Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Tiger Cub and Puppy Pals

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This Barcroft TV video shows the friendship between Hunter, a three-month-old Bengal tiger cub, and Chelsea, a four-month-old German shorthaired pointer puppy. The duo, who reside at The Farm Inn Wildlife Sanctuary in Pretoria, South Africa, have become the best of friends. Hunter had to be separated from his mother, who was showing aggression toward him. His friendship with Chelsea seems to keep him happy and occupied. In several months, Hunter will be too big and strong to play with Chelsea, but for now, they are the perfect pair.

-Via Tastefully Offensive

Instant Replay: Adorable Moments from Puppy Bowls Past and Present

As the weekend approaches, many are looking forward to the Super Bowl. Yet another set of elite couchletes are looking forward to Animal Planet's Puppy Bowlwhich begins at 3:00 pm E.S.T. on Sunday. 

Puppy Bowl XI will feature all kinds of exciting animal appearances, such as five baby Nigerian Dwarf goat cheerleaders before the game, a kitty halftime show featuring the vocal stylings of Katty Furry (you're gonna hear her Rawr) and the cutie shown in the photo above, capturing aerial shots with his biplane. 

For those unfamiliar with the Puppy Bowl, here's a recap of some cute moments from the games in years prior. 

A team of cheerleading chihuahuas have given the game their undivided attention. 

Viewers were treated to a pugshot of this precious player, whose head was definitely in the game.

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BrunchCity: Miniature Cities Atop Foods That Represent Them


Illustrator Bea Crespo and photographer Andrea G. Portoles' artistic project BrunchCity pairs miniatures grouped to represent cities placed on top of foods for which the city is known. Some are more obvious choices than others, such as the placement of Brussels on a Belgian waffle; others are a tad more obscure. All are a fun bite. 

See more Brunch City photos here. Is your city represented? If not, what would you select as your city's corresponding food?

-Via Fooddiggity



Awkward Family Photos: 13 Cringeworthy Pet Portraits

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Just when you think the awkward family portraits bar has been set, someone goes and sets it a little bit higher (or, rather, lower). One has to wonder if these thirteen misguided pet owners regret their portrait concept in retrospect (or whether they were serious in the first place). Only one thing is certain: the animals are trapped in a shame spiral. -Via Distractify

Visual Guide to Marvel Movie Rights

Marvel Comics has been selling the rights to make films based on their material since the 1990s. Thus, the rights to involve certain Marvel characters in screenplays are restricted according to which studio owns them. The creation of Marvel Films in 1993 (now known as Marvel Studios) allowed for Marvel to do a reaquisition in some cases.

The issue seems complicated, but The Geek Twins simplified things with their graphic that explains which studio owns what. What crossovers can take place, allowing for who to fight whom?

Visit this page to see their graphic in three sizes, read a listing of studio rights, see The Geek Twins' references for their undertaking as well as to view other graphics they've created. 

Via Design Taxi | Image: The Geek Twins

Tattoos by Expanded Eye

Expanded Eye consists of London-based artists Jade Tomlinson and Kev James. The duo not only custom create the tattoo designs seen here from stories told to them by each client, but they also make prints, street art and other original artworks, which are exhibited in galleries and available for purchase at The Vaults Gallery in London.

Art lovers can spot influences of cubism in Tomlinson and James' tattoo designs, which often carry over from one section of the body to another. The use of geometric shape, contrast and multi-perspective viewpoints seems an homage to artists such as Picasso and Braque. 

See many more photographs of Expanded Eye tattoos and artwork at their website and check them out on Facebook. 

Via Laughing Squid | Images: Expanded Eye

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Climbing Frozen Niagara Falls

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For the first time ever, a person has scaled Niagara Falls while it's in a frozen state. Ice climber Will Gadd braved the treacherous, unstable climbing conditions to complete the stunt. He explained the challenges of his frozen feat:

"The ice is formed in layers. That means there's a layer of ice, then snow (with a lot of air), then another layer of ice. It's unstable, for sure."

Gadd used ice axes, crampons and a specially-designed ice hook to climb the falls. Read a more detailed account of Gadd's climb here.  

Images: Christian Pondella


Landscapes of Finland by Mikko Lagerstedt

Meri-Pori, Finland,

Finnish photographer Mikko Lagerstedt is more proof that "self taught" photographers can reach the same level of excellence as those with formal training. Lagerstedt's fabulous landscapes are a mixture of techniques; he sometimes uses compositing of differently timed exposures. He describes his process in detail, as well as giving tutorials, on his website.

See more of Lagerstedt's work both at his site and on 
Instagram.  I highly recommend his blog for photography enthusiasts as well. -Via Colossal

The Whole Universe Surrenders
Emäsalo, 2015

Tuusula, Finland, 2014

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How to Make Drunken Oreos

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From PBJ to BYO Oreos! The folks at Foodbeast TV give a video demo of how to take your Oreos from sober to drunken in a few easy steps. I noticed that some readers on other posts of this video commented that they thought the filling should be either left on or mixed into the drunken filling. Hey, that's the perfect excuse to make a second "compare and contrast" batch! -Via Foodbeast

Snickers Super Bowl Commercial Adds Buscemi, Trejo to the Brady Bunch

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This funny commercial for Snickers set to air during the Super Bowl adds Steve Buscemi and Danny Trejo to the classic Brady Bunch episode in which Marcia gets smacked in the nose with a football thrown by Peter. "Making of" footage is featured in the video below. I don't know about you, but I think Buscemi makes a lovely Jan!

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13 Secrets of Amazon Warehouse Employees

Mental Floss put together this interesting list of facts about life as an employee in the warehouses of Amazon. One aspect addressed is the metal detectors by which warehouse workers must be scanned prior to leaving the premises for lunch or at the end of the work day. 

Charlee Mided, who worked in an Amazon warehouse in Phoenix, Arizona, said there was a huge rush among the workers to get in line for the security scan, particularly at lunchtime. He elaborated,

“If you’re way over on one side of the warehouse and lunch is called, you have 30 minutes from that point to clock out, eat, and come back. You’re spending half your time waiting to be scanned out so you can be sure you’re not stealing anything. It leaves you with about 10 minutes for food.”

When it's time to clock out, there is the same hurry to get in line for the metal detectors. The minutes spent in line is time for which the employees aren't paid, according to a Supreme Court decision on the matter issued in late 2014.

Read 12 other facts about work in Amazon warehouses here.  

Image Source: Reddit 

Top Ten Grammar Myths

Grammar Girl and Quick and Dirty Tips author Mignon Fogarty writes this list of top ten grammar myths, which has points that might fool even the most contentious of internet grammar hawks. But there's one thing we all know: irregardless is not a word. Right? That loud buzzing sound says wrong (and so does Fogarty). She explains, 

“Irregardless” is a bad word and a word you shouldn't use, but it is a word. “Floogetyflop” isn't a word—I just made it up and you have no idea what it means. “Irregardless,” on the other hand, is in almost every dictionary labeled as nonstandard. You shouldn't use it if you want to be taken seriously, but it has gained wide enough use to qualify as a word.

Read the rest of Fogarty's top ten grammar myths here. 

Rare Megamouth Shark Washes Ashore in the Philippines

According to the Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines, an exceedingly rare megamouth shark washed ashore in Marigondon, Pioduran, Albay yesterday morning. The specimen, which was no longer alive, was thought to be only the 60th sighting of the species ever (though experts are still debating the number). 

Cause of death of the 15-foot long shark is still unknown. The specimen has been stored on ice until specialists arrive to examine it. 

The common name of this docile, deep-dwelling species refers to the disproportionate size of its massive head and the large capacity of its mouth, which the shark keeps open as it swims in order to catch plankton and jellyfish.

See a video about a scientist's fascinating encounter with a megamouth in the wild below. Read more about the Philippines specimen here, and see the Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines' Facebook post about the event here.  

Images: Rhaydz Barcia

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Neon Lit Jurassic Park and Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailers

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Digital illustrator Neonardo made these killer videos reimagining the trailers of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Jurassic Park with neon lights. The result is fantastic. See more of Neonardo's projects on his Tumblr and follow him on social media via Twitter.

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Lost Dog, a Budweiser Commercial to Air During the Super Bowl

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"Lost Dog" is another in the grand tradition of Super Bowl commercials by Budweiser, which often feature the company's iconic Clydesdale horses. In this tearjerker, a follow-up to last year's ad "Puppy Love," a yellow Labrador retriever puppy is accidentally taken a long distance from his home and farm friends, and he must find a way to make it back. See the video below for "making of" footage.

In related Super Bowl puppy ad news, GoDaddy made a Super Bowl advertisement that was intended to be a parody of this Budweiser ad, yet they pulled it after backlash from groups such as the SPCA and, who argued that it encouraged puppy mills and inhumane breeding. This article in Variety goes so far as to suggest that GoDaddy planned the whole thing as a publicity stunt, which makes sense given how many media outlets are covering the story. What do you think, readers? -Via Tastefully Offensive

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