Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Undercats: Cats Dressed as Their Owners are a Lot of Fun

Swiss photographer Sebastian Magnani was featured previously at Neatorama for these funny portraits of dogs dressed as their humans. Now Magnani is back with a follow-up series called Undercats, in which he has given cats the same human stylings, with equally amusing results. Magnani's portraits of humans and their pet cats are digitally merged, giving them their similar overall shapes and otherworldly quality.

Visit the photographer's website to see the rest of the hilarious photos in his series.

Via Telegraph                             

The Only Video in Existence of Mark Twain

Edison's Original Clip
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This, the only film footage of Mark Twain ever recorded, was originally posted by Miss Cellania some years ago. I think it bears repeating, not only due to its level of interest, but also since there's now a digitally restored version (below). The footage was shot in 1909 by Thomas Edison. It was captured at Twain's Connecticut estate, Stormfield, and features his daughters Jean and Clara. Via Vintage Everyday

Digitally Restored Version
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Snowball Dances to Queen

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This may be an old clip of Snowball the Cockatoo (previously), but there's no mystery as to why it's making the rounds again. The way this bird dances, head bangs and puts on a show in perfect time to Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust" is beyond cute. Via Laughing Squid

News Crew Robbed at Gunpoint While Filming Report

Cara Liu, a reporter for San Francisco's Fox affiliate KTVU, was recording a live news report from Pier 14 when three armed men stole camera equipment belonging to another station, KNTV, which was also on the scene. KNTV, an NBC affiliate also filming a report, had its cameraman Alan Waples pistol-whipped. The robber came back to steal KTVU's equipment before fleeing. 

KNTV caught a look at the man on film who allegedly committed the robbery and of his weapon. According to Deadline,

"There were three attackers involved in the incident, the latest in which news crews were accosted by robbers in the Bay Area. The heists have prompted stations to hire security guards, many of whom are former police officers, to accompany crews, particularly for stories in Oakland."

Read more on this story at SF Gate. Via Uproxx.  

French Bulldog Breaks House Rules When Human is Gone, Dog Pal Snitches

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A Frenchie has what looks to be a wonderful time shredding toilet paper while her human is out. But little did she know that her bull mastiff housemate would spill so easily when pressed for details about the crime. More like a rat mastiff! Via Tastefully Offensive

Online Magazine Drumming Up the Controversy with their "Don't Mancriminate" Campaign

Indian online magazine Maggcom — likely to generate business for themselves — has just launched a campaign based on gender equality for men that predictably has some people in an uproar. Examples of the graphics created to express the issues of the campaign are included here. The text on their site reads as follows,

"Why should men have to give up their seat if they see a lady standing? Why should he have to hold out a door for a lady passing by? Men don’t get free entry in clubs. Men unlike women don’t get periods (yes don’t be so ashamed of it girls, you do that!) and so men can’t work their way out of the problem saying they are PMSing. Men certainly do not get the sympathy votes. Why should men not cry? Why should men do the heavy lifting? Why not girls?” 

Unsurprisingly, Twitter users have taken exception to the campaign. Search hashtag   for examples of their ire. See further graphics from the "don't mancriminate" campaign and more examples of its Twitter protest here. 

Images: Maggcom

How to Prepare a Traditional English Breakfast

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In Episode 32, the most recent episode of Anglophenia, host Kate Arnell explains all of the culinary components that make up a full English breakfast. How does it look to you, people not of English descent? Americans who've traveled to England, what did you think when you were met with your first English breakfast as shown in this video? Was it to your liking? I wish I could say I was a fan, but I can't honestly say that. I generally opted for an egg (cooked a bit longer than their usual time), some of their delicious tea and a slice of toast. -Via Laughing Squid

Ten Strange Facts About Famous Historical Villains

Ted Kaczynski, The Unabomber | Image: Federal Bureau of Investigation

Often when individuals make the news for being murderers, they are painted in the press as monsters, and the public often thinks of them as more inhuman than human. But people are complex, and even the most cold and emotionless mass murderers share characteristics with other law-abiding, even upstanding citizens. 

In the case of the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, an issue that has been in the news of late with regard to the former Bruce and now Caitlyn Jenner was present in his psychiatric profile. According to Kaczynski, it was the impetus for him committing violence.  

Kaczynski claims that prior to his planting and mailing bombs that killed three people and injured 23 others, he visited a psychiatrist. One main reason he sought help was due to his growing desire to change sexes from male to female. Yet during the appointment, Kaczynski lost the nerve to bring up his gender identity issues with the doctor. 

“Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope. I thought I wanted to kill that psychiatrist because the future looked utterly empty to me.”

Eventually, after isolating himself further and further from human contact, Kaczynski began his crime spree, which continued for some 18 years. 

Read other strange facts about notorious criminals and villains here. 

Florida Driver Pulls Dukes of Hazzard Move Over Opening Drawbridge

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This cuhrazy Florida driver of an SUV jumped a West Palm Beach drawbridge after it began opening. The man was able to make the jump and no one was injured. When interviewed later, the driver said he was distracted due to setting his GPS system. Way to navigate, dude! Via Uproxx

Twitter Users Make Fun of Urban Outfitters Pricey Junk

Urban Outfitters recently and rightly received some consumer pushback over charging $8.00 for the above ponytail holder, the likes of which is available at any dollar store. When a Twitter user started the dialogue by posting the photo above and commenting on it being overpriced, it launched the hashtag #UrbanOutfittersBeLike. Other users joined in and piled on with tweets such as those below. 

Click on the hashtag to see other funny examples. Via Design Taxi

Zoo Basel's Gorilla Troop Welcomes New Baby

For the first time in ten years, a Western Lowland Gorilla has been born at Zoo Basel in Switzerland. On May 19, 26-year-old mom Joas and 16-year-old father M’Tonge welcomed their newborn. The baby, whose sex has yet to be determined, has been cause for excitement in the entire troop of Western Lowland Gorillas at Zoo Basel: Faddama, Quarta, Zungu, and Goma. Like a family, they all embraced the youngster.

As is evident from the video below, mom Joas keeps her baby close and handles it lovingly and gently. Infant gorillas are wholly dependent on their mothers, suckling at least once an hour and sleeping with them in the same nest. Fathers don't take an active role in caring for the young, but they help socialize them to other gorillas and protect them from aggression. 

Read more about these fascinating animals and see additional pictures at Zooborns. 

Images: Zoo Basel

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Ten Confessions of Car Salesmen

Image: CZ marlin

This is the time of year that new car models are being released, and some of us may be looking to make a trade or purchase. Unfortunately, that entails dealing with car salesmen, an interaction with some of whom isn't the most pleasant experience. 

The article linked below talks about various practices and facts surrounding car dealerships and their salesman. While reading it won't help you get a good deal on your next car, it does contain some interesting facts. For instance, 

In 2015, more than a million Americans work at car dealerships. But that could change. Thanks to the Internet, people now walk into dealerships with their minds already made up. They don’t need—or want—a salesperson’s pitch. It makes sense that some dealerships are trading in their inflatable gorillas for online ads, as the Internet is by far their top referral source. In 2013, brand activity on Twitter alone drove $716 million in car sales, according to marketing analytics firm MarketShare. In other words, for better or worse, selling cars is becoming less of an art that involves human interaction, and more of a science that doesn’t.

Read more "Confessions of Car Salesman" here. 

100 Years of Russian Beauty

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Thus far, YouTube channel Cut Video has released seven episodes of their series "100 Years of Beauty." Episode eight focuses on part of my heritage: that of Russia. See their styles throughout the last century in this video. Via Design Taxi

This Disc Golf Hole-in-One Shot Has to be Seen to be Believed

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There is a ton of trees in the 365 feet between the disc golf basket in the woods and the place from which the shot originates. But that didn't stop disc golfer Dave Feldberg as he competed in the Maple Hill Open in Massachusetts. Fredberg, with the help of a fortunate bounce off the ground near the basket, made this most unlikely hole in one. His final score was -12; he tied for seventh place, taking home $1,175. Via Uproxx

One Woman's Behind-the-Scenes Account of What it's Like to Play a Disney Princess

Belle | Image: Disney

The article linked within features an account of a woman who played Belle at Disney World in Orlando. She described her perspective on the benefits and downsides of her job. While she enjoyed the admiration that playing a popular princess at the theme park brought, other aspects of her employment weren't as pleasant. She writes,

"We couldn't spend too much time playing with the kids though, because we had to greet 172 guests per hour. Disney decided that was the magic number. An attendant would have a clicker to count the number of people we met, and if we went under, we would get a reprimand. If you get four reprimands, you get fired. It sucked to have a really sweet kid that's waited in line for three hours come up all excited and have to say, 'OK, let's hurry and take our photo' and shove them out the door. When they left the room where we greeted kids at Toontown, they went straight into a massive princess store. I think Disney felt like, 'Well, we want them out of the room and into the princess store to buy some stuff.'"

There are ups and downs with every job, and this is just one woman's account. But due to the high visibility of the job, it's interesting to hear about the real days in the life of Belle. Read her story in its entirety here.

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