Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

The Makeup Transformations of Lucia Pittalis

Makeup artist and painter Lucia Pittalis is a chameleon by the virtue of her own talent in makeup application. The way she looks sans makeup disguise is in the photo above. Her incredible transformations from herself to Hollywood and music icons are in the photos below. Can you imagine her lucky children and relatives who get such fantastic makeup jobs for Halloween? The FBI should hire her to aid them in their witness protection program!

See more of Pittalis' fantastic makeup jobs on Instagram and Facebook. -Via Viral Nova

 Keith Richards

Frank Zappa

 Sylvester Stallone

 Angela Lansbury / Murder, She Wrote

Express Yourself in Green with Moss Graffiti

  Image: Anna Garforth

These beautiful creations are made of moss. Environmentally friendly and without the lasting property damaging nature of painted graffiti, it's a great little addition to ones artistic "bag o' tricks." Keep it moist and it generally thrives (the "moss only grows on north-facing surfaces" thing is a myth). The ingredients necessary to make such a design are listed below. Find detailed instructions at wikihow. -Via Bored Panda

3 cups of moss (washed, clean of soil)
2 cups of buttermilk or 2 cups of yogurt (should be plain yogurt)
2 cups of water or beer
1/2 tsp of sugar
corn syrup (optional)
a blender (that you probably don’t want to use other than for this)

webponce / Anna Garforth, artist

  Image credit: Edina Tokodi

The Science of Dreams

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Theoretical physicist and author Dr. Michio Kaku is a professor of theoretical physics at the City College of New York. His most recent book, released in February of this year, is entitled The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind

In this video, Dr. Kaku discusses modern scientific research on dreams, including what parts of the brain are active and inactive during dream states, the science of lucid dreaming, Freudian theory and more. As it turns out, Freud isn't completely kooky. -Via Science Dump 

This is What a $93 Million NYC Skyscraper Penthouse Looks Like

Master Bath

One of my favorite places to visit is Manhattan. I'd live there if I could afford to live in a place in which I'd be comfortable. It's safe to say that this $93 million dollar Park Avenue penthouse fits the bill. At 1,396 feet high, the building is the tallest residential structure in the Western hemisphere. The penthouse offers sweeping views of the city from all sides. Building amenities include a private restaurant with outdoor terrace, a swimming pool and spa, a screening room and theatre, climate-controlled wine cellars, a children’s playroom and a board room. Plus, as you can see from these photos, you can bathe, make meals and lie in bed while gazing at the top of the Empire State. Or gazing at any number of tall, iconic buildings that stand in NYC. 

Learn more about these gorgeous digs at the building's website.  -Via Bored Panda

Living Room

Dining Room, with delicious view of the Chrysler Building

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Five Things Mario Can't Do But You Can

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While I love playing Mario games, particularly the old-school, I've never stopped to consider what Mario can't do that I take for granted. Turns out, Mario can't function, poor thing. At least I was amused as I learned the cold, hard Verità di Mario. -Via Tastefully Offensive

It's the End of the World as We Know It, and Stipe's Teaching at NYU

REM frontman Michael Stipe is now concentrating on art; specifically he's working as a professor in the Steinhardt Department of art at New York University. Stipe, an art student at the University of Georgia before dropping out to tour with REM in its infancy, maintains that he never stopped creating art between then and now. His projects over the years have included photography and design for REM album covers, lighting and stage design of their live shows, and directing music videos.

See a video of Stipe'
s work and read more about his teaching methods and lesson plan here.

Image: David Shankbone 

42 Peculiar Products of the Past

This little number shown above is The Isolator, a brainchild of one Hugo Gernsback, who is now often referred to as a pioneer of science fiction. The device, advertised in a 1925 issue of Science and Invention magazine (of which Gemsback was the editor), was intended to help a writer (or reader) focus completely on their task at hand. Or rather, to hyperfocus. The slit in the mask only allowed for one line of text to be seen at a time. If that wasn't enough to disorient and produce tunnel vision, sound was blocked and oxygen piped in via the tank.

As one who writes for a number of outlets as well as for myself, I think the act of being in a room with a computer and few distractions for as long as it takes to see a project to completion is quite enough isolation as it is, thanksverymuchhugo.

The 41 other strange, often hilarious contraptions featured in this article were marketed to people of the past as the latest products to revolutionize their lives. Before there were infomercials in the pre-dawn hours, these ads lurked in newspapers and magazines, their sponsors hoping the public would embrace them like apple pie. Fortunately for us, none of the products shown here survived the quasi-Darwinian cut of devices to persevere. -Image Source 

Bulldog Biker Babe is All Kinds of Cool

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Christine Sutton doesn't have to worry about conforming to biker etiquette by waving to other bikers as they pass, because her bulldog Sweets has that handled. Bad to the bone! -Via Tastefully Offensive

Man Walks in South American Rainforest at Night, Sees Spider the Size of a Small Puppy

In a story that will haunt my dreams, entomologist Piotr Naskrecki was walking through the rainforest of Guyana at night in search of katydids, as that is what he was studying. He says that typically in his field research, he walks slowly and quietly, so as not to disturb anything. He wears a headlamp, but turns it off on occasion, which he says helps him zone in on the sounds around him. Naskrecki was listening for the distinctive sounds of katydid wings when instead he heard something moving, crushing dry leaves under its feet. In his peripheral vision, he saw what he thought was a large, hairy rodent. 

It wasn't a large, hairy rodent, however. Instead, it was my very worst nightmare: the largest spider in the world. A South American goliath birdeater (Theraphosa blondi), to be exact. This big, hairy bowl of wrong has legs up to a foot in length, with feet that have hard tips and make clicking sounds as they move along. Its huge fangs are capable of puncturing the skull of a rodent with one clutch. Its size was compared to that of a newborn pup. 

Naskrecki said that not only did the spider make a hissing sound, rear its front legs and flex its monstrous fangs, but it rubbed its legs against its abdomen, producing a hairy cloud that made Piotr's eyes tear up and burn for several days afterward. (As I've written this and uploaded the images, I've stopped to take deep breaths several times and once glanced at a world map to remind myself how far that species is from me.)

Read more about Naskrecki's close encounter with Satan's housepet here. 
Images: Piotr Naskrecki 


Five Science Stunts Using Dry Ice

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Grant Thompson, a/k/a The King of Random, seems to have a "thing" for dry ice. He even used it to do an ALS challenge video earlier this year (and burned himself in the process). His particular dry ice passion/pathology continues in this video, as he messes around with the stuff five different ways (and utters a "don't try this at home" for several of them). -Via Science Dump

Fall Fires Will Burn Cool with These Decorative Fire Pits

Athlete's Village Fire Pit Globe | Design: Hammacher Schlemmer

If there's one thing that is hugely popular here in these 'burbs, it's firepits. My neighbors' particular brand of bliss is with beer/cocktail in hand and firepit in sight. I can't complain. While I'm not a firepit owner, I can walk just a bit in any direction if I'm struck by the desire to hang out and enjoy the firey ambience. These designs are so pretty, though, they could just about persuade me to buy my own. 

See the rest of this user-submitted collection at Bored Panda.  

    Burning Forest Fire Pit | Design: 

Swallow Fire Pit | Design:   Tropical Firepit | Design: 

Rare Celebrity Candid Shots

James Dean and Sammy Davis, Jr. | Image:

These rare, celebrity candids (with a few impromptu poses in natural situations) are unusual in that many of the shots catch personalities in groups or pairs that the public doesn't typically associate together. Like the photo above, they are refreshing in their spontaneous, informal feel. They evoke reflection of a simpler time, in which Photoshop and unrealistic standards of beauty and body image for both sexes weren't yet the norm.

See the rest of this fun collection here.

 Redd Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Sidney Poitier, Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor | Image:

The Brady Bunch joking around with the Jackson Five | Image:

Robert Redford and Paul Newman | Image:

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23 Exceptionally Bizarre Craigslist Ads

Ah, Craiglist. It's a cornucopia of creepy and crass. It can also be a fun read. Occasionally though, Craigslist functions more as it was originally intended, and not to promote any number of felonious actions. There are times when a person just needs something taken off of his/her hands, whether they're willing to sell it for a song, or give it away. Something like a toaster chair, complete with handy "toast upper downer handle." Or a sofa made of rocks. Perhaps people are needed for a strictly scientific hair growth study. These listings are proof that if one simply gives Craigslist a chance, it's possible to find honest and honorable people in need.

See the other Craigslist ads in this collection here. (I had a hard time selecting which of them to post here!) 

Every Customer Service Call

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Have you made a call to a large corporation in the last... oh... two to fifteen years and had a positive experience in which you were waited on promptly without a number of transfers and without having to repeat the same information ad nauseam? Did the employees seem to want to resolve the issue about which you were calling? Yes? Do you have four legs, a silky mane and a single, pointed horn growing out of the top of your head? I thought as much. (NSFW language) -Via Viral Viral Videos

Honest Trailer for Fight Club

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Screen Junkies' next honest trailer "victim" is David Fincher's Fight Club. Spoiler within (although anyone who hasn't seen the film in the last fifteen years isn't likely to care). So click play to "revisit this high-budget Hollywood movie that has an anti-capitalist message" and myriad product placements. You are Jack's sneaking suspicion that he's being ridiculed. -Via Viral Viral Videos

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