Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Meet Edward Scissorhands the Baby Sloth and His Sloth Stuffed Animal

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Edward Scissorhands is a seven-week-old Linnaeus’ two-toed sloth being raised by zookeepers at the London Zoo. The zoo staff had to take over Edward's care and feeding on a diet of goat's milk when his mother was not producing the milk necessary for his development.  

Edward will be reunited with mama in several weeks. As of now, a tool used in his development is a sloth stuffed animal supplied by his keepers. Through playtime with the stuffed animal, Edward is learning to hang and develop muscles he'll need to eventually live a sloth's life in the trees. Learn more about Edward at the London Zoo. Via Slate

Dogs Raiding the Kitchen Compilation

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This video compilation has some hilarious footage of dogs using their most creative approaches to execute raids on the chows in the kitchen, behind their humans' backs. It's pretty amazing to see the ways in which they boost themselves up to high countertops and navigate the shelves and drawers of refrigerators. If I saw similar footage of my dogs, I'd figure any foods they obtained by such impressive means were well deserved. Via Tastefully Offensive

18 Indie Facts About Garden State

Garden State | Image: Fox Searchlight Pictures

Zach Braff's film Garden State, which he wrote, directed and assembled the popular soundtrack for, met with much success when it was released in 2004. Garden State was nominated for the Grand Jury prize at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival and made $35.8 million at the box office (which was over fourteen times what it cost to make). 

The Mental Floss article linked below lists eighteen facts about the indie hit, one of which is a pretty striking coincidence regarding the location scouting. The scouts were looking at homes in New Jersey to find a good match for Zach Braff's childhood home, as the movie was partially based upon his life. The first piece of real estate they proposed to Braff? His own father's house. A little too close for comfort. 

Read more facts about Garden State here. 

32 Movies Being Adapted For TV

Mark Ruffalo and Leonardo DiCaprio in Shutter Island | Image: Paramount Pictures

When it comes to the American entertainment industry these days, a popular media presentation is commonly used and recycled in all possible forms to get every last dollar out of it. A blockbuster movie typically begets a sequel or a reboot. Increasingly, successful films are adapted for television; that is the focus of the article linked below, which names 32 such pilots for television in production.

One of those films is Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island. In this case, HBO will feature a prequel to the movie storyline, which will focus on the early days of the eerie, isolated, island psych hospital and its founders. In an intriguing and promising twist, the author of the book upon which the film is based, Dennis Lehane, will write the pilot, and Scorsese himself will direct. 

Learn about 31 other movies to be adapted for television here. 


Eight Science-Backed Mind Tricks to Beat Procrastination

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Most people have issues with procrastination at some point in their lives, though it's a much bigger problem for certain people than others. According to two of the world's leading experts on procrastination

"Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. For them procrastination is a lifestyle, albeit a maladaptive one. And it cuts across all domains of their life. They don't pay bills on time. They miss opportunities for buying tickets to concerts. They don't cash gift certificates or checks. They file income tax returns late. They leave their Christmas shopping until Christmas eve."

Whether you fall into that 20 percent category or you only have the rare yet frustrating bout with procrastination, this article has science-backed suggestions for how to overcome these instances, and it's worth a look.  

Pajamas Turn These Bull Terriers into Cuddle Kings

According to Jennifer McLean of Brisbane, Australia, her two English Staffordshire bull terriers named Darren and Phillip need their PJs to get into the sleepy mood. Once outfitted in their cottony sleep casual attire, "The Blueboys" as McLean calls them, get in the mood to cuddle themselves to sleep. McLean said,

"Whenever I dress them in their onesies, they immediately want to snuggle. Phillip has restless nights if I don't put his jammies on first. I think it's become a bit of a comfort thing for him."

Read more about The Blueboys, including the special, formal event they'll be attending, in this article. 

Blatant American Food Chain Knockoffs in Iran

A Pizza Hat restaurant in Iran | Image: Instagram/pizza.hat

Prior to the Iranian (Islamic) revolution of 1979, and under the rule of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Western influences were not frowned upon as they are in Iran today. The revolution changed the country and culture drastically in many ways. Out with the Western style clothing and makeup also went any American businesses, including food chains.

For example, McDonald's had a presence in Iran until the revolution. Now, Iran has Mash Donald's, complete with golden arches and an (Iranian?) clown that looks suspiciously like Ronald. That's not the only American fast-food knockoff in Iran. They have Pizza Hat, seen above, which not only serves pizzas but chicken wings and lasagna as well.

Read about more American food chain knockoffs of Iran in this article.

Winnie the Kitten Gets Down to Uptown Funk

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Winnie is a beautiful, long-haired polydactyl kitten who was one of six lucky fosters from the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, Virginia. Prior to being saved by the Welfare League, all six kittens were abandoned. Now that they've been taken in, forever homes look promising. Perhaps so promising that Winnie feels the need to get down to some Uptown Funk. Her moves are so sharp she'll be relaxing in permanent digs in no time. Via Laughing Squid

Man Builds Feline Feeding Machine, Cat Hunts For the Key to His Dinner

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Self described “aspiring geek” Ben Millam got impressively creative when it came to feeding his cat. He built this clever cat feeder that releases food upon recognition of RFID-tagged plastic balls. Millam places the balls all over the house, giving his cat Monkey a bit of a game with his noms. Monkey finds the hidden balls, drops them into a bowl fitted on top and bam, kitty chow!

Cat lover Millam says he built the device in order to give Monkey extra excitement and fun in his daily life. 

"This all started after I read an explanation of why cats go about repeatedly exploring the same areas: it’s partly to establish and survey their territory, but they’re also practicing ‘mobile’ hunting: moving about, being curious, and poking their noses around in the hopes of upsetting potential prey and finding a meal. So what if my cat, while out on patrol, actually found its prey? Surely this would bring him one step closer towards a more fulfilled and self-actualized indoor kitty existence."

Bravo Ben!

Via Laughing Squid

Husky Heaven

Erica Tcogoeva, based in St. Petersburg, has filled her Instagram and Tumblr updates with nothing but the most adorable shots and videos of Siberian Huskies I've ever seen. Certainly if you're a Siberian Husky lover, Tcogoeva's work will have you in Husky Heaven.

Every time you think you've seen her most adorable puppy shot, you see another that is just as sweet or sweeter. Check them all out on Instagram (@erikaeasy) or Tumblr

A photo posted by Erica Tcogoeva (@erikaeasy) on Jul 22, 2015 at 4:52pm PDT

A photo posted by Erica Tcogoeva (@erikaeasy) on Jul 24, 2015 at 7:27am PDT

A photo posted by Erica Tcogoeva (@erikaeasy) on Jul 22, 2015 at 1:41pm PDT

Nine Things You May Not Know About Breasts

Image: Ericacastex

Are you a woman who thinks she knows everything there is to know about boobs? Are you a lover of women's boobs and think you know everything there is to know about the objects of your desire? In that case, it wouldn't hurt to give this IFL Science article a minute of your time, just to make sure your boobie game is on point. Their article lists nine facts about breasts, and I wouldn't for a minute want you to be uninformed. Come on. It's science. 

Here's one fact to get you started: 


5. Everyone stares at your breasts. EVERY. ONE.

According to a study where women and men were fitted with an eye-tracking device, both were found to look at a woman’s boobs instead of her face but men do it for longer. So women do boob-watch too but they’re just quicker about it."

Happy studying. 

Inspirational Quotes with an Irreverent Twist

Illustrator and cartoonist David Ostow's series of "updated inspirational quotes" is just the thing for people who are occasionally rubbed the wrong way by Pollyanna-ish "inspiration," whether it's in the form of a graphic shared by your most peppy social media connection or uttered verbally by a perky coworker first thing in the morning.

Ostow takes the most cliched of sayings and gives them delightfully twisted twists. But he doesn't take the whole thing seriously, and hopes those who read the series don't either. He told BuzzFeed,

"I’m all for the power of positive thinking but aphorisms are by nature reductionist…I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade, I just hope these make people laugh.”

See a collection of Ostow's updated inspirational quotes here, and see his Instagram for more examples of his work. 


Illustrator Creates Original Comic Book Characters to Represent Elements of the Periodic Table

San Francisco-based artist Kaycie Dunlap of KcD Studios is an artist from San Francisco who created these fun, original comic characters to represent the elements of the periodic table. Not only are they fanciful works of art, but they will likely help a number of kids to learn the names of the elements since she has developed DIY flashcard sets (part one and two) for purchase online, as well as pre-made flashcards available at her Etsy store.

Check out all of Dunlap's element characters at her Tumblr site.  

Images: Kaycie Dunlap | Via Laughing Squid 

Little Puppy Goes Wolf

When it comes to hearing the call of wolves, this pup is at first frightened, but then apparently feels the call is too strong not to heed. She eventually throws her head back and howls with the big guys. That's the way to hang, little pup. You know what they say, if you can't run with the big dogs... Via Viral Nova

Animals in Vehicles

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It's always an amusing sight to see animals taking on the everyday tasks of humans. This compilation video features a number of animal species somehow making use of a vehicle, whether it's for treats, pure fun or other. And whether or not these little guys can steer is another matter altogether. Careful, critters! Via Tastefully Offensive

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