Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Put a Rang On It

Rangert Downey Jr.

There's a Tumblr site for everything one can think of these days. Want proof? Then feast your eyes on "Put a Rang On It." It's an extremely orange Tumblr that features photos of celebrities who've been Gingered. Not only have they been given orange hair, but their skin has been liberally dappled with freckles. It certainly transforms their appearance. The site also generously gives them new Ginger code names to go with the looks. Rangert Downey Jr. Rangelina Jolie. J-Rang. Rangdonna and more. Meet them all here. 

Via Buzzfeed | Images: Put a Rang On It

 Justin Bierang

Puppy With Hiccups Tries to Frighten Them Away

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This ridiculously cute, eight-week-old Heeler puppy named Buck has the hiccups, and it's obvious that he sees them as some sort of alien invader. He barks and puppy growls to scare away the demon within, but finds no relief. Good luck, Buck! -Via Tastefully Offensive

From Poppie to Newman to Bania: Jerry's Enemies on Seinfeld, Ranked

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You knew it whenever Jerry would grimace and take on a gravelly tone as he uttered their names. They made Kramer twitch more than usual in repulsion, and George's pitch and decibel level raised with his anxiety. They were the Seinfeld "villains." Each threatened Jerry and his pals in different ways, each formidable. This article ranks their picks as to the top Seinfeld enemies. Do you agree? Speak up in the comments. But for now, be very afraid of one of my favorites: Philip Baker Hall as Lt. Joe Bookman, L.C. (Library Cop).

Photographer's Series "Beauties" Documents Plastic Surgery Obsessed Youths of Colombia

Manuela Henao is a London-based photographer whose latest project entitled "Beauties" documents the dismaying state of feminine beauty standards in Medellin, Colombia. It is typical for very young women to begin saving up for the multiple plastic surgeries they plan to have, starting in their teens and twenties. Risky procedures such as liposuction and injections are de rigueur for the young females of this culture, which seems to have far surpassed America's sometimes oppressive beauty standards.

Henao's subjects include Estefania, 18, who opted for liposuction at 15 and breast implants at 18, and Alejandra Remirez, 23, who models and sells weight loss pills. Remirez began saving for breast implants, nose surgery and liposuction when she was 18. 

See all of Henao's thought provoking series at her website. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Manuela Henao

The Complete History of The Joker's Many Incarnations

With the latest pictures of him having fun with the role of the Joker, Jared Leto certainly has the conversation about the character flowing. Some people seem to have strong opinions about their preferred incarnation of the Harlequin of Hate. In this i09 article, writer James Whitbrook traces the Joker's history back to his origin. Check it out and see if you learn anything new about the infamous villain Harley Quinn simply refers to as "Puddin'."

Image: Warner Bros. 

Captain America's Shield as Pepperoni Pizza

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Superhero standbys have never been this delish. Make Captain America's shield and a pepperoni pizza simultaneously and the kids as well as the adults are sure to be delighted. Nerdy Nummies host Rosanna Pansino shows you how to create this patriotic party pleaser. -Via Laughing Squid

Gardening Tips for a Greener Thumb

Image: Listotic

Now that spring is in full swing, many of us are enjoying being outdoors and soaking up the sun. One fun way to do so is by expanding your knowledge of gardening and landscaping. Sometimes just a few hours of adding window boxes, potting plants or creating and planting beds can make an amazing difference in the curb appeal of your home. More importantly, it's something to appreciate the sight of whenever you walk by, coming or going. This article has a number of helpful hints to maximize your gardening efforts. Hopefully anyone who's interested can make use of one or more. Happy gardening!

Huge Hail Bashes Windshield of Storm Chaser, Who "Needs to Tweet"

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Storm chasers Spencer Basoco and Lawrence McEwen are driving through a Stephenville, Texas storm of grapefruit-sized hail when their windshield is smashed to bits by more than one hailstone. Pulling over and "covered in glass," the harried storm chaser voices his first priority, which is to get on Twitter. It's a whole new world. -Via Viral Viral Videos

Pretty Kitty Pours Himself into Tiny Fishbowl

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Like a little scientist, this beautiful gray Scottish Fold kitty sizes up, tilts and circles a tiny fishbowl, as if he's figuring out exactly how to make his body fit. Just when it looks like he won't be able to do it, the cat pours himself into the bowl as if he's a pitcher of water. -Via Tastefully Offensive

Celery: A Cinematic Go-To for Flesh Ripping, Bone Crunching Sound

Some people may well like hearing it more than eating it. We're talking celery here, which is used by sound effects people in the film industry to create that sick yet distinctive sound of bone and flesh being ripped away. In the audio clip below, BBC Radio's Francine Stock discusses the use of celery in film sound with longtime practitioner Barnaby Smyth. One film in which the veggie was put to good use is Alien vs. Predator.

Via Dangerous Minds | Image: Twentieth Century Fox

27 Places in the U.S. That Some Foreign Travelers are Wild About

Whitaker Point, Arkansas | Image: Bernie Jungkind / CJRW of Little Rock 

When we who live in the United States make U.S. travel plans to visit places we've never been, we inevitably make them based in part on our preconceived notions. Whether they are drawn from media, word of mouth or other sources, our many impressions guide us.

Yet people from other countries generally don't have as many preconceived opinions from state-to-state as U.S. citizens, because naturally, they are more lacking in information via word-of-mouth testimonials and geography-based cultural stereotypes. Such a lack of information can be liberating. One who travels with an open mind is the one who most benefits.

In that vein, take a look at these 27 places in the United States that foreign travelers favor. Some of them might not be places that immediately come to our minds as travel destinations, but they are filled with gorgeous natural attractions that everyone can enjoy, no matter their nationality or life experience. 

Watkins Glen State Park, New York | Image:

Pancake the Cheetah Cub Paired With Dayo the Ridgeback Pup, All is Right With Their World

A cheetah cub born on February 28th at Wildlife Safari in Oregon is being hand raised by staff due to her mother not being able to produce enough milk to sustain her. The female cub was named "Pancake" due to cheetahs' ability to flatten themselves when they lie down. 

As is common practice at zoos and wildlife facilities with cheetah cubs who are not being raised by their parents, cubs are paired with canine puppies. Pancake met her match on April 15th in a Rhodesian ridgeback puppy who shares her birth date. The ridgeback is named "Dayo," meaning "joy arrives."

Dayo has lived up to his name, becoming inseparable with Pancake, who likes to sleep, play and cuddle with him. The pair will live out their lives in each others' company.

Learn more and see additional pictures at Zooborns.  

Images: Wildlife Safari

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22 Weird Facts About Animal Sex

Image: Francis C. Franklin 

Ready for a biological fact that part of which sounds like something Will Ferrell would exclaim in an Anchorman movie? National Geographic explains that sex by force is common among fowl. Yet female ducks have a built-in defense against such forced frolic. Their corkscrew-shaped vagina spirals in the opposite direction of male ducks' genitalia. If the male tries going for any action the female isn't in favor of, she contracts the walls of her genital tract to make entry impossible. 

Learn 21 more odd facts concerning animal couplings here. -Via The Week

Finnish Man Gets $58,000 Speeding Ticket

Image: Magnus Manske

A man in Finland was recently presented with a €54,024 (approximately $58,000 USD) speeding ticket for driving approximately 64 miles per hour in a 50 miles per hour zone. The man, a millionaire named Reima Kuisla, was given a ticket in that amount because Finnish fines are calculated based on a person's income.

Kimmo Kiiski of the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications told the New York Times that if Kuisla was driving three kilometers per hour slower, his ticket would have been around $100.

Read about Kuisla's angry response, exactly how Finnish tickets are calculated and the debate as to the Finnish system's merit at the New York Times.  Weigh in with your opinion on this mode of ticketing in the comments. 

Delightfully Dated 80s Magazines

Mental Floss perused the Internet Archive, which scans magazines, making them available for vintage amusement seekers far and wide. Shown here is STARLOG circa 1988, a publication that served as a reference for all things Trek and other things sci fi,  which ran from 1976-2009.

Weirdest article: A six-page feature that attempts to make sense of Beetlejuice -- meaning, genre, everything. 

Fan club membership only $9.95, includes embroidered patch!

Most dated merchandise: Collectibles from the television miniseries V, complete with 80s-massive-haired spokesmodel. 

Read the rest of this edition of STARLOG magazine online at the Internet Archive, and see ten more magazines of the delightfully dated variety here. 

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