stock checks at the library and a student stock taker came across this book last week. It didn’t have any issue numbers on it so she opened it and the inside had been completely hollowed out.” It is not clear whether these two bars are the original chocolates or whether they have been replaced many times over the exam period. 

We don’t know how long the book was there for but we don’t think it was very long."

Read more here.

Images Credit: Newnham College, Cambridge.

Myanmar Bans Map Tattoos Below the Waist

For citizens of Myanmar, tattooing a map of their country below the waist is now punishable by a three-year jail sentence and a fine equivalent to over $200 USD.   

Mandalay Region Advocate-General U Ye Aung Myint said of the new ban,

"We can accept this symbol tattooed on the upper part of the body because it might demonstrate the wearer's pride in their country, but a tattoo on the lower part disgraces the country's pride...

Although the Myanmar map is an abstract image, it has gracefulness and we should prevent such disgrace befalling the country."

Unfortunately for those in Myanmar, this is not a crime in which evidence can be easily destroyed. Read more at Mizzima.

Image: Wikimedia Commons 

Tattoos: What Makes Them Permanent?

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Humans shed 30,000 to 40,000 skin cells per hour, or approximately one million per day. Given that huge amount of continually sloughed-off skin, what makes tattoos permanent? This TED-Ed video explains. (Don't get your hopes up about that embarrassing ink you got in college.)

Real Life Fox and Hound Story

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This fox was found malnourished and minus his tail at age four weeks. The vets who treated him dubbed him "Forrest Stump." Wildlife ranger Gary Zammit, employed by Feadon Farm Wildlife Centre at Gwel an Mor in Cornwall, England, was known in the area for his conservation work and his appreciation for foxes. Tipped off about Forrest, Zammit gave him a home at the wildlife center. 

Forrest the tailless fox became fast friends with Barney, Zammit's (mostly) tailless dog. The adorable duo loves to spend their days together at play. Said Zammit,

"It really was love at first sight with them both. Barney is so gentle with him and they play for hours and hours. They are exhausting to watch. I think they might be kindred spirits - even without tails to wag you can tell they are happiest when they are together!"

To learn more about Forrest and see additional videos, visit the "Meet Forrest Stump" section of the Gwel an Mor website, as well as their Facebook page. Via Tastefully Offensive.

Ten Reasons Not to Trust Your Memory

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Have you ever read an interesting story, noticed an attractive design or heard about a brilliant concept for a new invention and then later "originated" it, mentally patting yourself on the back for your bright idea? It happens to the best of us. George Harrison, former Beatle, for example. Whether or not you need one more reason not to trust your memory, here are ten! You can thank me later, and if I can remember to, I'll pass your thanks on to Alltime10s.

Kids Battle Their Bedroom Monsters

This photo series by French photographer Laure Fauvel shifts the power in favor of the children in the classic monster under the bed/in the closet scenario. These armed kids come out on top in Fauvel's photographs, as their monsters wave the proverbial white flag of surrender. It would certainly be an empowering photo to hang on the bedroom walls of children who are fearful of "things that go bump in the night." Via Trendhunter

Images Credit: Laurie Fauvel

Handful of Hot Ice

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NurdRage shows viewers what happens when one immerses their hand in a jar of molten sodium acetate as it crystallizes and turne to "ice." Spoiler: he lives.

Trailer for Sharknado 2: The Second One

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It's here. That whirling wonder of fintastic. Revel in the cinematic magic that is Sharknado 2: The Second One. Will Ted McGinley grace this one with his prime acting chops? Tune in and see. IN A WORLD...

Odd KFC Offerings from Around the World

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You may think of KFC as the same ol', same ol' mess of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and slaw. But in other parts of the world, it's another kind of mess altogether. This video serves up 26 KFC items you probably haven't tried, given that they're only available in some of the 115 countries and territories in which you are not a regular. Bizarre desserts. Empanadas. Shrimp donuts? There's just no end to the fried selections that KFC dishes for their customers. Tempting or terrifying? You decide. Via Viral Viral Videos.


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