Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Twelve Korean Snacks to Sample

Shown above is a Korean snack food called Yakgwa. The food is a traditional Korean cake made with honey, sesame oil and wheat flour. The cakes have the flavor and consistency of glazed doughnuts. If you're interested in trying Yakgwa, it is available for purchase through Amazon or

Read about eleven other Korean snack foods and learn where to purchase them at BuzzFeed. 

Celebrating Fifty Years of The Sound of Music Through Pictures

Child actors who played the Von Trapp family (with Julie Andrews as Maria and Christopher Plummer as Captain Von Trapp) during filming of The Sound of Music

The Sound of Music, the classic movie version of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, was released on March 29, 1965. The film, which bore such iconic sequences, centers around an errant nun who leaves the convent to become the governess of a man with seven children in 1930s Austria.

In celebration of the film's approaching fiftieth anniversary, Vanity Fair is featuring a gallery of photos including those shown here, which illustrate how the actors who played the Von Trapp children appeared during filming in 1964 and how they look now. See the full gallery at Vanity Fair. 

10 Revealing Diary and Journal Entries of Famous Figures

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda, 1933-1945

Next to Hitler, Joseph Goebbels was arguably the most insidious high-ranking member of the Nazi party, particularly since he was a master at public speaking and served as the minister of propaganda. His antisemitic beliefs ran deep, even prior to meeting Hitler, and he was a strong proponent of the Final Solution. 

Yet Goebbels' diary entry recording the time he first met Hitler sounds like the gushing of an unstable teenage fanboy rather than an adult politician. In an entry written on November 6, 1925, Goebbels writes about having dinner with Hitler,

"He jumps up at once. Stands there before us. Squeezes my hand. Like an old friend. And those big blue eyes. Like stars. He is glad to see me. I am in heaven. This man has everything it takes to be a king. The born tribune of the people. A coming dictator."

Two week later, when Goebbels met Hitler after a rally, he raves,

"Great joy! He greets me like an old friend. He looks after me. How I love him!"

In a later entry remembering that day, Goebbels writes,

"Until then, you were my Führer. There you became my friend. A friend and master with whom I feel bonded to the very end in a shared idea." 

It's amazing that a man obviously capable of such emotion toward another human being was able to orchestrate sending others to their deaths en masse, without even an ounce of compassion. 

Read diary and journal entries of other historical figures, including George S. Patton, President Harry Truman and more, here. 

Image: Wikipedia

15 Great Spock Quotes as Inspirational Posters

Since the passing of Leonard Nimoy on Friday at the age of 83, many fans have been reflecting on his contributions and what he's meant to them over the years. In that vein, BuzzFeed compiled a list of wonderful quotes from Mr. Spock and arranged them into graphcis that resemble motivational posters. There's some great stuff included; check out all 15 quotes here. Even if one is not a Spock or Star Trek fan, these quotes may inspire some to take a closer look. 

Images: Tanner Ringerud 

Bars Hidden Behind Secret Entrances

The "loo" entrance (above) to PortSide Parlour (photos below)

Descending the right staircase leading to a certain unisex bathroom in Bethnal Green, London brings patrons to PortSide Parlour, a bar opened in 2013. Once they enter a stall and follow the instructions of the sign that reads "flush to enter," access to the cozy, nautical-themed space is granted. The draw? Some of the best rum in the city. 

PortSide Parlour is just one of the world's bars that have entrances which harken back to the days, whispers and better-kept secrets of the speakeasy. Read about more bars with hidden entrances here. 

Kidnap Victim Reunited With Family 17 Years Later After Chance Meeting With Sister

A 17-year-old South African girl named Zephany who was kidnapped from the hospital at birth was located after she unknowingly befriended her sister at school. Zephany's biological parents told the press that they celebrated their missing daughter's birthday every year and prayed for her return. According to ioL News,  

"Zephany grew up with a different name, and a different family, never knowing she was not their real daughter. But last month her biological sister, Cassidy Nurse, started Grade 8 at the same school that Zephany attended, and fellow pupils noticed a startling resemblance [between the girls].

When Cassidy told her parents about the...girl, hope began to strengthen in their hearts after 17 long years.

The Nurses invited the girl for a cup of coffee, under the pretence that they wanted to meet Cassidy’s friend. When they too saw the striking similarities between the girls, Morné Nurse contacted the police."

Read more on this story at the New York Times.

Via Slate | Image: Wikipedia

The Latest Model Phone Stand

YouTube Link

Having a stand for a phone or iPad is handy in certain situations. Selecting a good one, however, can be a challenge due to the sheer number of them on the market. This model is an interesting addition to the available stand options. While sometimes expensive, it can also be free to a good home. It's attractive, comes in different colors and is not likely to be a water-immersion risk. You may want to add a scratch protector to the screen, though. Bubble wrap might be a good add-on, too, should the stand climb up to a phone-stand stand and push the phone off the highest step. -Via Tastefully Offensive

Persona: What Do You Carry With You?

Atlanta-based photographer Jason Travis (previously at Neatorama) began his ongoing project Persona in late 2007. At the time, Travis saw it as a way of getting to know people better, including his own friends. The series consists of composite images. Half of the image features a portrait of the subject and the other half reveals the possessions they carry upon leaving home. 

What items do you keep with you every day, and what do you think it says about your persona, if anything? View the rest of the series here, and see how the items the photo subjects carry differ from your daily stash. 

Via Peta Pixel | Image: Jason Travis

Undersea Brawl: Moray Eel vs. White Tip Reef Shark

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They don't call it the "Wild Kingdom" for nothing. Case in point is the voracity with which this hungry moray eel goes after this white tip reef shark that crosses his path and, to him, looks like dinner. Naturally, the shark has other ideas. Via Uproxx

Hanging With JoeJoe the Capybara

When we last checked in with JoeJoe the Capybara, he was wolfing down popsicles and cavorting with puppies. Naturally. When you've got the capycharisma that JoeJoe has, the sky's the limit in terms of daily activities.

For instance, why not hop in a cart and browse through Pet Smart? Pups and kitties are a dime a dozen there. JoeJoe is an official Pet Smart Star!

YouTube Link

There's nothing like taking time out to have a long, feline-chaperoned nap. Then waking up with a major case of capybedhead.

YouTube Link

..and when JoeJoe needs a back scratch, there's nothing like a puppy to assist.

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As good looking as JoeJoe is, it's no wonder that he gets all the chicks!

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The 50 Best Movies About Hollywood

State and Main, 2000

When it comes to satire, there's so much about the movie business that can be used as material. One great example is David Mamet's 2000 comedy State and Main. A fantastic ensemble cast including Philip Seymour Hoffman, William H. Macy, Alec Baldwin and David Paymer deliver lines that hilariously cut Hollywood's disingenuousness and pomposity to the bone. 

Read a list of 50 films that focus on Hollywood and the movie business in this article. (Warning: a clip of Siskel and Ebert autoplays on the page, but can be stopped or paused.)

26 Travel Destinations That Look as if They Belong in Fairy Tales

St. Basil's Cathedral, Russia
Moscow's Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed. Formerly a church, now is a museum space 
Image: Pavel L

Travel is maybe the finest way to lend perspective to our lives and remind us of the wonder of the world. One doesn't have to spend a lot of money and time to travel, either. There are magical views of natural, architectural and other scenery within a day's drive of all of us; it's simply a matter of making the time to explore our surroundings. 

The linked article features 26 places with appearances so idyllic that they could be the locations of fairy tales. Many are popular destinations that I know readers have visited. Give us your thoughts on any you've visited in the comments.  

 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, China
In ancient times, this forest was deemed inaccessible, but it is now a must-see destination in Hunan, China. The mountains are often compared to the floating mountains of Pandora from the movie Avatar.| Image: Gil.K 

Petra, Jordan

Built into the mountains over 2,000 years ago, Petra is the most visited tourist attraction of Jordan. Petra is also known as the Rose City due to the color of the stone from which it was carved. 
Image: Flickr / dietpoison

World's Largest Airplane, Developed by Paul Allen

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In a story that brings to mind The Aviator Howard Hughes, Paul Allen's project, the largest airplane in history, has materialized. With a wingspan of 385 feet, the aircraft is designed to carry and launch rockets into space. This behemoth of the sky has been dubbed the "Roc."

Paul Allen has combined forces with Gary L. Wentz, Jr., former Chief Engineer of the Science and Mission Systems at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center on the project.

Learn more and see additional pictures at this Gizmodo article, Aviation Week and at the project's official website. 

The Roc as it compares with other planes, like the 747-8, the Airbus A-380-800 or Hughes' H-4 "Spruce Goose." 

Designers Propose Organic Burial Pods to Turn Human Remains into Trees

Neatorama has featured a number of modern innovations with regard to people's end-of-life choices on dealing with remains. We've seen companies that offer to transform cremains into everything from diamonds to bullets to pencils.  

Itallian designers Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel have conceptualized a more natural solution with their project Capsula Mundi. The client's remains are encased in an organic, biodegradable burial "capsule," from which a tree eventually takes root and is provided nutrients. Bodies are placed in a fetal position into a pod, and a tree or seed is planted above it. Clients would be provided with choices as to the type of tree planted. 

Because such a burial is currently illegal in Italy, the project is merely at the conceptual stage. The designers' vision would be to create memorial parks filled with trees, and rather than using and burying wood as coffins, new trees would be grown.

Learn more about the project at its website and Facebook page.  

Via Bored Panda | Images: 

fo:  |  (h/t: aplus)

Cat Patrols House Via Dump Truck

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Cats cruisin' around the house in remote-controlled dump trucks: because Roombas are so 2013. Via Tastefully Offensive

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