Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

School Lunch or Prison Lunch? A Quiz

Which institutional sustenance do you imagine to be more foul, prison or school cafeteria food? Both are legendary for being less than appetizing. Even media portrayals of the servers of these meals are unflattering; I suppose it's the idea of "shooting the messenger."

Take a look at these meals and make a guess as to whether you'd see it more easily fitting on a drab, graffiti-scratched school table or a drab, bolted-to-the-floor prison table. Then see the remaining photos and check your answers here.  


Seven Things You May Not Know About Goodfellas

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CineFix presents us with seven things we may not know about Scorsese's mob classic Goodfellas. Drop in once more on Henry, Jimmy, Tommy and Uncle Paulie. I'm sure they've got some good sauce simmering on the stove. Warning: language, spoilers.

Ten Astronaut Health Risks During Deep Space Missions

A 2014 study on 12 astronauts found that the human heart becomes 9.4 percent more spherical after long exposure to weightlessness in space. This could cause heart problems. Dr. James Thomas of NASA explained,

“The heart doesn’t work as hard in space, which can cause a loss of muscle mass. That can have serious consequences after the return to Earth, so we’re looking into whether there are measures that can be taken to prevent or counteract that loss."

Although the damaging changes to the heart are reversed once the astronaut lands on Earth, the long-term effects on the heart are unknown. Researchers are involved in long-term studies as to the effects of space flight on the heart, the results of which may also benefit heart patients on Earth. One study currently being conducted is based on the possible formation of atherosclerosis in astronauts.

Read about nine other health risks to astronauts on deep space missions here.

Image: Wikipedia

Slapped Silly

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Yellow Labrador Retriever Jaden literally yet unintentionally bitch slaps his canine housemate Rosie while happily wagging his tail. Note to Rosie: it's never a good idea to get behind that big boy. -ViaTastefully Offensive

North Korea, South Korea: A Photographic Juxtaposition

Universities in North Korea (top photo) and South Korea 

North Korea and South Korea may be close geographically, but politically and culturally they are worlds apart. The communist, oppressive North Korea is marred by poverty, secrecy and stagnation. According to this BBC profile,

"Aid agencies have estimated that up to two million people have died since the mid-1990s because of acute food shortages caused by natural disasters and economic mismanagement. The country relies on foreign aid to feed millions of its people.

The totalitarian state also stands accused of systematic human rights abuses. Reports of torture, public executions, slave labour, and forced abortions and infanticides in prison camps have emerged. Amnesty International estimates that hundreds of thousands of people are held in detention facilities, in which it says that torture is rampant and execution commonplace." 

In stark contrast, South Korea is a wealthy, thriving capitalist society. German photographer Dieter Leistner's photo series, a juxtaposition of images of the two countries, illustrates the striking disparities between them. Leistner's photos well represent the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words."

See more photos from this collection in this article. Leistner's series, entitled "Korea--Korea," can be purchased in book form here.

Road leading outside Pyongyang, North Korean capital
Road leading outside Seoul, South Korea

Our Deep, Dark Fears

Fran Krause, whose illustrations are shown here, asked people to share with him their most absurd fears so that he could illustrate them in a series he calls "Deep Dark Fears." Everyone has at least one: the flash of horrific that races through your mind when you are completing some everyday task about which you have a irrational, recurring idea.

Krause was inspired to create the series by his own illogical fears, and he's vividly illustrated both his and those of others with humor and empathy. Do you think you have some strange thoughts as you go about your life on any given day? Check out Krause's series on his Tumblr, InstagramFacebookTwitter and retail shop. You'll find company for your flying freak flag.

Via Bored Panda | Images: Fran Krause


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12 DIY New Year's Countdown Ideas

Remember the excitement of the New Year's Eve countdown when you were a kid? If you were anything like my friends at that age, we all loved to stay up and count down the hours. If you're a parent who is planning on spending New Year's Eve with family this year, here is a list of ideas that could make your celebration more fun. All are relatively inexpensive, easy to make and add a little holiday sparkle to the room. 

See all twelve ideas and their tutorials here. 

Dog vs. Cat vs. Rat: A Trick Contest

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We've seen dog and cat (specifically Nana the Border Collie and Kaiser the Bengal cat) go head-to-head in a trick contest previously on Neatorama. Now making the competition more interesting are Famous and Raven the rats, who are performing the same tricks as the dog and cat (albeiit on a smaller scale). I never thought I'd find myself rooting for rats, but these newcomers make for some mean competition! -Via Laughing Squid 

Stubborn as Mules

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These two donkeys live at Sunflower Farm in Cumberland, Maine. One day they were caught in a playful mood. Owner Hope Hall was quoted as saying.

"I almost died laughing when I went to get in my car and noticed that the donkeys had plucked the wiffle ball bat from the bag where it hangs beside their fence and were carrying it around together. I thought that by the time I grabbed a phone they would have dropped it, but they carried it around for about 10 minutes. I guess they are ready for spring baseball season!"

Maybe these guys can play on a farm team if they keep up the batting practice! -Via Tastefully Offensive

Pulp Fiction 20th Anniversary Artwork

Studio MUTI in Cape Town, South Africa specializes in illustration, typography and design. For the 20th anniversary of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, they created these slick posters featuring the main characters of the film. As the photos shown here illustrate, they did a great job of communicating the essences of Marsellus Wallace and Butch Coolidge with minimalistic expression. 

See the other posters from this series here. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Studio MUTI

From Slam to Glam

Redditor pwnyride13 posted about a gay couple he's friends with who returned home to find that a slur had been scratched into their door. This wasn't a time to be furious, it was a time to be fabulous, as their response (below) shows. -Via 22 Words


A Half Male, Half Female Cardinal

Image: Brian D. Peer and Robert W. Motz

This photo is not the product of some Redditor's use of Photoshop to create a funny hybrid. This is an extremely rare find in nature: a half male, half female northern cardinal. Referred to by scientists as a gynandromorph, these dual gender specimens are known to be found in insect, crustacean and bird populations.

The bird shown above was discovered in Rock Island, Illinois by ornithologists Brian D. Peer and Robert W. Motz. They observed the bird for a period of 40 days, during which they studied its interaction with other birds and its responses to various bird calls. The bird did not appear to have a mate, nor did it sing. The recorded observations of Peer and Motz were published in the Wilson Journal of Ornithology. Read more about this gynandromorph at i09 and Science. 

Men Who Dropped as Their Wives Shopped

Instagram account miserable_men (previously at Neatorama) features pictures of men hopelessly trapped in retail settings as their female companions celebrate consumerism. What time of year could be better for such photo captures as just after Christmas? Customers flood the malls with new gift cards, returns and exchanges, eager to check out the post-holiday bargains. It may be an adrenaline rush for many women, but the mall is the last place many men want to spend hours. And hours. These poor guys in the pictures are dropping like flies as their women stand at attention near sales racks and in fitting rooms. Let's hope that these guys got to go out for a nice, juicy steak and a drink or two afterward for their trouble. 

See a selection of these photos in this article, and visit miserable_men on Instagram.


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Lord of the Rings Characters, Jackson vs. Tolkien: A Personality Analysis

IBM's artificially intelligent Watson computer has been used to do everything from playing Jeopardy to studying brain cancer. The computer's latest pop cultural study was initiated by IBM research staff member Vinish Misra, who employed the system's User Modeling feature to analyze the personality traits of Lord of the Rings characters. A data set including the dialogue used by characters in the Peter Jackson film versions and J.R.R. Tolkien's books. A portion of the findings is illustrated in the chart above. Personality characteristics highlighted in red indicate increased emphasis of those traits in the films; blue corresponds to those traits elevated in the books. 

See more charts and a full explanation of the analysis in a detailed blog post by Misra here. -Via i09

French Bulldog Plus Ball Pit Equals Sheer Joy

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All poise and calm is joyously abandoned when Eva the French Bulldog meets two ball pits in her designated doggie playroom. Later, in the video below, Eva protects her beloved bowls of balls against other Frenchie intruders. Stay vigilant, Eva! -Via Laughing Squid

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