Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Parents Share the Reasons Behind Their Kids' Latest Meltdowns

The Instagram account called As#hole Parents is full of pictures of disgruntled children who have a complaint they'd loudly like to register wherever possible and to whomever will listen. In the case of the child above, a reasonable and simple request was made that the bath be shared with the family cat. Things took a turn toward absolutely devastating when said request was denied by the maternal unit. Oh, the humanity!

See more children with parents for whom the abovementioned Instagram account name is fitting in this article. Visit the Instagram account to see more children banned from ever having fun or decent quality of life thanks to their parents. (Warning: the Instagram account name is spelled out, as is its title in the linked article.)

Dreams in Film: the Supercut

Vimeo Link

Nothing beats a great dream sequence in a film. Not only can it do much to lend viewers insight into the inner thoughts and motivations of the characters, but a dream sequence often makes up some of the most artfully shot and compelling moments in the feature presentation. Here is a supercut of dreams in films. How many can you identify, and what is your favorite filmic dream sequence? -Via Gizmodo

Nine Fun and Unusual Easter Treats

Mosaic Easter Eggs

The credit for this cool take on Chinese tea eggs goes to Jayne at The Barefoot Kitchen Witch. The traditional Chinese tea eggs are made by boiling an egg, rolling them to crack their shells and then soaking them in tea. These fun and edible substitutes are made by soaking the cracked eggs in food dye in the refrigerator overnight.

See Jayne's post with mosaic egg instructions here, and visit Mental Floss for eight other fun food ideas for Easter, including my personal favorite, zombie bunnies. So deliciously holiday irreverent.  

Robert Xavier Burden's Spectacular Star Wars Oil Painting

The 2015 Star Wars Celebration will be happening in Anaheim from April 16-19, and fans are gearing up for the fun. One of the many cool things that will be on display during the convention is San Francisco artist Robert Xavier Burden's beautiful piece of Star Wars-inspired artwork. According to Burden, he spent more than 2,000 hours over the last 18 months working on his oil painting, entitled “The 20th Century Space Opera.” 

The original is priced at $200,000, but Burden is also selling prints for $250 apiece. Click here to see an enlarged version of the art, and visit this link to see the painting broken into thirds and enlarged for an even closer view. Prints can be ordered directly from Burden here. 

20 Ridiculous Yet Amusing Relationship Dealbreakers

Those Redditors... they love to share. So when one Redditor asked other users "What is the most George Constanza-esque reason you broke up with someone?" the funny answers came pouring in. Read them and see what you think. What is your most quirky dealbreaker in terms of your dating life? Feel free to chime in below. See the original Reddit link above, and see a collection of graphics devoted to one writer's selection of funny answers

Thumbelina, the Smallest Horse in the World, Steals Hearts Everywhere

This adorable creature is Thumbelina, (previously), the Guinness Book of World Records title holder for the smallest horse in the world. Thumbelina is a dwarf, born to two mini horse parents. She is only 17.5 inches high and weighs 57 pounds; most large breed dogs would outweigh and tower over her. 

Living at Goose Creek Farms in St. Louis, Missouri, Thumbelina's owner and caretakers Michael, Paul and Kay Goessling use her sweet disposition and looks to enrich the lives of sick children. They take her to children's hospitals and participate in regular outreach with children in her community and all across the country. 

Read more about Thumbelina and see additional pictures here, and see a video of her here. 

Archaeologists Find What They Believe is a WWII Nazi Hideout in the Argentine Jungle

Argentine archaeologists from the University of Buenos Aires have discovered what they believe to be a WWII-era secret Nazi lair. According to Argentine newspaper the Clarin, the team found the ruins of three buildings in the jungle in northern Argentina, near the Paraguyan border. Also found at the site were German coins produced in years from 1938-1941, a piece of a china plate that reads "Made in Germany," and Nazi symbols drawn on walls, including swastikas. The finders believe the site was built during the war as a refuge for high-ranking Nazi officials. 

Read more on this story and see additional pictures here; see a video of the ruins at the link to the Clarin above. 

Berries That Grow Wild in North America


This article is full of photos and descriptions of 18 types of wild berries that North Americans will be treated to in the coming months. I haven't tried them all, but I certainly would like to. Article author Wes Siler's favorite berry, the cloudberry, is shown in the photo above. Cloudberries are found in northern Canada, Siberia and Scandinavia. They're salmon/golden in color and are so tart that Siler says they may be most palatable to people when made into a sweetened jam.

Aside from the requisite Monty Python jokes about elderberries, the comments underneath the article have almost as much information as the article, so they might be of interest as well. Read the text and comments here. 

Wild Strawberries

Twelve Unfortunate Name Marriages

What's in a name? These just married couples probably have learned to disregard the idea that any meaning is attributed to a moniker. Some of these name combinations, though, are pretty difficult to ignore. I suppose these couples have developed a sense of humor about the issue of their combined last names by now, or they wouldn't have let marriage announcements run in their local papers. At least that instance is the last time they'll likely have to see both names together in print!

See ten more unfortunate name combinations at Awkward Family Photos. 

How The Average Woman Might Be Photoshopped if on a Magazine Cover

A hilariously named photo finishing business called "True You Retouching" edited photos of average women, as seen on the left, in the industry standard for people on the covers of magazines. Realistically, these models would not be on the cover of a fashion magazine unless they were public figures known for other reasons. This is ostensibly how their photos would be altered if they were famous authors or political figures featured as cover models, for instance (although something tells me these edits might be the tip of the proverbial iceberg).

See the rest of the series here. What are your thoughts, readers?

Business Cat and His Morning Coffee

Tom Fonder's hilarious strip Business Cat (previously) features a suit-and-sales-savvy feline who, just because he's in a business setting, doesn't completely abandon his cat mannerisms. Case in point is the requisite businessman cup of coffee first thing in the morning. It's a necessity to him, but not for the reason other business people might imagine. Check out other episodes of Business Cat here. 

Some of the World's Coolest Offices

Pixar's Emeryville, California office has a room dedicated to cereal and a "secret" bar

What would it be like to report to work at one of these seemingly fairytale office buildings? While every job has its drawbacks, if my workplace had a swimming pool and workout room that I could hang out in for a bit to blow off some steam, that would be fantastic. What would your dream amenity be for your workplace? 

In the meantime, check out all of the companies featured in the article "Some of the World's Coolest Offices" here.  

Google's offices in Zurich feature a basketball court, pool table and a slide that leads to the eating area

All Eyes Are on You

Commercial illustrator Jason Edminston's new exhibition at Mondo Gallery in Austin, Texas is called Eyes Without A Face. Ongoing until April 4, Edminston's popular optitude will follow patrons all around the gallery. One hundred and fifty pairs of eyes from movies, music and television will lend observers windows into their souls, should pop culture icons have souls, that is.

See more of Edminston's Eyes Without a Face here, and check out his site to see more of his work.

Funny Fortunes Sweeter than the Cookie

Source: Reddit

Have you ever saved the fortune out of a fortune cookie? If so, what did it say? Was it simply a funny line or an actual prediction of your future? This collection of slips from inside fortune cookies is full of the types that are best at the Chinese dinner table: those that make the people around you smile and laugh when you read them aloud. 

Source: Reddit

Source: PicPhotos

Source: Reddit

Vintage Czechoslovakian Movie Posters of American Classics are Groovy, Man

Ghostbusters, created in 1988

These Czech posters of American classic films are killer. There is an archive of them here, and a number are for sale. I'd like to have a few of these -- they're such good psychedelic fun. How interesting it would have been to be in the room with the artists when they created these, to hear what their thought processes were regarding the artwork... particularly the strange Ghostbusters poster above. -Via Dangerous Minds

Cinderella, created in 1970
 Cleopatra, created in 1967 The Seven Year Itch, created in 1964

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