Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

How to Plan a Wedding in Ten Steps (Honest Version)

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If you've never planned a wedding before, you know that the process is frought with a mind-numbing number of details that seem to be ridiculously important at the time, but in the end don't really matter. My sister is currently working with my parents on planning her wedding, and although it's in the initial stages, it looks like this parody might be closer to the truth than Brides Magazine. Warning: Language (F-bombs galore, as it should be). Via Tastefully Offensive.

Bears With Beaks

Angry Eagola

Oh, those wacky Redditors. The time on their hands is always spent efficiently. Case in point is this subreddit thread called Bears with Beaks. This animal mashup extravaganza has been alive for two years and is still going strong with these amusing 'shop jobs. Look, down on the ground! It's a bird! It's a bear! It's a bunch of Redditors with photo editing software! Via 22 Words.

Cute Polar Bearrot Cub

Photogenic Beargle

Dominant Polar Bird

Hungry Pelibear

50+ Humorous But Evil True Facts About Modern Daily Life

Neatorama writer Remy Carreiro had a point about reboots in media presentations in his recent post. If Hollywood needs writers who aren't constantly napping, I'd be happy to help. It seems as if, when a movie is released with an original, stimulating premise, plot and dialogue, I'm grateful to the point of bursting into tears over my $65.00 stale, I-can-believe-it's-not-butter popcorn.

See other true, humorous yet embittering facts about modern life here. Because everyone wants to read embittering facts. A lot of them do, indeed, have merit. Via The Presurfer.

Seize the Day Remix: A Robin Williams Tribute

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This Robin Williams tribute video by Melodysheep is a clever auto-tune mix of music and lines from his movies. Sweet and easy on the ears. Via Viral Viral Videos.

DJ Mama The French Bulldog

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As the description on her Instagram says, DJ Mama the French Bulldog's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard! Was she born with puppy rhythm or is her sidekick DJ Greyboy performing video magic? I don't care. DJ Mama rocks, in my book. Via Laughing Squid.

Parks and Recreation Season Six Blooper Reel

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Bloopers always amuse me. For some reason, when actors break character and start laughing, I almost always find it funny. This video was no different. Here is Amy Poehler, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman and the rest of the Parks and Recreation gang seemingly having a lot of fun on the job. Via Tastefully Offensive.

Baby Gorilla Born at Oklahoma City Zoo

The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden welcomed this darling female Western lowland gorilla, born last weekend. Her mother did not appear to have mothering intincts or be bonded with her baby enough to satisfy the zookeepers, who stepped in to raise her. Zoo staff will care for the infant gorilla around the clock in a private area of the gorilla enclosure, with the intent to introduce her into the gorilla population at an optimal time in the future. 

The Western lowland gorilla is native to central and western Africa. Due to commercial hunting for meat, habitat loss and disease, the species is presently critically endangered. Via 22 Words.

Terror By Sticky Note

John Kenn Mortensen (also known on Tumblr and elsewhere on the Internet as Don Kenn), previously featured on Neatorama, draws monsters and other creepies with the matter of fact, unapologetic morbidity of Edward Gorey. Not at all reminiscent of Gorey is that Mortensen draws on yellow sticky notes. Usually flanked by children looking at them in horror or being terrorized by them, these ghoulish frights are as menacing as they are marvelous.

Mortensen's illustrations are featured in a new hardback book published in May of this year, which can be ordered here. Check out the artist on 
Tumblr and Facebook. Via Bored Panda.



Little Girl's Adorable Reaction to Televised Space Shuttle Launch

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This toddler named Shaylee's reaction to watching a space shuttle launch on television is almost painfully cute. Her eyes light up at the spectacle and she watches the screen, incredulous, with her father Keith Zerfas. But it was her words in that little voice that made me say "Awwww." Via Viral Viral Videos.

Man Takes His Pet Macaw Out for a Leisurely Flight

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Why does the caged bird sing? Maybe he enjoys regular outings like this macaw. This man take his blue-and-yellow macaw out to see the sights around town from the air. Veering off occasionally, as if to better see the pretty landscape, the bird mostly stays even with his owner. Since there is more than one video of this activity, I assume the man has no problem going home with his pet after a nice day of leisure. Via 22 Words.

Elephant Uses Volkswagen to Scratch an Itch

The visitors to Pilanesburg National Park in South Africa, who were inside the car shown here, probably were seriously questioning their selection of plans for the day when an elephant used their Volkswagen as a way to satisfy an itch.

Field guide and lodge manager Armand Grobler was a witness to the playful pachyderm and his terrified audience. He explained,

"The elephant was presumably on musth, which is a time that an elephant male has an excess amount of testosterone, turning even the calmest Dumbo into a raging bull. Yet even though it was in this condition, it displayed no signs of aggression or frustration and was in a more playful mood."

While the people in the car weren't hurt, their car sustained plenty of damage, including all four tires being blown out, broken windows and a dented roof. Now that's one powerful itch! If he had used his beauty cream with vitamin E and aloe, this would never have happened. Via Lost in E Minor.

Images Credit: Armand Grobler 

Dry Ice Bucket Challenge

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Have you seen so many ice bucket challenge videos made in support of the ALS Association that you — just for a *split-second* before coming to your senses — secretly wished harm to the next person you saw making one? If so, then you'll appreciate the King of Random Grant Thompson's video, in which he accepts the challenge using a bucket of dry ice, burning his back in the process. Vive la différence!

Decoding Your Menu: A Guide for Restaurant Patrons

Restaurant menus seem to get more and more complicated. Gluten free, low carb, low calorie, on the low end of edible. It's not uncommon for menus to have a key that helps diners decipher all of the symbols. Gemma Correll is here to help people make selections and get their orders placed with little time wasted. Turn this into a laminated wallet card and you're good to go. 

Wedding Fails

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The glowing bride is befitted in a heavy gown and towering high heels. The groom is in a tux and never-before-worn dress shoes with slick soles. Activities like dancing, jumping to catch bouquets and other grandstanding moves are taking place. Meanwhile, all of the friends and family are there, and cameras are shooting stills and videos from every direction. What could possibly go wrong? Here are examples, some more painful looking than others. Via Tastefully Offensive


Shower Thoughts With Nick Offerman

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Simply Genius Thoughts With Nick Offerman -- kind of like Deep Thoughts By Jack Handey, but spoken in a much deeper voice. A clip so chock full of  "you can't live without" knowledge that missing it would be like the Internet version of dropping out of high school. Via Viral Viral Videos.

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