Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Seven of the Most Beautiful Fox Species in the World

Arctic Fox | Image: William Doran

Recently, Neatorama featured a remarkable collection of fox photographs shot by Russian miner Ivan Kislov on his work breaks. Kislov shared that, while he took photos of all wildlife he encountered, foxes made for the best subjects due to their curiosity and willingness to come close to him. 

In certain key ways, foxes are part of the human experience. The animal inhabits every continent aside from Antarctica. Foxes are an integral part of popular culture, due to their prominence for centuries in both eastern and western folklore. In such age-old stories, the fox is generally portrayed as wily and mischievious. Such a representation may be explained in part by the resourcefulness and crafty hunting style of the animal, in which it lays camouflaged in natural cover, hiding until it pounces when the time is right.

Emvironmental nuisance, cunning hunter or beloved natural icon, the beauty of the various species of this wild creature is certainly not in question. This image collection of seven beautiful fox species, with several captivating photographs to represent each, is definitely worth a look. 

Marble Fox | Image: Unknown

Silver Fox | Image: Matt Knoth

Stunning Photo: Frost Formations on Trees in Czech Forest

Fitting for the first day of December is this amazing photograph of windswept frost formations 
in a wooded expanse in the Beskydy Mountains bordering between Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Photographer Jan Bainar was hiking the area when he caught sight of these frosty designs on one side of the tree trunks in the forest. These fanciful shapes, created by the combination of low temperatures, slight precipitation and high winds, look like silvery gray hair flowing out from both sides of a part on someone's head.

See more of the photographer's work at his 500px site. 

Via Colossal | Image: Jan Bainar

Female Characters Who Kept Shaving, Despite Constant Peril

Ladies, I hope you pay close attention here. It is vital to have a kit with enough supplies for everyone in the household to survive in case of emergency. I'm talking about natural disasters, zombie attacks, alien invasions and all post-apocalyptic scenarios. If you have two daughters, that means you will need three massive stashes of shaving supplies, enough to cover daily shaving activity for as long as you three plan to live. If you use disposable razors, that means buy them in megabulk. If you have one of those fancier razors with the replaceable blades, you better have razor handles and blade backups for miles. Does assembling this emergency kit seem like a daunting task? After all, we haven't even covered the use of shaving lotions and moisturizers.

You may need inspiration to keep vigilant about staying baby-smooth throughout life-threatening, traumatic crises. Not to worry: Buzzfeed has gathered reinforcements. Have a look at these brave, hairless women. Women like Ellen Ripley, shown in the photo above. No alien infiltration is going to come between Ripley and her silky-smooth armpits. She has her priorities straight. Visit the rest of these exemplary women here. 

Image: 20th Century Fox / Via 

Comedian Surprises Kentucky Humane Society with Gifts Galore

YouTube Link

Comedian Tom Mabe, in this instance working with the Pranking it Forward organization, delights the animals and humans at the Kentucky Humane Society in this footage. After informing the staff by phone that he would be showing up with a donation, Mabe arrived with a truck full of gifts for all, including the hardworking folks that are employed there. The joyous reactions of both the animals and he employees make for an uplifting smilefest of a video. -Via Viral Nova

If Toddlers Texted

It's no secret that toddlers can be a handful. At times, mommy or other caretakers are at their wit's end, and that's a dicey time when humor can be a great coping mechanism. Sometimes one just has to laugh, or else they might cry. There's a Tumblr for that. "If Toddlers Texted" is a Tumblr (and a Facebook page) that anyone at the mercy of the terrible twos (threes or fours) can visit to get perspective and some laughs. 

Via Lost at E Minor | Images: If Toddlers Texted 

If Guys Acted Like Girls on Instagram

The gym selfie reflection

Instagram account brosbeingbasic turns the tables on female Instagrammers by featuring guys in poses and shots that have become all too familiar on female accounts. "The cozy coffee shot." "The gym selfie reflection." "The beach 'office' humblebrag." See these classics and more acted out by bros faux taking it saux seriously. The site "Witty and Pretty" initially started the collection; see their hilarious article here. Bored Panda went on to feature the shots and invited users to add theirs. See that collection here. 

Images: Witty and Pretty 

 The cozy coffee shot

The skinny arm pose and/or sorority squat

 The cupcake

 The baby belly mirror selfie

Volcano in Blue

This spot in east Java Island, Indonesia is called Ijen vulcan's crater and is one of only two locations in the world in which blue flames emit from volcanos. The other location is in Iceland. Liquid sulfur becomes alight and produces the "cool," blue fire, which is visible only at night. See a video of the crater below. -Via Science Dump 

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Artist Sculpts Sandstone Cave in New Mexico

For a decade, artist Ra Paulette has used a sandstone cave located in Northern New Mexico as a grand-scale sculptural media. Working alone in this desert oasis he's fashioned, with his dog as his only companion, he sculpts one cavern area and moves on to another, carving each subterranean room in a different pattern and style. Paulette says he's trying to achieve a space that offers "spiritual renewal and personal well being." The cave is located between Taos and Santa Fe. I just visited New Mexico this month, and the area certainly struck me as a place of spiritual renewal and well being; Paulette's cave and its surrounds look as if they would only intensify those feelings.

Although the referring article states that, once it is complete, artistic events will be hosted at the site, I found a listing for the 208-acre land parcel with Santa Fe Properties. 

A 2013 documentary of the project called Cave Digger has received an incredible amount of acclaim. It's even nominated for an Oscar in the "Best Short Documentary" category. The film is available for purchase online here; see the trailer there as well. Read details about the property listing and see a photo tour of Paulette's work of art at Santa Fe Properties. 

One Little Girl's Hilarious Response to What She's Thankful For

For an article in The Saline Courier, a paper in Benton, Arkansas, a number of second graders were asked to share things for which they are grateful. It's a pretty standard question over the Thanksgiving holiday, and the reporter received some pretty standard answers... except from eight-year-old Isabella Jerhigan. Isabella's thankful "for all the dead people, because at least they tried." Now that's an original answer! Perhaps she's a future writer (or a goth)! Either way, she got a laugh out of a lot of people, as her response has gone viral since being posted on Reddit.

 Via Uproxx | Image: Imgur

Every Saturday is Doctor Who Doughnut Day at Shop in Kansas

Saturdays at the Donut Whole in Wichita, Kansas is the place to be for pastry-loving Doctor Who devotees. That's when the shop fills with the sweet smell of fresh Whovian doughnuts. Names like “Sonic Blue Driver,” “Bad Wolf,” and “Police Box” sweeten the deal. They even have live music on Friday and Saturday nights! Sounds like a cool spot. Visit the Donut Whole website to read more.

Via Laughing Squid | Image: Donut Whole

Best Games for the iPhone

If you want something challenging and fun to do on your iPhone while waiting in holiday lines and in busy waiting rooms, try Kotaku's list of what they deem are the best game apps for iPhone. As the intro to their article says, sometimes going to the App Store and just looking around can be an exercise in frustration:

"You might not want to just plunge into the App Store. It's a jungle, and it is full of bad games. Here, Let us help you. After all, the games at the top of the App Store charts might not always be the actual best games for the iPhone. We think the ones below are a great place to start."

See their list of the best games for iPhone here If you think they're missing some games, feel free to weigh in with your favorites in the comment section. 

Image: Apple 

Thanksgiving as a Kid Versus as an Adult

As The Oatmeal illustrates here in this comic, some things change, and some stay the same. Check out their amusing take on Thanksgiving, the bulk of which wasn't included here because of NSFW language. But regardless, I recommend you seeing the panels entitled "The Prep," "The Dishes, "The Binge" and "The Booze."

Bad Lip Reading of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

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The more dramatic and serious the movie is, the funnier these bad lip reading videos are. I don't know how they come up with some of this stuff, but it never fails to make me laugh. I hope you enjoy it as well. And, on an unrelated note, happy Thanksgiving, readers! (I'm sure I could work that into the bad lip reading somewhere.)

Comedian Posts Bogus "Lost/Missing/Wanted" Signs Across NYC

Brooklyn, New York-based comedian Jason Saenz has been having fun posting these silly signs all across the metro area. He calls the project Saenz Signs and he has a Tumblr site devoted to it, which says little about his thoughts behind the series. Apparently it's to get him noticed, as well as to make people on the city streets smile. It appears as if he's two for two. Follow Saenz at his website.  


Wampa Kitty's First Thanksgiving

YouTube Link

Ir's Wampa kitty's (previously at Neatorama) first Thanksgiving dinner, and she's sporting a pilgrim hat for the festivities. Her pal the chihuahua is around to keep her company as she samples the holiday treats on a special table made for the occasion. Wampa gets busy creating her own traditions, too, as she tramples the Thanksgiving table and makes the food go flying. Wampa instinctively knows that the coolest cats always manage to keep the party interesting! -Via Tastfully Offensive

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