Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Matte Paintings Used in the Original Star Wars Film Trilogy

Chris Evans working his magic

Before computer-generated graphics were used in film, franchises such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones used what was referred to as matte paintings. Usually constructed of large plexiglass panels painstakingly painted with oils, they were artificial sets that took some of the finest artists in the business to produce. Chris Evans, Mike Pangrazio and Ralph McQuarrie are esteemed examples. 

Today, that kind of work is obsolete. This article takes a look back at the practice. A wealth of spectacular images and bios of the artists make for an interesting read.  

 Mike Pangrazio at work

Massive Asteroid to "Narrowly" Miss the Earth

Image: NASA

A rare astronomical event will occur on January 26th, when an asteroid estimated to be a third of a mile wide will "narrowly" miss Earth. The rock, labeled 2004 BL86, will come within 745,000 miles of our planet, or three times what the distance is between us and the moon. Though that distance sounds incredibly far, it's considered a narrrow encounter in terms of space.

Our miss with 2004 BL86 will be the closest an asteroid comes to Earth until August 7, 2027, when 1999 AN10 is predicted to fly by. 2004 BL86 is thought to be sufficiently bright to be seen with small telescopes and strong binoculars.

Read more and see a video about the event here.

Husband Pranks Wife, Turns Their Home into a Ball Pit

YouTube Link

Father and husband Roman Atwood evidently wanted to liven up the day while his wife was away. By the time she returned home, the first floor of their home was transformed into a ball pit, and Roman and the kids were loving every minute. Luckily she had a good sense of fun and humor. Via Viral Viral Videos

What Famous Musicians Might Look Like if Alive Today

Karen Carpenter, born 3.2.1950, died 2.4.1983. Age if alive today: 64

On Elvis Presley's birthday, I posted a drawing by an age-progression artist that illustrated what he might look like if still alive. The link below is to a collection of similar, age-progressed images of famous musicians. A different picture of Elvis is among them. Readers expressed skepticism in the previous post as to whether Elvis would look as handsome as the photo or, considering his less-than-healthy habits, if it was possible for him to make it to senior citizen status. Many of the personalities featured here had similar self-destructive patterns, so these images may elicit the same reaction. Regardless, the illustrations are an interesting point of departure for discussion. 

See every photo in the collection here.

Images: Sachs Media 

20 DIY Ideas Using Wine Corks

Commemorative key chains | Image:

Wine corks acquired while we entertain guests or relax during down time are often discarded without a second thought. The article linked below presents a number of ideas for items people can make with wine corks. Some of these concepts I thought were interesting. I hope you all might be able to use one or more of these suggestions, or that the article may inspire you to think of your own projects using cork. 

See all DIY ideas for wine corks here. 

Trivet | Image: 

39 Futuristic Kitchen Gadgets


If you're anything like me, you find yourself regularly popping the toast out of the toaster mid-cycle in order to avoid burning a piece of that new, delicious looking bread. For the toast-challenged, this baby might make life a little easier. There's something comforting to me about being able to watch my carbs as they gently brown. But this machine that could save me from toast-related carpal tunnel syndrome is merely one on a list of thirty-nine gadgets to make life in the kitchen a little more interesting. Some may be more practical than others, but it's a fun list to peruse. 

See all 39 futuristic kitchen gadgets here.  


Revisiting the Farm of Photographer Elena Shumilova

Mother and photographer Elena Shumilova (previously at Neatorama) first got widespread recognition a year ago with her charming photographs of rural life. She's once again making the rounds with a new set of lovely captures of her family farm in Andreapol, Tverskoy Region, Russia.

Shumilova's preference of exclusively using natural light during her shoots creates a soft, warm glow that is perfectly suited for the natural innocence of her subjects: her two children and their animals. Shumilova says of her work,

“Children and animals – it’s my life. I’m a mom with two sons and we spend a lot of time on the farm. When shooting I prefer to use natural light – both inside and outside. I love all sorts of light conditions – street lights, candle light, fog, smoke, rain and snow – everything that gives visual and emotional depth to the image.”

See more of Shumilova's latest captures on 500pxFlickrSmugmug and Facebook.

Via Bored Panda | Images Elena Shumilova


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Heroic Cat Saves Infant Abandoned in Freezing Temperatures

In Obninsk, Russia recently, an infant boy was abandoned outside in 30-degree weather. But thanks to a cat named Masha who cuddled up to him in the box in which he was left, the baby survived several hours in the cold. 

The cat, a stray who is tended to by locals, is typically quiet. Yet on that day, when Masha encountered a woman she recognized by the name of Irina Lavrova, the shy feline sounded the alarm, meowing and making a scene. Lavrova said,

"I thought that perhaps she had injured herself. Normally she would have come and said hello to me. You can imagine my shock when I saw her lying in a box next to a baby."

The baby was taken to the hospital, where he was determined to be suffering no ill effects from the incident. See a photo gallery and read more on the story here. -Via

Hypnotic Murmuration of Starlings

YouTube Link

This murmuration (flock) of starlings makes rolling waves in the sky over Utrecht, The Netherlands. The video footage, made by Alpacamedia and set to music by MTT, makes for quite a mesmerizing two minutes and seventeen seconds. -Via Gizmodo

78 Drinks Every Bar Person and Party Monster Should Know

It's the weekend, an ideal time to have a cocktail or three. London-based designer and writer David McCandless would like to assist everyone interested in that notion with his chart of 78 mixed drinks.

I noticed that a couple of concoctions I favor are missing from the graphic, yet in spite of that, there are enough drinks illustrated to get just about anyone into a fair about of trouble. How about you — is your favorite drink pictured here?

Click here to see all 78 drink recipes in an an enlargeable version. Visit the designer's website to see more of his projects, and check out his book Knowledge Is Beautiful: Impossible Ideas, Invisible Patterns, Hidden Connections--Visualized here. (Measurements shown are in parts.) 

Heart of Glass

One of several species of glass frogs native to tropical rainforests of Central and South America
Image via: Mudfooted

One of the wonders of the natural world is the ability of so many species to use camouflage as a defense mechanism against predators. Often, like we recently featured in this article on owls, camouflage means intricate patterns of brightly colored markings that help the animal to blend in with its habitat. In other cases, camouflage can mean transparency. Disappearing against the backdrop of your surroundings is easy if others can see right through you. Such is the case with the animals seen in this photo collection.

See more images of these fascinating species here.

Crocodile Icefish, native to Antarctica, has no scales. Icefish are the only vertebrates without red blood cells and hemoglobin | Image: Scientific American 

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Something is Hidden Behind the Soda Machine in This Diner

What looks like a vintage Coke machine in this Shanghai sandwich shop called The Press is actually a door. Those who open the door and step beyond it find their environment transformed. The bright lights of the diner turn to the dim ambience and inviting design of Flask, a modern-day speakeasy.

This unlikely food and drink duo is the brainchild of Alberto CaiolaAssociate Design Director at Coordination Asia Architecture Design & Consulting Company. The general idea behind the hidden bar entrance can be found in various forms in other cities worldwide: it lends an air of exclusivity to the establishment. Walking through an unmarked entrance gives patrons a feeling that they're part of an alluring secret. 

Flask is an attractive space with winning décor. It looks like an interesting spot to have a cocktail. See pictures of it here and at Caiola's website, which also has a detailed description of the place and the inspiration behind it. 

Misconceptions About Getting Sick

YouTube Link

Mental Floss presents the latest in their ongoing video series on misconceptions about various topics. This episode concerns getting sick. Want to hear their take on vaccinations? Are you interested in whether those bits of advice from mom about ways to prevent or put a premature end to colds and flu have any merit? Then check it out.

Designer Chairs

Grant Snider presents us with a world of fancy seating possibilities with his latest comic. Some of these avant-garde pieces your derrière may have to occupy at its own risk. As with every Grant Snider comic, this is available in poster form here. For those who like funny wall art, Eureka in the bathtub! 

Award-Winning Wedding Photos of 2014

First Place in All About Light Category | Image: Chris Huang

Wedding photography is a competitive business model. The market is flooded with photographers, from young start-ups to established businesses that are exceedingly expensive and hard to book. One organization that indirectly sets standards is The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers, which has a quarterly competition to select the best wedding photos from all over the world. Entrants can submit photos in 20 categories. Some of the first place winners of several categories are shown here, and as you can see, the quality of each is exceptional.

See all of The International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers' picks for the best wedding photographs published in 2014 at their website. 

Via Bored Panda | Images via 

First Place in Framing the Subject Category | Image: Paula Boto

First Place in Decisive Moment Category | Image: Dennis Berti

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