Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Brutally Honest Food Pyramids

The folks over at SomeeCards made these brutally honest food pyramids, five of them in all, to cover people ages 18-70+. They're kind of what your nutritionist might come up with if he/she were a smartass who never failed to see glasses as half empty. Either that or a comedian. See brutally honest food pyramids for all age ranges here. Bon appetit!  

Fuzzy Baby Elephant Curious About Woman

YouTube Link

This older video is just now getting attention for the sweet, gentle gesture of this fuzzy Asian elephant calf who curiously explores with his trunk the anatomy and scent of a human woman. -Via Tastefully Offensive

Delish Kebabs: Skewers 23 Tantalizing Ways

Sambal chicken skewers, with a spicy, sticky glaze made of brown sugar and Sriracha | Recipe here

Nothing says summer eating like grilling on skewers. Shish Kebab has ancient roots in the Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean and South Asia in the days of Homer and the Mongol Empire. Traditional lamb skewers have since been supplemented with unlimited options from all food groups.

This article is full of delicious kebab ideas. Select your favorite, place some seasoned or marinated meat, vegetables, fruits or a combination on skewers, then once grilled to perfection, bring them inside and serve over a bed of salad, rice or noodles for a delicious meal that's filling and keeps well as leftovers. 

Thai-Style Grilled Pork (Moo Ping) | | Recipe here

Before They Were Famous: Celebrities as Cheerleaders

Cameron Diaz

Cheerleading is often defended by proponents with a number of ways it enriches and educates young people of high school age. The National Cheerleading Association argues that it teaches teamwork, athletic ability and dedication. They go on to cite statistics:

"Cheerleaders are athletes, scholars, and leaders. Ninety percent of cheerleaders are “B” students or better, 98.5% plan on going to college, and over half participate in other non athletic extra-curricular activities. Over half of all cheer teams participate in community charity events, 40% of cheerleaders participate in school sport outside of cheerleading, and many hold leadership positions in their class and in clubs at school."

Given those considerations, it's likely that future actresses like Cameron Diaz, Sandra Bullock and Alicia Silverstone (shown here on cheerleading squads with twelve other future celebrities) had loftier goals with their involvement than simply dating a guy on the high school football team. Images Credit

Eight Actors Who Do the Same Thing on Every Movie Poster

Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Pictures, New Line Cinema

In the linked article, Cracked points out how some actors bizarrely hold the same pose in a surprising number of different movie posters. Take Will Ferrell, for example. The man puts his hands on his hips more often than a group of schoolgirls at a social media photo shoot. How I never noticed these common celebrity poses year after year is beyond me. I just know that I'll never look at another movie poster featuring these actors in the same way again.

Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures

DreamWorks Pictures, Paramount Pictures, New Line Cinema

Seven of the Worst Television Shows from the '80s

Small Wonder | Image: 20th Century Fox

I don't know about you, but sometimes when a television show is an absolute abomination, I'm more likely to tune in on occasion. I have friends who will sit around with me for the express purpose of making fun of seriously bad television. Sure, we're ne'er do wells, but we enjoy ourselves.

This brief look at seven awful shows from the 1980s includes one that will always have a dedicated space in the horrors of television ingrained in my memory: Small Wonder. It's so terrible, it's almost enjoyable.

Those who compiled this list write that they

"culled our choices from fan reception, critical vitriol, and TV Guide’s widely cited 2002 list of the worst TV shows of all time. If you can’t get enough bad TV, then check out this list of the worst shows of the following decade as well."

So, for more "worst of" television discussion, visit the links mentioned above as well as reading about six more notoriously bad shows of the 1980s here. 

The Dad Bod

By now, most people who spend any time on the internet have read about this "dad bod" business. Or... whatever you'd like to label it. What say you, readers? Do you have a dad bod that you'd like to share with the class? Or are you looking to cut short the fifteen minutes of fame the person who coined the phrase is now enjoying? At least it appears as if Dicky (above) of Fowl Language is a fan. Fat fowl for the win! -Via Geeks are Sexy

32 Products Perfect for Book Lovers' Homes

Book stair decals | | Name your title and the Etsy shop owner custom makes it for you

Those who love to read are kindred spirits, and few things are more attractive to them than the thought of enlarging their personal libraries. This collection of 32 items that are linked to literary life is full of gifts for the book lovers in your circle, even (or especially) if that person is yourself. 

Paperback wallpaper |

Terra cotta bookend vases |

Book-shaped dishware |

Cloth napkins printed with the love letters of famous authors |

28 Newspaper and Magazine Layout Fails


When it comes to magazine and newspaper layouts, particularly when the deadline is nearing and time is scarce, legitimate mistakes do happen. When they do, it can be embarrassing for everyone at the publication and can cost people their jobs. There are also instances in which a disgruntled employee is working on the layout, their resignation half out of the bag and their allegiance to the organization minimal. In that case, "mistakes" can happen as well. 

Whether they are accidental or purposeful, these 28 newspaper and magazine layout failures are hardly minor. They also can make for some amusing reading. Contains NSFW language.

Image: Twitter @NickDoody



Tattoos That Are So Monumentally Bad, They're Almost Good

"But I'm a Creep... I'm a weirdo...  what the hell am I doin' here? I don't belong here..."  Image:

Most people consider getting inked long before it actually happens. Because tattoos don't grow out like a bad haircut, or fade like an unfortunate dye job. Thus, people plan their ink. Consider it. Sketch it. Hopefully spellcheck it.

But then there's the other side of the coin. People too drunk to correct the tattoo artist's bad spelling or shoot down their bad idea/drawing. People who walk in to the tattoo shop with no ideas or plans aside from walking out of there with ink. The people who pay for it later in jokes at their expense. Or blog posts at their expense, as it were. 

See some tattoos that are so bad they're almost good here. Alllmost. (NSFW imagery, language)

The breasts of a patriot | Image:

Can You Discern Whether These Images are Real or Photoshop?

Adobe's website "Real or Photoshop" went live earlier this year to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Photoshop software. The website presents 25 images to test its visitors as to whether they can tell the difference between those that are untouched and those that have been manipulated. 

Think you've got the knowledge to get a perfect score? Test your skills here

Via Design Taxi | Image: Real or Photoshop

House from Groundhog Day Up for Sale

Don't tell me you don't remember it. Because it sure as heckfire remembers you. The B and B? From Groundhog Day? Bing. The house that weatherman Phil Connors keeps waking up in without hot water, to his consternation? Bing again. The house is on the market. Yes, you too can sleep in the master suite and set your clock radio to déjà vu for the price of $785,000.

The house, located in the northwest Chicago suburb of Woodstock, is a 5,815-square-foot Victorian with seven bedrooms and eight bathrooms. Currently, the property is an actual bed and breakfast called the Royal Victorian Manor. See a gallery of photos and a detailed description of the house at its Berkshire Hathaway real estate listing.

Via Uproxx | Image:  

17-Year-Old Deaf Dog Reacts to Rock Music

YouTube Link

If you have spent any time with West Highland Terriers (Westies), you've likely seen the big personality that often powers those little dogs. In this footage, a 17-year-old Westie named Boy is being walked by his owner Beril through the streets of their town during a festival that includes a live band. According to Beril, the dog, who is deaf, pulled her closer to the music and began the doggie dance seen here. That's the look of sheer joyous abandon, is it not? -Via Arbroath

Strange Certifications One Can Earn Online

The knowledge one can gain from online research seems endless. So it would seem a logical conclusion for online scholars to earn certificates as proof of their 'net expertise on any number of subjects. The article linked below lists certifications people can earn after a bit of internet study. Do you have some extra wall space in your office that's begging for a framed internet accomplishment? Try the following on for size:

Pokemon Professor

Pokemon professors act as judges and organizers of Pokemon League events and tournaments. To become a Pokemon professor, you must first fill out an application, and then take a certification exam online. Once the exam is completed and approved, Pokemon professors are eligible to volunteer as an Organizer, Trading Card Game Judge, or Video Game Judge.

See other illustrious degrees people can earn online here.  

Via Digg | Image: 

21 Extremely Awkward Band and Musician Photos

There's nothing like a rock band in terms of sex appeal. Even the hairiest of hair bands seemed to have groupies, however misguided. Can you imagine the groupies that populated darkened dive bar hallways in search of some of the dudes in this collection of 21 Extremely Awkward Band and Musician Photos? Somehow the words "bedazzled tube top" come to mind. Yep. Tube tops and female mullets. 

Via Pleated Jeans | Images: Awkward Band Photos on Facebook

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