Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Pup Does a Jig When He Sees His Human

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There's a lack of information on this video's info page to tell me the circumstances of it, but this place looks to me to be a doggie day care, or perhaps a training session. Whatever the environment, the owner of the doggie star of this video arrives at the facility and the dog is unable to contain his excitement, doing a dance and jumping up and down. That's what you call a standing ovation!

Kids Adorably Failing at Hide and Seek

Better count to more than ten if you're playing hide and seek with these kids. They may need a little time to perfect their games. Remember when a well-draped blanket fort seemed to be the crucial factor in between you and everything/everyone else in the world? Those were the days, weren't they? 

See all kids who are highly visible yet think they have the proverbial wool pulled over the eyes of the world here. It's a funny bunch of photos, I recommend it. 

Rhino Calf's Big Bottles Bringing the Brawn

Now for something ridiculously cute. This three-week-old greater one-horned rhino calf (the largest of the rhino species) is already a big boy. He requires a lot of nourishment. When the calf was not gaining as much weight as expected while living with his mother, the San Diego Zoo Safari Park staff began to hand-feed him the large bottle shown here every two hours. The as-yet unnamed calf, who gulps his bottles down, has gained weight ever since. Adding 30 pounds since birth, the rhino now weighs in at 190. Adult rhinos weigh between 4,000 and 5,000 pounds. The calf is watched around the clock by staff in the meantime, and is taken outdoors for exercise daily.

Once plentiful in Southeast Asia, the greater one-horned rhinoceros is now found only in India and Nepal. The species is listed as endangered due to poaching. There are an estimated 3,250 greater one-horned rhinos remaining in the wild. This calf is the 68th of the species born at the park since 1975, making the facility the leader in the world for breeding of this species. 

Images: Ken Bohn, San Diego Zoo Safari Park

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Creative Tip Jar Incentive Signs

Those who work for tips are at the mercy of their customers. Sometimes, particularly during slumps in the economy, it pays to do whatever you possibly can to put the public in the mood to part with their hard-earned money. The people who made these signs for their tip jars are attempting to use humor to inspire generosity; it's probably the best approach. 

See an amusing collection of these tip jar signs here. 

Kangaroo Puts Quick End to Drone

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We've seen Rambro the angry ram smash a noisy quadcopter drone that got too close up in his biz. Here's new footage of what looks to be a mama kangaroo with her joey who wasn't going to take any chances with some annoying buzzy thing getting too close to her offspring. She picked the drone out of the air and smashed it. Why do I find footage of animals quickly destroying drones so satisfying? Should I seek therapy to work through my resentment of drone technology? Or should I simply make it a point to travel with Rambro and a 'roo whenever I'm in outdoor, open spaces? -Via Uproxx

Hearing Impaired Girl Delighted That Santa Knows Sign Language

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Six-year-old Sadie Adam has been hearing impaired since birth. In previous years, when Sadia visited Santa, any communication she had with him required a sign language interpreter. This year, however, Westminster, Massachusetts Police Chief Salvatore Albert, who has played Santa for 15 years, learned sign language just so he could communicate with Sadie. The fact that Santa knew how to speak with her was an early Christmas gift to the little girl, who was thrilled. What a sweet story.

Easy Chocolate "Star Bread" Recipe

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Here's a recipe that is so easy it's a perfect activity to do with the kids. If you count bread mix as one ingredient, it's a three-ingredient recipe, made with egg whites, Nutella and bread dough. It not only looks tasty, but its star shape is festive as well. -Via 22 Words

Best Films of 2014

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Flavorwire has assembled their end-of-year selections for the best films of 2014. They list 25 titles, one of which is the fascinating documentary Finding Vivian Meier, about a nanny who secretly was a prolific photographer. Her staggering body of work was found by a stranger, only by chance, after her death.  For those like me who love documentaries, this is certainly a compelling one that I recommend.

See the other 24 titles selected as best films of 2014, with descriptions and trailers for each, in this article.

How Adopting a Pig Changed One Couple's Lives

Canadian couple Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter adopted what they thought was a pygmy piglet and brought her to live with them. They named their pet Esther. Within two years, Esther grew to be a whopping 667 pounds! It was obvious that Esther wasn't a pygmy, but by the time they realized their mistake, the couple had grown to love her as a member of their family. They found her to be highly intelligent and good natured.

Steve and Derek's love for Esther changed their lives in more ways than one. It made them reconsider eating meat. They went from carnivores to vegans. The couple began to consider animals such a central part of their lives that they decided to start their own animal shelter. After raising over $400,000 on Indiegogo, they launched their operation. That Esther must be Some Pig! 

Follow the adventures of Esther and her humans on their website, and via social media on Facebook and Twitter. -Via Bored Panda


18 Animals Whose Lives Were Improved by Prosthetics

Chris P. Bacon 

When injuries cause the loss of a functioning body part, the results are the same in animals as well as people. There is a sense of profound loss and a period of grief and depression as a result of such a loss. Then comes a time of adjustment, in which the being strives to live as normal a life as is possible in their new circumstances. At that time, a prosthetic can make all the difference. The importance of being mobile and autonomous can never fully be comprehended until such time as it is lost. 

Two cases of animals who have benefited from prosthetics are pictured here. The adorable Chris P. Bacon, above, never suffered a loss of his limbs, as he was born without rear legs. His owner, a veterinarian named Len Lucero, outfitted the pig with a set of rear wheels. Ever since, Chris has been inspiring children in hospitals who are confined to wheelchairs, showing them that it's not a condition that can keep them from leading fulfilling lives. 

In a terrible accident, Motala the elephant stepped on a landmine, necessitating an amputation in her front left leg. Motala was fitted with a prosthetic leg, which changed the fifty-year-old elephant's outlook and her life. 

Read about sixteen more cases of prosthetics improving the lives of animals in this article. 


200 Calories of Christmas Food and Drink, In Pictures

The ol' visualizing 200 calories treatment is applied to typical Christmas food and drink here. To those familiar with counting calories, this shouldn't be much of a surprise. It does do well to illustrate how many calories can be ingested by partaking in alcoholic drinks, particularly rich drinks like eggnog. But with all that extended family interaction, I wouldn't dream of suggesting people stick to water. We all tend to cut back once January hits, anyway. 

See more of these 200-calorie Christmas fare photos at The Atlantic.  

Ninja Cat's Sneak Attack

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You have to hand it to this cat. He's devised the perfect plan for a sneak attack on his dog housemate. Sure, the dog couldn't care less, but that's no reflection on your smooth moves, kitty. Keep trying. -Via Tastefully Offensive

Virgil the Poodle vs. the Electric Toothbrush

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Virgil the standard poodle must be a major fan of oral hygiene via the electric toothbrush. Every time the brush is switched on, Virgil shows his teeth. Surely he's baring his teeth because he's ready for a good brushing, and not because he wants to attack the brush. We'll give you the benefit of the doubt, Virgil!

The Biggest Scientific Breakthroughs of 2014

This year a stunning breakthrough in reproductive health occurred: a woman was able to give birth with a transplanted uterus. The 36-year-old Swedish woman was born without a uterus, a condition called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. She was one of nine Swedish women who had uterine transplants from 2012-2013. The uterus was donated by a 61-year-old family friend of the patient. The birth gives hope to mothers without uteruses or those with damaged uteruses who desire to carry children.

Read more about the birth here. This story is only one of numerous astounding scientific breakthroughs in 2014. Read about others here. 

Image: The Lancet

Ice Formations on a Slovenian Mountain Top

Photographer Marko Korosec climbed Mount Javornik in eastern Slovenia after a storm and found this icy, wind-swept wonderland at the site of a ski center. Korosec estimated the ice spikes seen here to be over 3 feet in length. View all photos from this shoot at Korosec's 500px page. 

Images: Marko Korosec | Via Colossal

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