Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Ten Very Weird Looking Animals

The Aye-aye

It's a jungle out there for everyone, particularly some of these endearing yet bizarre creatures of the wild. For example, the demonic looking (yet somehow still cute) Aye-aye, a lemur native to Madagascar shown above, is endangered because the local villagers there consider him bad luck. As a result, the poor things have adapted so that they hide up in the top of the trees there. Stay safe, little guy. Via The Richest

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Wonderful Animations of Four Charles Bukowski Poems

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Four of everyman author/poet Charles Bukowski's typically coarse and captivating poems are adapted to animated short form in this collection. The piece above, "Laughing Heart" read by Tom Waits, is profound. This is a message about finding light in life from someone who was well acquainted with its dark pitfalls and was often challenged in doing so. Contains NSFW language. 

Visit the treasure trove of poetry recordings by a wide range of authors at Open Culture.  

Pouring Seven Different Molten Metals into Water

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In this footage, the man who goes by the YouTube handle TheBackyardScientist pours seven different varieties of molten metal into water. Viewers are presented with a visual of molten pewter, tin, bismuth, lead, zinc, aluminum and thermite — chosen in part for their spread in melting points — being poured into an aquarium filled with H20. The debate about the pronunciation of aluminum notwithstanding, the video is fairly fun to watch. -Via Laughing Squid

139 Movie Sequels Currently in the Works

Blade Runner | Image: Warner Bros.

Often it appears as if mainstream Hollywood filmmakers are out of fresh ideas. Between all of the reboots, comics brought to life, sequels and other new presentations of largely unoriginal content, one has cause to wonder. While the subject has been prior cause for debate, there are always new takes on the not-so-new premise pool in film. Care to opine? Before you do, take a look at this list of 139 movie sequels currently in the works and see if it feeds your thought process. 

Beetlejuice | Image: Geffen Films

25 Recipes Inspired by Harry Potter

Golden Snitch Cake | Recipe and image via 

Every now and then it doesn't hurt to stash recipe collections that will go the extra mile on days you are kid heavy and idea light. Or maybe for use in a future themed party or game night. This collection of Harry Potter-inspired recipes is full of delicious looking ideas with fun and festive presentations. Make some magic; some of these concoctions look like the foodstuff of wizards. 

 Weasleys’ Dragon Roasted Nuts | Recipe and image via 

Knickerbocker Glory |  Recipe and image via

Raccoon Breaks into Booze Warehouse, Gets Drunk as a Skunk

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When this raccoon busted into a warehouse that stores booze, he obviously went on (and on) to satiate his thirst. In was only then that he learned the definition of Truly Tanked. I hope the li'l guy was able to sleep things off without woodland incident. Via Daily Dot

Artist Illustrates Funny, Colorful Alternatives to the "F-Word"

Artist's Suggested Alternate to "Oh, F*ck"

New York-based graphic design student Sneha Keshav, in looking to reduce her frequent use of the "F-word," is working on a project in which she creates alternatives for the word in various expressions for 100 days. The series, which Keshav calls "Taming of the F*ckery," is funny, vibrantly colored and worth a look. Even if you say "f*ck" quite a bit and have no problem with it, adding a few of these words somewhere in the mix can only help things, just by the virtue of entertainment value alone.  

Head over here to follow Keshav's daily updates -- a glance a day will keep the F*cks away, and everyone knows life's best when we have few or none to give!

Do you have any alternatives for using the F-word or do you like to go au naturale? Hit us with your answers in the comments.

Via Design Taxi | Images: Sneha Keshav

To be used instead of "F*ck off!"

"Oh, intercourse!"

The Sunny Days: Suntan Product Advertisements from the 1960s and 1970s

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Advertisements of the past are a sure way for people to immediately pinpoint and reflect upon cultural, technological and other changes since the eras in which they were produced. The folks over at Vintage Everyday have assembled a grouping of fun advertisements for various tanning products from the 1960s and 1970s that take us back to when there were very different attitudes about deep suntans. Back in those more innocent times, few additional thoughts or pieces of health advice were given to those who pursued continual, deep, dark tans. On the contrary, a tanned body was one with that "healthy glow." Now, with mounting evidence and study about skin cancer in combination with a more cautious public, advertisements like these glorifying tanned skin are generally a thing of the past. 

See all 21 classic suntan product advertisements here. 

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Ten Haunting Details About The Donner Party’s Deadly Journey

James F. and Margaret Reed, members of the Donner Party
Image: Photographer unknown, Public Domain

The horrific experiences of 87 American pioneers known as the Donner Party, who became trapped in the Sierra Nevada mountains in winter near the end of their 1846 journey to California, serve as a testament to human endurance. After being snowbound during what later was determined as the worst winter in the history of the Sierra Nevadas, only 45 members of the group survived to see sunny California.

Before winter hit, there was a murderous incident that set the tone for the death and destruction that was to come. Two Donner Party covered wagons got tangled together, infuriating their already exhausted owners James Reed and John Snyder. The men began cursing each other, which led to a fight between them. Several witnesses said that John Snyder beat James Reed over the head with his ox whip. In defense of his life, Reed stabbed Snyder in the chest with a knife, killing him almost instantly.

Initially, most of the Donner Party wanted Reed hanged for murder, yet his wife pled for mercy. Eventually, Reed was merely exiled from the group. He was forced to leave his wife and children and give up his wagon. In their absence, Reed went on ahead of the crowd, hoping to pave his family's way and secure them provisions. Ultimately his actions would help save them in the end. 
Read more accounts from the Donner Party expedition here. 

Woman With Asperger's and the Service Dog Who Prevents Her From Self Harm

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This video, captured and shared by a woman named Danielle Jacobs who suffers from Asperger's syndrome, shows the powerful positive impact her service dog Samson has in her battle with the disorder. Danielle set up a camera in her home to record footage of her daily life, which includes frequent emotional challenges with depression and panic. She says,

“This is what really happened and it’s not easy to open myself and share what it’s like on a daily basis.”

This clip shows Danielle coming out of a depressive episode, which is met with a new bout of panic. As the emotional storm takes hold and Danielle has the urge to hurt herself, Samson takes action and does his best to soothe her. The dog's loyalty and the pair's love for each other is a heartwarming thing to witness. -Via Uproxx

Edible Emojis

Scottish graphic designer Heather Adamson's Instagram account @fresheather is full of delicious examples of foods she whips up and into the form of emojis, among other things. Adamson's posted photos of her creations — occasionally with recipes/instructions — are the delight of her account followers.

Check out all of Adamson's Instagrams for the full range of her fanciful feasts for the eyes and appetite. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Instagram / @fresheather

Rottweiler and Kangaroo Buddies at Play

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The man who recorded this video reports that his Rottweiler puppy Trooper has developed a friendship with Blue the 'roo, which is evident by the playful camaraderie between the two animals in this footage.

(WARNING: Annoying audio track, assumedly from heavy machinery in the background. As the audio doesn't add anything to the video, turning it off or down before playback will make for the best experience.) -Via Viral Nova

More Rejected Disney Princesses from Former DreamWorks Animator Jason Porath

We've previously featured some fun artwork from the project of former DreamWorks animator Jason Porath known as "Rejected Princesses." Now his tongue-in-cheek series is back with the release of additional pieces that are every bit as entertaining. Porath has turned the project into a book that will publish in 2016. 

Check out Porath's website to see more illustrations and the hilarious stories behind them. 

Via Design Taxi | Images: Jason Porath

Obvious Paint: Paintcolor by Obvious Plant

Jeff Wysaski
 of Obvious Plant is always thinking... and is always a step away from stalking Stacy. Who can complain, when it's generally entertaining? The mad fake labeler is back with Plant-inspired paint colors, which, as a part of his usual m.o., he loaded into his local paint shop. The results slay Barney the Dinosaur with no trace of hesitation or remorse. 

See all of Wysaski's handy work at Obvious Plant.

Via: Laughing Squid | Images: Jeff Wysaski

What Lies Just Under the Surface of the Sea? Matty Smith's Photo Series Has Answers

Australian photographer Matty Smith's stunning series Over/Under captures such vast and vivid bites of life in a single shot. The sheer dazzle and shift of water in a landscape. The intrigue, power and allure of what could lie beneath the surface. Smith shoots at dusk to catch the brilliant colors in the depths, which he illuminates with strobe lights. He says of the series, 

“For me one of the most wondrous parts of any dive is the moment that the water engulfs my mask as my head slips below the surface. I think it’s the suspense of the unknown of what lies beneath, the transitional part of moving from one element to the next that feels so magical and the thought of what alien creatures I might encounter.”

See the rest of this fabulous series — some of which is available for purchase as prints — at Smith's website. 

Via Colossal | Images: Matty Smith

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