Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Photographer Captures Flipped Iceberg in Antarctica

During an expedition to Antarctica, photographer Alex Cornell was lucky enough to see an iceberg flip over and was able to capture these spectacular images. Such flips are rare and often dangerous, because of the waves they make. Some iceberg flips can even cause tsunamis. 

People use the phrase "the tip of the iceberg" to mean that the bulk of information about a situation or item is unknown/unseen. The phrase relates to the scientific fact that approximately 90% of icebergs are underwater, thus the part we see is literally just the top tip. This can be explained by the density of sea water versus that of ice. The density of ice is .92 grams per milliliter. The density of water is 1 gram per milliliter (salt water 1.03 g/mL). So ice has nine-tenths (ninety percent) of the density of water, and thus, 90 percent of the iceberg is below the surface of the water. 

Most icebergs appear white, though some look blue or green. Ice contains air bubbles that diffuse all color wavelengths the same amount, making the ice look white. When ice is compressed, its bubbles are forced out and blue light is disseminated more than any other colors, thus the ice appears blue. Icebergs that appear to have stripes of green are caused by algae growth. 

Learn more about icebergs here, and see more of Cornell's beautiful photography from Antarctica at his 

Via Colossal | Images: Alex Cornell


Signs of the Zodiac Reimagined as Monsters


Artist Damon Hellandbrand has put a monstrous new spin on the signs of the zodiac. Instead of images evoking a sense of dreamy, new-agey magic, the artist has created symbols with a decidedly menacing vibe. Hellandbrand cites artists Ralph McQuarrie, Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta as influences. 

To see all of the astrological signs, visit Hellandbrand's website, and check out his DeviantArt site to see more of his work as well. 

Via Bored Panda | Images: Damon Hellandbrand



Cow Mascot in Mexican Grocery Has Got the Mooves

YouTube Link

This hoofing heifer at a Mexican supermarket is proudly representing dairy product brand Alpura, as seemingly unfazed customers pass by with their carts. Who knew cows could twerk? This is monumental! Moomoomental, even. -Via Tastefully Offensive

Tattoos Help Burn Victims Reduce the Visibility of their Scars

Before (l) and after the process of paramedical tattoos

Basma Hameed is what as known as a paramedical tattoo specialist. Her work applying flesh-toned ink in an attempt to render the scars of burn victims less noticeable makes a tremendous positive impact on their lives. Suffering from burns is agonizing and the rehabilitation process is full of painful skin graft operations. In addition to that trauma, patients are often stigmatized due to the appearance of their skin. Hameed's work can make a stunning difference in the looks of these patients. She was especially inspired to help others as she was also a burn victim who benefited from the process. What a wonderful way to help others in need. 

Check out the video below and see more before and after images at Basma's clinic website (Not recommended for people especially squeamish about scarring.) 

Via Distractify | Images: Basma Hameed

Basma's face before and after tattooing

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The Workspaces of Famous People

Steve Jobs

Google the word "workspace" and you'll be inundated with articles that emphasize its importance. From keeping the space free of clutter to designing it to inspire both productivity and creativity, opinions abound. Yet cookie-cutter instructions can't be the answer, because no single solution exists.  Every individual is motivated in a unique way and by unique objects and personal effects. Any two spaces in which accomplished people produce can vary wildly. The illustration of that concept can be seen here in this photo collection of the workspaces of people revered worldwide for their achievements. The collection is taken from the Tumblr "Famous Workspaces," which you can check out by following this link; it appears as if it's no longer being updated, but the archives are interesting. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Famous Workspaces 

Maurice Sendak, home office

John Mayer, home office, NYC (top photo), recording space NYC (bottom photo)

See additional images

Hyper-Realistic Sculptures by Kazuhiro Tsuji

This sculpture of President Abraham Lincoln is almost unnerving in its realism. Kyoto-based artist Kazuhiro Tsuji certainly knows how to catch people off guard with his creations. Before working as a sculptor, Tsuji worked for many years as a renowned makeup artist for feature films.

There is some interesting history behind Tsuji's re-creation of Lincoln. When he was much younger, Tsuji saw an issue of Fangoria magazine. In it, makeup artist Dick Smith was featured for his work on the metamorphosis of actor Hal Holbrook into Abraham Lincoln for a 1976 miniseries. This so inspired young Tsuji that he immediately set to work transforming himself into Lincoln, which was no easy feat as a Japanese youth. Tsuji sent photos of the finished product to Dick Smith, who responded enthusiastically. The two eventually began working together. Tsuji's work can be seen in films such as  Men in Black and Planet of the Apes. See images of his work in the movies here

Check out Tsuji's amazing busts of Andy Warhol and Salvador Dalí and see an interview with him concerning his process here, and visit his website to see additional projects. 

Shades of January

Artist Gemma Correll sees life in a delightfully funny way while still keeping the ennui front and center. This panel on the many shades of January is a perfect example. Which paint color is your favorite, or is there another shade she missed that you would select? See also her hilarious illustrations of winter hazards here. One can never be too careful.

Moving, Powerful Photos of the Human Race

Egyptian woman kisses policeman who refrained from firing at protesters | Image: We of countries not ravaged by war, stifled by poverty and rife with lack of human rights and freedoms sometimes take for granted how fortunate we are. Globally, there are so many who are suffering. It's easy to get caught up in our busy lives and lose sight of how much we have for which to be thankful.

These photographs serve as reminders to live with gratitude, joy and purpose; and be thinking of ways we might help others near and far. Not all of the images in the collection linked below depict misery: some show love, bravery and poignant moments of reflection. Yet all are captivating. 

See the rest of this user-submitted photo collection at Bored Panda. Guarani girl of South America embracing a dead rat | Image: Rwandan boy scarred from time spent in a death camp | Image: Yezidi girl with assault rifle used to protect her family from ISIS | Image: Malnourished mother and child in Niger | Image: Girl and baobab trees, Madagascar | Image: 

Bob Ross Sans 'Fro: A Revelation

Ross, with trademark 'do

Bob Ross is somewhat of a cultural icon at this point. He had an interesting life story. Ross served in the Air Force for 20 years, retiring with the rank of Master Sergeant. His soft-spoken, almost milquetoast television persona was actually a response to his having been so tough in the military. He once told the Orlando Sentinel that part of his military role was being

"the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, the guy who screams at you for being late to work"

He swore to himself he'd never scream at people again after he left the service.

According to Ross' biography entitled Happy Clouds, Happy Trees: The Bob Ross Phenomenonpublished in April of 2014, Ross' trademark afro was born as a way to decrease spending. Strapped for cash prior to being on television, Ross decided to have his hair permed in order to save money on haircuts. Though he wasn't fond of the hairstyle, once his show started airing, it was too iconic to alter.

The photo below is what Ross looked like without the perm, an image posted by Redditor DXGypsy.  It's amazing how a change in hairstyle renders him practically incognito. But if you think Ross looks different there, you won't believe what he looked like as a young member of the Air Force. Talk about unrecognizable (and attractive)! See that photo here. 

Ross, sans perm

Shocker: 1946 Yearbook Captions are Misogynistic, Offensive

A Redditor with the handle The_Blackfish_  posted high school yearbook pages from the year 1946, and the captions describing the students  particularly the female students — were abysmal. I know that, back then, women were mostly considered beings placed on the Earth to be gawked at, married and procreated with, but seeing comments like that in print really hit the point home for me.

See all of the yearbook pages in the Reddit post here. 

Via Distractify | Images: Imgur

Dog Regularly Takes the Bus On Her Own to Visit Seattle Dog Park

YouTube Link

Eclipse, a black Labrador retriever/bullmastiff mix from Seattle, has learned to take public transportation on her own in order to get to a local dog park. The senior female dog first took the trip of her own accord, without specific instruction. Evidently, Eclipse simply wanted to get to her destination a bit faster than her companion, who lagged behind. Don't miss seeing this adorable dog in action and learning the story behind her use of the Seattle bus lines. -Via Tastefully Offensive

2015 Resolutions, as Drawn by Linzie Hunter

UK-based illustrator Linzie Hunter, who was previously featured at Neatorama for her amusing drawings of spam headlines, has a new project illustrating resolutions for 2015 that are submitted to her at her request. During the entire month of January, people who send Linzie their new year's resolutions either to her website or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, might see them posted online as the charming illustrations shown here. Not only are the illustrations aesthetically pleasing, but I think some of the more specific ones, which also list the country of origin of the submission, are quite interesting as well. Visit Hunter's website to submit a resolution and see the full series of drawings.

Via Design Taxi | Images: Linzie Hunter 


Comparison Photos of Parents and Their Children at the Same Age

Daughter (l) and mother (r) | Image: Danielle McCoy

They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and these pictures prove that can certainly be the case in terms of looks. Despite changing hairstyles and clothing, genetics ensure that the faces remain similar. This collection of photos submitted by users at HuffPost Parents is a fun diversion.

See more of these side-by-side comparisons here. -Via Twisted Sifter

Son (l) and mother (r) at 1.5 years | Image: Lauren Malone Harrison

 Mother and daughter, 8 years old | Image: Ashley L’Herault Peters

Charlie Brown the Labradoodle Gets His Fur Styled

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Charlie Brown the Labradoodle apparently got a bum haircut by his dog groomer, so of course, pulling out the big guns was necessary. A Labradoodle with bad hair? Unthinkable! So Charlie sits patiently in the stylist's chair as he waits for his new 'do to be did. I can only hope he wasn't late for his next appointment with the tailor! (Warning: One F-Bomb was dropped during the video -- and it wasn't by Charlie!) -Via Tastefully Offensive

Identical Triplets Born in Montana

Image: Casey Page

A woman gave birth to a set of identical triplet boys in Montana last month. The triplets were born to Jase and Jody Kinsey of Miles City, Montana, who named them Cade, Ian and Milo. Births of identical spontaneous triplets are so rare that the chances of it happening are one in a million, according to Jody’s obstetrician, Dr. Dana Damron. Identical spontaneous triplets are created when the fertilized egg divides and then the embryo divides once more. The healthy babies were delivered at 32 weeks, which is a normal gestation time for triplets.

Read more on this story and see more pictures at the Billings Gazette.

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