Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Beyond the Pail

St. Louis photographer Brandon Voges and Jordan Gaunce, an imaging artist at downtown St. Louis-based Bruton Stroube Studios have joined together to give the nasty ne'er-do-wells from '80s Topps trading card series Garbage Pail Kids an update. Their new series of illustrations called Garbage Pail Kids – Where Are They Now? produces adult renderings of the Kids which, as anyone who remembers the juvenile version could imagine, were so far gone as children that they had little chance for meaningful improvement with age.

See the new series in full and learn more about its inspiration at the Bruton Stroube Studios website

-Via Laughing Squid

Waving Bear Catches a Treat

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Samson Lee and his wife Kayleigh were visiting the Kodiak "waving bears" at the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, Washington, when one bear grabbed a snack of bread in mid-wave. That cutie isn't messing around! -Via Tastefully Offensive

Nine Bizarre Objects Owned By Henry VIII

Portraiture of Henry VIII by the workshop of Hans Holbein the Younger

Following the death of Henry VIII in 1547, his possessions were inventoried. The collection, now kept in The British Library, consists of over ten thousand items, grand in the style befitting a king, and some extraordinary and bombastic, in the style of King Henry VIII. 

Mental Floss compiled a list of some of the more bizarre items owned by King Henry VIII. 

One such item they describe as follows:

"3. A SCAVENGER’S DAUGHTER  The “scavenger’s daughter” was a gruesome and brutal instrument of torture invented sometime during Henry VIII’s reign by Sir Leonard Skevington, the Lieutenant of the Tower of London. The device consisted of an A-shaped iron brace, inside of which a victim would be made to sit in a crouched position, with their head almost touching their knees, and their wrists, ankles, and neck shackled in place. An iron bar passed through the top of the A-frame would then be tightened like a vice, crushing the victim with excruciating force—apparently, until the eyes, nose, and even ears began to bleed. The “scavenger’s daughter” was intended to be an alternative to the rack, which stretched its victims rather than compacting them, but unlike the rack, it mercifully seems to have only been used occasionally."

Mercifully, indeed. See the list linked above for more of the king's possessions. 

21 Delicious British Street Foods to Get While They're Hot

Patty Smith's | "These whopper burgers will make you see stars."
Visit their Facebook page

With the appearance of food trucks, so-called "street food" is currently enjoying worldwide popularity greater than ever before. This collection of delectable-looking British street foods headlined as "must try before you die" is full of fare varied and vying to be prioritized one over the other on your next trip across the pond. 

Ninja Buns 
"Pillowy soft, steamed Taiwanese bao, filled with mouthwatering pork, beef or tofu. Take one in each hand and chow down."
Currently based at Paradise Palms. Visit their Facebook page

The Mexican Bean
"Vibrant Mexican street food, with an emphasis on fresh, healthy ingredients."
Visit their Facebook site.

The Bournville Waffle Company
"Decadent, delightful waffles. Nearly all of the toppings are made from scratch. Try the Rocky Road."
Follow them on Twitter @Wafflespeak

The Case of Patrick Stewart and His Pizza Crusts

Last year, we featured a series of illustrations under the heading "There Are Two Kinds of People in This World." The series separated the pizza crust eaters from the crust deniers, those who eat candy bars by square and those who don't, and other incredibly serious foodie divisions. 

On May 28th via Twitter, Patrick Stewart revealed what kind of man he really is: he's a man that eats no pizza crust.

This wasn't the first time Stewart made headlines for pizza indulgence (or the lack of it). In May of 2013, Stewart told New York Magazine that he had eaten his first ever pizza portioned as a slice recently, explaining that said experimental pie consumption occurred after "My fiancée and I were a little hung-over."

Only a year later, John Farrier revealed that the freewheeling Stewart was already slicing up his pie with an Enterprise pizza cutter. Little did any of us know then that Sir Stew might as well have been trimming off the crusts with the Enterprise as well, if he wanted to be neat and tidy about such matters. 

Unsurprisingly, a crucial issue such as to eat or not to eat pizza crust wasn't ignored by the Twitterverse. See the cheesy, crunchy responses as the debate rages on in this article. 

Goodbye, Tiny Hamster, Hello HamsterZilla

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No more tiny hamster — the li'l guy nibbles on a bit of green ooze and turns into HamsterZilla, taking the town by storm with his absolute non-tininess. The city can only hope to find a suitable competitor to limit HumongoHammy's devastating effects on it. -Via Laughing Squid

The 22 Greatest Disaster Movies of All Time

The Perfect Storm, 2000 | Image: Warner Bros.

The folks at NYMag's Vulture have focused on the disaster movie genre for this article in which they list their picks for the "22 Greatest Disaster Movies of All Time.The scope is seemingly as large as some of the disasters it mentions, considering it takes into account all productions in the history of film and also its definition of disaster is wide. 

Take a moment to think of some of your favorite disaster movies and then check out the list to see if they placed and if so, where they fell on the list. If you're so inclined, mention in comments any films you think have been mistakenly passed over, or any that in your opinion don't deserve to have a position in the grouping.


Mad Max: Fury Road Before and After Visual Effects Shots and Video

Original plate as Max and crew return to the Citadel

Final shot featuring Iloura crowd simulation

Fxguide's article "A Graphic Tale: The Visual Effects of Mad Max: Fury Road" illustrates through before and after photos and videos the color grading and visual effects that Australian studio Illoura applied to the well-received blockbuster to help make it such a crowd and critic pleaser.

Overall visual effects supervisor Andrew Jackson was quoted as saying about the production,

“I’ve been joking recently about how the film has been promoted as being a live action stunt driven film—which it is. But also how there’s so little CGI in the film. The reality is that there’s 2,000 VFX shots in the film. A very large number of those shots are very simple clean-ups and fixes and wire removals and painting out tire tracks from previous shots, but there are a big number of big VFX shots as well.”

Check out this comprehensive write-up linked above to see a number of fascinating still examples as well as several videos.


Illoura's final shot

The Beauty of Adding "-ing" to Movie Titles

What happens when people start adding "-ing" to movie titles? Often, hilarity ensues. And just as often, you might discover it's an hour later and you're still adding "-ing" to movie titles and laughing to yourself or with silly friends having a similar attack of slap happiness. ...I guess you had to be there (add your best in the comments). 

Images Tastefully Offensive Tumblr | Via Pleated Jeans

Add Cool, Artful Touches to Your Walls With These Minimalist Disney Posters

Artwork: Mads Hindhede Svanegaard | Available here

This collection of 28 minimalist artwork Disney prints is perfect for enthusiasts who are looking for something more subtle than the original movie posters to hang in office or home spaces. The nuance certainly doesn't take away from the aesthetic appeal; the focus is on the main lines, curves and hues of the story's central images in an engaging way. -Via BuzzFeed

Artwork Magic Blood | Available here

Artwork: Maxime Pécourt | Available here

Artwork: Rowan Stocks Moore | Available here

The Jungle Mirrors

YouTube Link

This excellent video footage was captured by French photographer Xavier Hubert Brierre, who has shot similar footage in the past (previously). He set up a mirror in several jungle locations in Gabon, Africa to evoke reactions from the diverse species that inhabit the habitat. The reactive behavior of the different animals is as varied as it is fascinating. -Via Buzzfeed

Twenty Must-Have Boozy Popsicle Recipes

Peach Sangria Popsicles
 | Image and recipe from Annie's Eats

Ah, summer. Nothing like a cool cocktail. Yet don't sip it too slow, or it will warm up in the heat as the conversation flows and distractions abound. Slushy, frozen drinks are refreshing, but especially during larger gatherings, the host/bartender may feel a little too tied to the blender. This group of twenty recipes is just the ticket: cocktails on a stick. Cool, premade and just-as-boozy-as-you-desire, they're sitting in your freezer, ready to be savored.

Costa Rican Watermelon Mojito Popsicles
| Image and recipe from Bo
ulder Locavore

Vodka Gummy Bear Pops | Image and recipe from A Spicy Perspective

Watermelon-Mint Tequila Popsicles | Image and recipe from Hungry Girl Por Vida

Thirty Interesting Product/Industrial Designs


Particularly now that the public strongly favors a minimalist, sleek and modern design aesthetic, designers and manufacturers are fully invested in blending the best of function with avant garde form. As always, in the end there are products that aren't practical in terms of function, and are rather ineffective beauties. Such products eventually fall by the wayside in terms of sales; the market soon sorts out such design failures. Consumers love a good marriage of form and function, but they won't tolerate or support an ineffective product for long. On occasion, though, if an item has a look that consumers love, designers can make modifications to bring its usefulness in line with its appearance.

The editors at Design Bump have assembled another group of interesting new products/industrial designs. Have a look at all 30 designs and see if anything catches your eye. 


Which is More Technologically Advanced — Star Wars or Star Trek?

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Writer Tom Gardiner at Gizmodo breaks down systems of technology and advancement of both Star Wars and Star Trek, setting categories alongside each other, in order to come to a conclusion about which is more technologically advanced. Categories considered include transportation, energy generation, communication, manufacturing, construction, military, medical technology, robotics and computing, field manipulation and social technology. As you can imagine, once the writer gives his opinion, the debate continues from readers in the comment section. Check out the comparison here.  

Twelve People Who Lost 50+ Pounds Share Their Best Advice

Image: Athina Garza

With the warmer months upon us, some people are still taking steps to trim off weight that may have crept on over the winter. Summer activities like pool parties, boating, surfing and water skiing are good inspiration.

For those who are looking for weight loss tips, sometimes the best come from people who have recently fought or are still fighting the battle. 

Barb Sullivan Photography Via | BE Photography / Via

For instance, Olivia Sullivan, shown in the photos above (before and after she lost 100 pounds in one year), got candid about cardio. Whereas many people start walking, power walking or jogging when they embark on a weight loss program, that type of exercise is not for everyone, particularly in the initial months.

“The biggest revelation I’ve had is that cardio sucks. Cardio REALLY sucks when you are 275 pounds; it makes you feel really bad about yourself. A friend introduced me to strength training and I fell in love with it. It was doable at my heaviest weight and I realized I was kind of strong. I would do cardio a few times a week but it was lifting that kept me coming back to the gym. Then in October, about halfway through the year, I found boxing. I had built up just enough endurance and strength that it was really fun.I box three days a week and strength train the other three … Cardio is much easier now at 175 pounds and I’m hoping to do my first 5K this summer!”

Hear more advice on weight loss from others who have recently lost fifty pounds or more here.

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