Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Fisherman Doesn't Need No Stinking Rod and Reel

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All this man needs is a tiny bit of bait and his two hands in order to make the catch of the day. Don't bother or underestimate him with your fancy fishing tools and doodads. He'll catch a fish that would feed a table of four, then he'll let it go before you can say "pass the tartar sauce." -Via Mashable

Rescued Baby Bunny's Milk Gives Him Get Up and Go

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This sweet baby bunny named Red is a rescued wild Cottontail. When his handler feeds him his milk, Red is like Popeye getting a spinach infusion. He becomes the Energizer bunny, able to swim great lengths, kill it on the exercise wheel and race on the treadmill. Go Red, go! -Via Tastefully Offensive

The Deadliest Jobs in America

The United States Department of Labor keeps records of the number of people who die at work and the cause of their deaths. The latest records of that information, which are based on statistics from the last seven years ending in 2013, were released in April. Some of those findings are included in the graphics above. See a detailed, interactive listing of all the deadliest occupations 
in the U.S., the causes of death most often cited in each, and whether they are at the high or low end of the pay scale, here. 

Via Digg | Graphics: Bloomberg Business 

Ten ‘Where Are They Now’ Stories Of Infamous Criminals

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On December 8, 1963, 19-year-old Frank Sinatra Jr., son of legendary singer Frank Sinatra, was kidnapped from his hotel room after performing a show in Lake Tahoe. Sinatra's kidnapper, Barry Keenan, was an alcoholic, drug addicted businessman who was severely down on his luck. 

Keenan was from a wealthy family and he actually had moved in the same circles as Nancy and Frank Sr., having met them previously more than once. Keenan was, at age 21, viewed as a business wunderkind, having been the youngest member of the Los Angeles Stock Exchange. Yet Keenan was involved in a bad car accident in 1961, which led to his becoming addicted to Percodan and alcohol. In fact, Keenan was so out of it at the time he kidnapped Sinatra that he didn't even consider it a crime, since he planned to invest the ransom money and pay back every cent to the family.

Arrested by the FBI soon after the crime, Keenan's long prison sentence was cut short due to him being declared legally insane at the time of the kidnapping. Keenan ended up only serving five years before his release, after which he made and lost a $17 million fortune, became sober, and involved himself in the cause of criminal justice reform. Quite the colorful story. 

Read about the lives of nine other infamous criminals here.  

New Yacht Features Underwater Room

Now, especially for those of you readers to whom money is no object, feast your eyes on this new and fabulous yacht developed by the Kleindienst Group. This two-level wonder called the "Floating Seahorse" features a submerged room in which occupants can take in lovely undersea views.

The yacht was recently presented to other non-budget shoppers in Dubai at the Dubai International Boat Show. Visit the photo gallery of the Floating Seahorse here to see the amazing submerged bedroom and bathroom. -Via Juxtapoz 

Fantastic Handpainted The Big Lebowski Nesting Dolls

Andy Stattmiller is a San Francisco-based artist who creates these wonderful, acrylic handpainted nesting dolls based on the characters of the Coen brother's cult classic The Big Lebowski. The finely detailed wooden dolls range in size from .75 inches to eight inches tall. 

Visit Stattmiller's website to get more information on these and other nesting doll sets he makes, including Batman, The Avengers, Breaking Bad and more. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Andy Stattmiller 

25 Awesome Product Designs That Aren't Real Just Yet

Design Bump has assembled a group of 25 innovative and useful products that either are awaiting future production or are still in concept/planning stages. Check out some of these cool ideas. Like a memory foam chair that forms soft support against the contours of your body as you sit. Shown below, it’s called the Bounce Chair by Véronique Baer.

These are shoes that can go from hiking support for your feet to becoming your shelter for the night. Perfect for camping enthusiasts. The concept is from design collective Sibling.

This is a toy-eating monster for the kids. Not only can they feed it toys that have been left scattered around the house, but it has wheels, which makes it possible for them to make cleanup a game by riding around as they do it. A concept designed by Tzung-Yu Lu.

Here we have a cloud-shaped sofa that levitates over a giant magnet, for those in love with the idea of sitting on a cloud. How cool is that? Designed by David Koo and Zheng Yawei.

See 21 more great product ideas that need to become realities here.

World's First Hello Kitty Chinese Restaurant

Businessman Man Kwong is launching a Hello Kitty restaurant in Hong Kong on June 1, 2015. According to Kwong, Hello Kitty is even more popular in Hong Kong than in Japan. Kwong had been negotiating with Sanrio since 2013 in order to get approval to use the Hello Kitty name and likeness. Eventually he won them over after years of experimentation with dim sum dishes. Kwong's menu consists of 37 items, including stir-fried beef, noodles and shrimp buns. The colors used to create the Hello Kitty likenesses on foods are all natural; for example, her bow is colored with beetroot juice and her eyes are dotted with squid ink.

Learn more and see additional pictures at the restaurant’s Facebook page. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Hello Kitty Chinese Cuisine


Obese YouTuber Addresses the Internet's Fat Hatred

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YouTuber boogie2988 is a man struggling with his obesity. In this video, he addresses the movement of fat acceptance and how, in his opinion, it has created an internet backlash of fat hatred more pervasive than ever. Agree or disagree, like him or otherwise, he seems sincere and thoughtful in his approach. -Via Digg

The Dog Whisperer

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In this footage, Brody the dog demonstrates that he knows the difference between his indoor and outdoor voice, and also what tone is best to use when he's telling secrets. Being the classy and discreet canine that he is, Brody limits all secret exchanges to whispers. Good dog. -Via Uproxx

Compelling Photos and Profiles of WWII Veterans, Survivors

Ichiro Sudai, Takayama, Japan
“I was in a kamikaze squadron, but the war finished before I was deployed. Kamikaze pilots would have farewell parties to drink sake. By the end of the war, we didn’t even have sake, only water. They didn’t return the bones of the kamikaze pilots to their families. So we cut our hair and nails and put them in an envelope with a message for our families. I wasn’t afraid to die. If I did, it would be my destiny as a pilot. Everyone was brainwashed then. After the war, I lived for my hobbies. I wrote poetry, grew flowers and ran a lot. I still have a very strong body." 

Ukrainian photographer Sasha Maslov's series Veterans consists of portraits of people who took part in the second world war. Maslov says via the project description on his website,

"WWII is the one event in human history that could not - and still cannot - be compared with any other event on the scale of catastrophe, human tragedy, and the degree of impact on the future of our civilization. Every single person who participated in the war, whether they were a soldier or a general, prisoner or a guard, medical worker or an engineer, took part in shaping the image of the world as it is seen and perceived today."

See the rest of Maslov's series here; click on the subject's name to read the captions containing their stories. The amazing stories alone are worth attention — they are full of horrors, tragedies and hardships that, thankfully, we have been spared. 

Via Design You Trust | Captions and Images: Sasha Maslov

Ken Smith, Portsmouth, England
“I got a bullet in the arm in 1944 when I was a sniper. It’s still there now. We had climbed a mountain on the island of Lusin to blow the place up, but the Germans were waiting and opened fire. I knew I’d been hit; my hand was all sticky. Later, we discovered a German in the bushes. I slung him on my shoulder. Then I heard a bang in my ear – he’d shot himself. I heard his gun drop and thought, “I’m going to have a souvenir”. We paddled back to our ship, and I was bleeding a lot. But then I saw all these badly wounded chaps. I wasn’t a serious case

Anna Nho, Almaty, Kazakhstan
“In 1937, lots of Korean families were deported from the USSR. Mine was moved from Vladivostok to Kazakhstan. We lived in tents; it was so cold someone died every day. My uncle couldn’t take it, so he walked to Moscow to see Stalin. They’d met before. We all thought he died, but he made it. He dressed as a homeless man to get into the Kremlin. Finally, he got in – and Stalin remembered him. Stalin sent him to help people grow rice in Caucasus. Later, we saw in the paper that he was looking for us, so we went to join him.”

How to Peel an Avocado Like a Pro

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This video made by the American Chemical Society illustrates the best method to peel an avocado in order to maximize its health benefits. The method is explained with a tutorial on the chemistry of avocados. Also featured in the video are methods to minimize browning in guacamole. -Via Design Taxi

Mother of University Student Angry Her Daughter Must Be Naked to Pass Final

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The mother of a University of California San Diego student says she's outraged that her daughter must strip naked for the final exercise in her Art Visual course in order to pass. Professor Roberto Dominguez, who is also naked in the candlelit exercise, says that he's been teaching the course with the same requirements for 11 years and has never had a complaint prior to this.

The syllabus for the class states that students are required to create “a gesture that traces, outlines or speaks about your ‘erotic self(s).'” Professior Dominguez said that if students have a problem with the exercise, they shouldn't be taking the class. -Via Arbroath

Olive Garden to Start Making Sandwiches with Breadstick Buns

Image: Olive Garden

Fans of Olive Garden's breadsticks will be happy to know that beginning June 1, 2015, the restaurant will start serving sandwiches made with the same garlic-buttery bread as their breadsticks. According to the Associated Press, the sandwich buns will be the exact recipe as the popular chain's breadsticks, except shorter and wider. 

As with all of the Olive Garden's dishes, sandwiches will come with unlimited breadsticks. Never fear, your neverending bread supply won't disappear. Read more, including the variety and price of the new sandwiches, here.

Cats vs. Socks

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Is there anything more ambiguously evil and threatening than a sock? Not to these cats. They recoil in horror, try to capture and conquer, stalk and pounce, but still, they don't appear to be winning the battle. Imagine their disgust during the holidays when their humans open up package after package of brand new terror. Oh, the humanity. Via Tastefully Offensive

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