Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

SciShow Guest Phil Plait Explains Measuring the Distance of Stars

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SciShow's Hank Green gets schooled by Bad Astronomy's Phil Plait (who, he tells Hank, has been advocating for science "Since you were a fetus") on measuring the distance of stars. Leave it to Plait to provide an engaging as well as informative offering.

The video is for “School of YouTube Week,” in which YouTube teams with Comic Relief to ask popular YouTube channels to focus on education and asks viewers to donate to education funds for children in impoverished areas worldwide. Via Laughing Squid.

The Fantastic Paper Art of Yulia Brodskaya

The exceptional paper art of Yulia Brodskaya, featured previously at Neatorama, continues to evolve and capture the imagination of art lovers everywhere. At only thirty-one years of age, and given the fact that she didn't start experimenting with papercraft until the late 2000s, one can only imagine the level to which she will continue to cultivate her artwork. 

Using only hand-manipulated strips of paper and glue, Brodskaya makes the masterpieces shown here, some at an impressively large scale, as seen in the photo below. Brodskaya's artworks have been in demand by collectors all over the world, including notable personalities such as Oprah Winfrey and organizations such as the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. 

Learn more about Brodskaya and see additional artworks at her website. Via Bored Panda. 


James Mollison's Compelling Portraits: Where Children Sleep

Alex, 9, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

James Mollison's book Where Children Sleep (previously) contains portraits of children from all across the globe, aside images, some positively heartbreaking, of the spaces where they sleep. In this way, readers have visual access to the often filthy, poverty stricken environments in which these children must rest their heads. 

Not all of the photographs feature dismal surroundings, but the photos shown here are some of the more unsettling. Mollison said in an interview, 

"I hope the book gives a glimpse into the lives some children are living in very diverse situations around the world; a chance to reflect on the inequality that exists, and realize just how lucky most of us in the developed world are."

It certainly puts into perspective any complaint I might have made this week. See more of Mollison's moving images at his website. Via Lost at E Minor.

Bilal, 6, Wadi Abu Hindi, The West Bank

 Netu, 11, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dong, 9, Yunnan, China 

Robin Williams is Now a Genie in a Lamp in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

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As many of his fans are aware, Robin Williams was a video games enthusiast, even naming his daughter Zelda after he and his wife played the first Legend of Zelda game while she was pregnant. Williams also disclosed his enjoyment of Portal, Call of Duty, and World of Warcraft, among other games. 

After Williams' tragic suicide, World of Warcraft fans started a petition to have the comedic actor memorialized in the game. As the petition gained momentum, a WOW game designer announced on Twitter that a Williams tribute would indeed be added to the game.

The homage to Williams was recently spotted in the Warlords of Draenor beta version. Once a lamp is rubbed, Williams appears as a genie and says a line from his movie Aladdin, "Infinite Cosmic Power!" Additional Williams references, including a cracked egg spaceship, a nod to Mork and Mindy, can be seen as well. 

Warlords of Draenor is available for pre-purchase here. The live launch is set for November 13 of this year. Via Geeks are Sexy.

Fathers at a One Direction Concert

Photographer Angelina Castillo, taking photographs for the Nashville Scene, shot images of fathers who accompanied their daughters to a concert by boy band One Direction late last month.

The expressions that Castillo captured tell the angsty truth. The gut wrenching, existential pain that only the boy band du jour— onstage, armed with microphones and soundmixed with thousands of screaming tweens — can cause. The fathers' souls are bared; this is the extreme discomfort and musical revulsion that only the love a father feels for his daughter can balance. Someone give these men medals of honor!

See more of Castillo's series at the Nashville Scene. ViaTwisted Sifter. 

How to Insult People Like a Brit

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Who among us isn't actively looking for new ways to insult people? The alternative would be absolutely unthinkable. Expand your insult repertoire with this handy video on words the British use to insult others. Via 22 Words.

Fennec Fox Kit Keeps Busy at San Diego Zoo

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The San Diego Zoo is home to this playful, curious fennec fox kit, aged three months. This male kit weighs in at 1.5 pounds. The zoo staff gives him lots of toys and food puzzles to keep him occupied. For example, snacks of meal worms are buried in sand, which keeps the kit busy digging. Becky Kier, senior Neonatal Assisted Care Unit keeper at the San Diego Zoo explained,

"Fennec foxes are great hunters, and in order to foster those natural behaviors, we will give him some stuffed mice that he'll toss around and pounce on as if he's practicing hunting.

In the wild he would normally dig for insects in the sand, so we provide him with something to dig through to encourage that behavior as well."  

Via Tastefully Offensive.

The Science of Beer

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PBS Digital Studios' "It's Okay to Be Smart" produces this informative video on the science of beer. One would never want to consume an adult beverage if they are unable to describe the scientific process involved in making the mixture, correct? Certainly not. That would be uncouth. Via YouTube Link

Turkey the Kitten Gobbles While Eating

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This kitten named Turkey might possibly have received her name due to the funny sounds she makes during mealtime. One might say as Turkey gobbles, she gobbles. At the time this video was filmed (March of this year), Turkey was a shelter cat up for adoption in Orange County, Florida. I hope that, by now, Turkey has a permanent home in which she feels comfortable to let all of her personality traits be known. Fly that Turkey flag high, kitty! Via 22 Words.

Three Dimensional Drawings

Artwork: Julia Barinova

These exceptional examples of three dimensional drawing are done in pencil. Such artwork requires a mastery of visualizing where light would hit the drawn objects, as those parts should be shaded lightly or not at all. The places that would not be lit would be more heavily shaded. Additionally, the artist will sometimes insert actual objects into their drawing, such as a pencil or even their hand. Actual three dimensional objects interacting with the drawing enhances its three dimensionality. 

See more examples of excellent three dimensional drawings here.


Artwork: Muhammad Ejleh

Artwork: Carmenharada

Artwork: Muhammad Ejleh

Gaming Then and Now

Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly bring us this amusing take on past and present-day gaming. They even throw a little "future" in at the end. The only thing that essentially hasnt changed is the awkward motion control. The area has expanded, but that doesn't make it any less awkward. Via Geeks are Sexy.

Five Ways Social Media Changes the Brain

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AsapSCIENCE supplies us with five more reasons social media is evil. Pay attention: you might soon be using these as additional reasons to prohibit your children from using Facebook. Via Geeks are Sexy.

Teens React to: Nintendo NES System

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In a video that makes me want to get on Ebay and look for a Nintendo NES, the Fine Brothers have these teenagers try to load, power up and play the "old school" console. As you can imagine, they are struck by any number of perceived oddities about the old setup. At least one girl recognizes the controller. "Wait--that's the remote controller?! I have an iPhone case like this!" she exclaims. 

Charlie the Dog is at it Again

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Charlie the beagle has been taught that sharing toys with baby Laura is caring (and likely rewarded with doggie refreshments for his generosity). In this video, Charlie decides to throw a little ball party in Laura's crib. He certainly knows how to make her smile. Via Tastefully Offensive.

Cute Baby Goats Compilation

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We shared the "Cute Baby Goats Compilation" part one on Neatorama a few months back. Now here is part two, in all its baby goat glory. These little creatures are completely adorable, but videos like this make me wonder about the number of people who seem to have goats running around inside their homes. Via Tastefully Offensive.

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