Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Your Face, Now With Butter and Jam

The Vermont Novelty Toaster Corporation, home of Jesus toast, now offers "Toasted Selfies," toasters that will pop up pieces of toast with your face on them. As their website says, "This is not Photoshop fiction. It is REAL toast with your face toasted on it; and you don't have to be famous or Jesus to do it!"

Give these folks a high-resolution photo, a week of your time and seventy-five dollars and your face can be a delicious part of your breakfasts and sandwiches for years to come. Get in line to place your order. See how this magical toaster works here. Just think of the possibilities!

Conspiracy Theories in Space: Saturn's Hexagon

YouTube Link

Who or what created the hexagon on Saturn's north pole? Solar physicist Dr. Ian O'Neill appears on the Discovery News Channel to take on conspiracy claims of alien intervention, Hell gates and more. Via Unique Daily.

Husband Sends Wife a Spreadsheet Detailing His Sex Deprivation

Today, Redditor throwwwwaway29 posted a file she says her husband sent to her email during her taxi ride to the airport to catch a flight for a ten-day business trip. The Excel spreadsheet enumerates the occasions he initiated sex with her in the past five weeks (plus one day, an added bonus). Her "verbatim" responses to said initiations are included in the record. She writes,

"Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He's never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it's a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won't miss me for the 10 days I'm gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my "excuses", using verbatim quotes of why I didn't feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his 'document', we've only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 "attempts" on his part."

The wife requests guidance from other Redittors, since her husband has not responded to her repeated attempts to contact him since.

There is no end to the things one could say about this situation. I guess I'll go with "at least he's well organized."

Calligraffiti in 3-D by Tolga Girgin

Tolga Girgin works as an electrical engineer at a company in his home town of Eskişehir, Turkey. But Girgin also has a way with "calligraffiti," an art form that blends traditional calligraphy with graffiti art, pioneered and named by Dutch artist Niels Shoe Meulman. 

On Instagram and Behance, Girgin presents numerous examples of the work pictured here. Fairly conventional calligraphy lettering seems to leap off the page in quite a modern way. Visit Girgin's Behance and Instragram sites to see more or request a commissioned piece. Via Colossal.

Images Credit: Tolga Girgin


A Cat and Her Water Cooler

YouTube Link

Peaches the cat isn't averse to water. On the contrary — she produces waterfalls, to the amusement of her human companion. I can only hope her next move is to figure out the icemaker in the refrigerator door. Surely she doesn't expect her people to consume un-iced water cooler fare.  Via Tastefully Offensive.

Two Guys Lip Sync a Conversation Between Two Older Women

YouTube Link

Nik of The Kloons recorded his mom and aunt, who are in their sixties, making small talk. He incorporated the recording into a video in which he and his friend lip sync the ladies' conversation. Not only is it amusing, it's yet another illustration on how different most women and men are.

The Kloons can be followed on Twitter and Facebook as well. Via 22 Words.

The Occult, Illustrated

      Daniel Martin Diaz 

Beautiful Decay features artists Nicomi Nix TurnerDaniel Martin DiazJas HelenaAmy Earles, and William Crisafi as they "confront the enigma of the unknown" with their artistic explorations of the occult. From their article,

"Evoking a sense of histories long since passed, fascinations with the paranormal are found not only within its connotations with Surrealism and Dada, but has since found itself increasingly commercialized through a dilution into popular culture.






The following artists present an elusive understanding and reflection on mysticism and the occult. Straying from any form of irony, kitsch or inapt nostalgia, their employment of the occult acts instead as a new means of dialogue and spiritual resolve."

Read more here


                Nicomi Nix Turner

                William Crisafi

                                    Jas Helena

Amazingly Realistic Miniature Meals Made of Clay

Kim Burke
's clay miniature food sculptures were featured previously on Neatorama. Years later, her offerings are more varied, detailed and strikingly realistic. Burke's miniatures are modeled on photographs. The resulting works, artfully presented on objects so small they can be balanced on our fingertips, look good enough to make me hungry.

Burke shapes the clay using needles, razor blades and rocks. What began as a hobby for Burke later turned into a major passion. Each tiny piece can take up to three hours to produce.

Hopefully, this sort of thing won't fall into the wrong paws, such as those of a tiny hamster or hedgehog.

Read more here, and visit Kim Burke's website or her Etsy shop Fairchildart to see more of her delicious pieces. 

Images Credit: Fairchildart 


Giant Dead Parrot Sculpture Celebrates Monty Python

British television channel 
Gold has installed a 49-foot-tall, flberglass parrot (Norwegian Blue, no doubt) to commemorate the forthcoming broadcast of the “Monty Python Live (mostly)” farewell show. The parrot is from one of the most popular Monty Python sketches in history, as shown in the video below. 

The statue, resting peacefully in
Potter’s Field Park near the tower bridge in London, took three sculptors two months to construct. The parrot will be moved to 02 Arena for the final Monty Python live show. The performance by remaining Python members John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones will be presented on July 20th, 2014. 

Learn more at the Gold TV website.

YouTube Link

Images Credit: David Parry/PA

Fourth Annual Robot Film Festival

Vimeo Link

The 4th annual Robot Film Festival, now in its fourth year, acknowledges robots in film. The festival will be presented on July 19th, 2014 at Bot & Dolly studios in San Francisco. This year's theme is “Telepresence & Identity: Human-Machine Integration.” Tickets can be purchased online at Eventbrite. From their promotional literature,

"The Robot Film Festival is an annual celebration of robots on screen and in performance. The event features screenings of invited films and juried selections from open-call submissions, live performances by robot entertainers, and a red-carpet awards ceremony.

The first and only event of its kind, the Robot Film Festival was founded in 2011 to inject both artistry and playfulness into traditional robotic engineering and to explore the frontiers of the human-machine relationship."

Learn more at the film festival website. Via Laughing Squid.

25 Cases of Creative Illumination

Forms of Nature chandelier
Thyra Hilden & Pio Diaz, designers

Highlighted here are a collection of inspired illuminations; lighting concepts that are unique and beautiful as they are useful. An interesting lamp can be the basis for the interior design of an entire space or home. Check these out and see which is your favorite. View 25 examples here in this article.

Image: Yasuko Furukawa


Bicycle parts chandelier
Joe O’Connell and Blessing Hancock, designers 

Poetic Lab

The First International Drone Photography Awards

First Place
Bali Barat National Park, Indonesia

Image: Capungaero

Dronestagram, in parnership with National Geographic, held an International Drone Photography Awards contest, which began on May 15, 2014. The winners of the contest were announced recently, selected from over 2000 entries from people around the world.

Three prizes were awarded by jury and another three were people's choice. See the other winning photographs here. Via Twisted Sifter.
 Second Place
Manila, Philippines
Image: Jericsaniel 

First Place (People’s Choice) 
Tamul Waterfall,  Tanchachín, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 
Image:  Postandfly 

Geometric Tattoos by Chaim Machlev

Israeli artist Chaim Machlev works in Berlin as a tattoo artist, under the professional moniker Dots to Lines. Machlev left Israel after living there until age 30 because he wanted to dedicate his life to the art of tattooing and realized that, in Israel, he couldn't train in the way he desired. He bravely left his job as a service manager at a famous IT company and his life of relative wealth and comfort to start over in Berlin.

Machlev tattoos mostly in black ink. His designs make heavy use of geometric shapes, into which he often blends mandalas, insects and other images. The artist elaborates on his style,

"I actually started to make those designs because it was weird for me that people try to categorize tattoos and other art forms. I could say that I have that split in my designs, just like in my personality; I make those art-minimalistic lines — the computer kid inside me — and very detailed mandalas, the spiritual man inside me." 

Chaim Machlev takes the line and curve of the bodies of his clients into account before he creates his proposed design. He said of his process,

"My designs are based a lot on the shape of the body of the particular client that I’m tattooing at the time. The process starts with meeting the clients and trying to understand what it is that they want to express. Then I observe their body and the location they had in mind for the tattoo, and I try to create something that will look organic and be in harmony with the body. I draw up a rough design before I start, and the final result is something that the client cannot predict. So it takes a lot of trust to get tattooed by me.”

See more photographs of Machlev's excellent work here. Via Beautiful Decay (Both NSFW, artistic partial nudity.)


Stunning Hummingbird Macros by Chris Morgan

A few days ago, John Farrier showed Neatorama readers what a flock of hummingbirds looks like. This is what exquisite macros of hummingbirds  specifically, Green-crowned Brilliants (Heliodoxa jacula) — look like.

Photographer Chris Morgan captured these shots on vacation in Costa Rica. A close-up of a hummingbird with the level of detail in the photo above is rare, as the birds are not ones to sit still for photographers. Hummingbirds hover in the air while flapping their wings at at least 50 times per second, enabling them to fly in excess of 30 miles per hour. 

See more of Morgan's excellent macros of other birds, insects, spiders and more at his Flickr site. 



X-Ray Photos of Toy Robots, Pistols, Helicopters and Jets

Australian photographer Brendan Fitzpatrick was previously featured on Neatorama for his lovely x-ray images of flowers. This time around, his series of children's toy x-rays has our attention. 

Fitzapatrick uses chest X-ray and mammogram machines to highlight the interesting insides as well as the outsides of these action-ready playthings. 

To see more of Brendan Fitzpatrick's photography, visit his website. 


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