Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Poker Player Wins 15 Million Dollars, Keeps Poker Face

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Daniel Colman's reaction to winning 15 million dollars in a poker tournament — the second largest prize in the history of the game  has elicited confusion and criticism from all over. Colman has been publicly called out for his refusal to do interviews promoting himself or the game following his big win. Journalist Case Keefer from the Las Vegas Sun dubbed him a "petulant child." Colman beat Daniel Negreanu in the 2014 Big One for One Drop at the World Series of Poker, held in the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas.

As a person who is uncomfortable in any spotlight and who reacts calmly and contemplatively to many things for which others might jump for joy, I get it. That may not be the reasoning behind the 23-year-old man's behavior, but I choose to give him the benefit of any doubt. Via Viral Viral Videos.

Radar Showing Airplanes Avoiding Thunderstorms

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It is easy for air travelers to get wrapped up in the excitement of going on vacation, or in the business or personal situations that necessitate their presence. Usually they aren't cognizant of what their pilots are being carefully instructed to avoid.

This video shows the pointed twists and turns in airplane routes as pilots maneuver around storms that have potential to negatively affect their flights. It's easy to take for granted that generally, airplane flights are relatively smooth and free of disturbance. Footage such as this is a reminder just how much air traffic controllers and pilots work to make that happen. Via Viral Viral Videos.

Shark Cat Returns With Shark Baby

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Max-Arthur, also known to his beloved Internet as Shark Cat, has had many adventures in his time. He pioneered Roomba surfing. He went Roomba riding in pursuit of a duck. He's been immortalized in Lego and even has his own theme song. I'm surprised Barbara Walters hasn't emerged from retirement to interview this feline legend.

But if Walters did come out of the shadows to pose meaningful questions to Max-Arthur, I imagine one would be, "You've done it all Shark Cat  what's next?" The likely answer? In honor of Shark week, Max-Arthur has teamed up with an as yet unnamed shark baby. Baby looks cute and serves as a representative of Shark Cat's enthralled audience. And all is right with the Internet. Via Tastefully Offensive.

Before and After Photos of Rescued Dogs

Miley, found living in a trash pile, severely injured and barely able to walk
Image: Frank Bruynbroek

A few of these "before" photos are a testament to the horrible way that some humans treat animals. Thankfully, all of the "after" photos speak volumes about the wonderful impact that some people can have in the lives of such animals. These uplifting canine transformations not only show what a difference a good grooming can make, but also the spiritual difference evildent in the dogs' postures and expressions. See more photos of rescued dogs at Bored Panda.

Boo, found on the side of the road, soaking wet.

Kenzi,an abuse/neglect case.

Woody, dumped on the streets after his owner died.
Image: Hope For Paws

Alana, surrendered to a shelter severely matted and filthy.

Guide to the Alien Species of Star Trek

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With all of the presentations in the Star Trek franchise, it can be a stretch for the more soft-core Trek fans to stay ahead of the game. Neil Cicierega comes to the rescue with this video guide to end Star Trek alien species confusion. Via The Presurfer.

Spider Crashes BBC News Report

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Most everyone likes a tasty snack while enjoying some television. This spider is no different. He stepped in to snatch a fly on a BBC Scotland news camera during a live report. After his snack, he scurried back off camera, likely to go grab a Diet Coke. Via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

Celebrating Bukowski's Birthday With R. Crumb's Illustrations of His Books

Today is Charles Bukowski's birthday. The celebrated poet and novelist would have been 94 today, August 16th. What better way to honor the larger-than-life writer's birthday than to feature larger-than-life artist Robert Crumb's illustrations of Bukowski books Bring Me Your Love and There’s No Business, as well as a 1998 posthumously published collection of his journals, entitled The Captain is Out to Lunch. Via Brain Pickings.


Completely Non-Biblical Plagues

Many of the biblical plagues of Egypt can be eradicated with the tools of modern society. But what of the horrors for which humanity hasn't yet found the answer? Gemma Correll highlights some modern-day plagues. Which do you think is the most insidious, and what is your personal plague? 

Ten Creepy Things Superheroes Have Done, No. 9:
Superman Does Porn

Remember that time Superman made a pornographic film? No? Well, gather 'round the campfire, comic lovers. I have a story to tell. Or, rather, John Byrne had a story to tell. He was hired to reinvent the Superman character in the 1980s.

Action Comics number 593 in October of 1987 found Superman and super heroine Big Barda being brainwashed by a villain named Sleez. While readers weren't "treated" to the on-set action to see whether the Man of Steel really was faster than a speeding bullet, they did get to see the (obviously dismayed) reaction of Big Barda's husband. Great Scott!

See nine more examples of superhero follies here.  Image: DC Comics.

The Art of Paper Marbling Captured on Video

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The process of paper marbling, featured previously on Neatorama, is captured here in this footage shot by Turkish filmmaker Oguz Uygur. Uygur's parents practice the art, also called erbu, in which paint or ink floats in water as the artist creates patterns in the ink by hand.

After the design is formed, a piece of washi paper is laid on the surface, which transfers the pattern. The decorative paper is used in book covers, endpapers and stationery. Paper marbling originated in Asia and the Middle East.

I'm surprised that I found the process of making the paper almost more beautiful than the paper itself. Watching the artist manipulate the inks to make the pattern is mesmerizing. Via Beautiful Decay. 

Treehouse Trio

Atlanta environmentalist Peter Bahouth designed and built this trio of treehouses, which he named "Mind," "Body" and "Spirit." One house even features a bed that slides out to afford the sleeper a better view of the trees. These beautiful retreets are nestled in the treetops of a wooded area on Bahouth's property. Bahouth's treehouses are featured in the book My Cool Shed, which includes the photographs seen here. Via Colossal

Images Credit: Lindsay Appel

J'adore Paris

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Ah, Paris. A city so stunning, it really does live up to the hype. British photographer Paul Richardson shot the footage in this time-lapse video during a vacation to the city of light. It was his first visit to Paris, and like many visitors, he proceeded to fall in love. He writes,

"I had never visited the city before, and was quickly struck with how beautiful it is. My aim was to capture the classic sights; ornate buildings and typical Parisian activities, and contrast that to the modern business side, towering glass glad skyscrapers and fast paced life.

I felt very lucky to have been in Paris when the massive thunderstorm started. I had seen the weather forecast, and made sure to position myself in among the skyscrapers. The storm started off slow, but very quickly built up to be absolutely ferocious. The lightning was hitting almost every other second, and some bolts were taking up the entire sky.

The following night another huge storm hit Paris, and I spent the night furiously cycling around whilst grabbing as many shots as possible. I would set up, grab a sequence and as soon as the lightning moved away I gave it warp nine and cycled to my next spot as quickly as possible. By the end of the night I was freezing cold and completely soaked, but content with what I had managed to capture."

Lovely footage indeed. Via Laughing Squid.

Jurassic Trike

Norwegian artist and activist Markus Moestue is the mastermind behind this hilarious raptor tricycle. The dino-on-wheels is designed so that the legs look as if they're galloping on the ground as it moves. The dinosaur body is constructed of carved styrofoam coated with epoxy glue and fiberglass. 

While the trike is bound to bring smiles to many faces, Moestrue created it for a more serious purpose. He explained in an interview,

[The trike was built] "for a trip across the bible belt in Norway. It was a protest against the dogmatic religious education of children, and the idea originated from the theme-parks of creationists that teach children that humans and dinosaurs used to live together."

Read more and see additional pictures in this Design Boom article. 

Images Credit: Henning Pedersen via Markus Moestue


Bikin' on Bacon: Behold the Bacon-Powered Motorcycle

Picture it: you're sitting on the freeway in traffic with the windows open, and the deliciously unmistakeable scent of bacon comes wafting into your car. Traffic is bumper-to-bumper, so you can't even take the nearest exit and hunt for a 24-hour diner to satisfy your increasing desire for some crispy strips. How are you going to release your bacon frustration? Easy — call the 800 number of Hormel, because it's probably their fault.

Hormel has manufactured the bike pictured above, which runs on biodiesel fuel derived from bacon grease and emits bacon-scented exhaust fumes. The bike will be featured in an upcoming documentary, Driven by Bacon, about a bacon-lovin' man who travels from Austin, Texas to San Diego, California. The doc will be presented to what is certain to be an enthusiastic crowd at the San Diego International Bacon Film Festival on August 29th. 

It might not be a Harley, but it reserves the right to be called a hog. Via Lost at E Minor. 

Fans Create Robin Williams Memorial at "Mork and Mindy" House

Robin Williams fans created a memorial for the beloved actor by leaving letters, flowers and other momentos in front of the Boulder, Colorado house in which television characters Mork and Mindy lived. Although the sitcom was mostly filmed on the Paramount lot at Stage 27, 1619 Pine Street in Boulder was used in exterior shots and as the characters' address in the script.

The popular television show was broadcast on ABC from 1978 until 1982, originating a number of catchphrases, as well as fashion trends such as rainbow suspenders. These photos were taken by Laughing Squid employee Shelby DeNike, who visited the site recently. 

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