Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

Argentinian Town Underwater for 30 Years Resurfaces

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This fascinating video follows 83-year-old Argentinian Pablo walking through what is now the ruins of a once thriving, prosperous town  a resort to which tourists flocked — that was underwater for 30 years once a dam and dike gave way to the lake beyond them. The high salt content of the lake made the area a tourist attraction; it also ensured maximum corrosion and destruction once the buildings and streets were submerged.

The town, called Villa Epecuen (previously at Neatorama) is located near Buenos Aires, and once had a population of 5,000. Pablo is the only resident left, and he remains amazingly resourceful and self sufficient for his age. He wistfully yet lovingly recounts his personal history and former home, explaining the details of its tragic loss to the forces of nature.

For additional stills, visit this link.  

 The submerged resort town of Epecuen

DIY: Electric Fireplace

The space before

Redditor griind posted about his electric fireplace DIY project. What he did with a relatively small wall space looks pretty impressive. He made other posts to the thread while answering questions that showed his work on the master bathroom as well, which also looks beautiful. He's quite forthcoming with information, right down to model numbers of various fixtures. I love the dark hardwood floor. What do you think?

See his post, which includes a complete set of before and after pictures including one of the furnished room, here.  

Via Viral Nova | Images: Imgur/griind 

The finished area, complete with dark hardwood floors for contrast

Teenage Girl Pulls Off $4.6 Million Diamond Heist

According to a report in the South China Morning Post, a group of four individuals, including a girl estimated to be twelve to fourteen years old, made off with a 100-carat diamond necklace worth $4.6 million, with the teen being the one who physically took the jewels. The abovementioned news organization wrote of the incident,

"The heist – which detectives have described as “very well planned” – unfolded when two women, a man and a girl thought to be between 12 and 14 years old walked into the Emperor Jewellery shop in the 1881 Heritage shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui shortly after 3pm yesterday.

Well-dressed and speaking Putonghua, the trio of adults, managed to distract staff by asking to look at a series of items on display while the girl stole a key from a drawer, opened a display cabinet then slipped the necklace off a display bust and into her pocket."

It sounds as if the young woman is getting one hell of an education thanks to the adults in charge of her care. That certainly wasn't your average teenage girl's trip to the mall. Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but they might become her worst nightmare should she be apprehended.

Read more at the South China Morning Post. 

Via Uproxx | Image: Wikimedia Commons 

18 Massive Creatures of the Sea

Giant Squid | Image: Tsunemi Kubodera of the National Science Museum of Japan/AP

The article linked below features the largest creatures in the ocean as well as some of the most massive creatures of their type. The giant squid, shown above, is the second largest cephalopod in existence, growing to a size of 33-43 feet long. The giant squid was once thought to be the largest cephalopod, until the colossal squid, with a length of 46 feet and a larger mass, was discovered. Both are deep-sea dwellers that exhibit deep-sea gigantism, which is the predisposition of deep-sea species to grow much larger than those inhabiting shallower waters.

Colossal Squid | Image:

 Each of the eight arms and two tentacles of the giant squid is lined with two-inch in diameter suction cups. The surfaces of the suction cups have rings of serrated teeth, which attach to the squid's prey. It is not uncommon to see circular puncture scars from these teeth on the skin of sperm whales that have attacked the squid in vain.

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You Light Up My Thighs / You Give Me Hope to Carry On

In what no one would be shocked to see as the next fashion trend in Japan, the Hikaru Skirt (which translates to "Shining Skirt") is a mini designed to illuminate the thighs of anyone c̶e̶r̶t̶i̶f̶i̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶s̶a̶n̶e̶  brave enough to wear it.

The brainchild of Japanese designer Kiyoyuki Amano, the skirt is lit from underneath with LED lights equipped with gyro sensors, so that the light colors and patterns change with the movement of the model.       

Amano said that he was simply experimenting with lights on skirts when he discovered that they shone a spotlight on the wearer's thighs, which he found enlightening. Eureka! Talk about a light bulb moment! Amano is apparently so enthusiastic about the Hikaru  which has yet to be mass produced  that he's started a Tumblr with the skirt (and thighs) in a starring role. Don't miss the thighlights on said Tumblr.

Via Oddity Central | Images: Kiyoyuki Amano

Panda Cubs Keep the Brawl All in the Family

YouTube Link

As an article in The Independent explained about this video,

"Pandas generally don’t move too fast. Inclined to slothful activity, it’s unusual to see the animals do much more than look vaguely excited about the arrival of food.

But panda cubs in China’s Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, in Chengdu, got into a playful brawl earlier this week. The five cubs can be seen rolling and scrapping in their enclosure as they buffet one another after one cub attempts to climb a nearby tree.

Quickly returning to form, the cubs - after a mere 50 seconds of brawling - soon appear bored and each wanders off to separate corners of the enclosure."

Nothing like keeping the brawling in the family! Stay scrappy, cubs.  

Stray Kitten Thrives After Rescue From Living at a Power Plant

YouTube Link

YouTube user The Fabulous Mr. Pug made this video about how he came to care for Coco, a stray kitten he found living in the building where he worked. At the start of the video, Coco is filmed at the power plant, filthy and obviously frightened by the loud machinery. Mr. Pug explains, 

"She was born in the thermal power plant I work in and she was alone, hungry, cold and scared. She was trying to eat dry bread when I found her. I brought her some kitten food and we instantly became best friends. One week later, we adopted her and she became a new member of our family. Today, she is one beautiful and playful kitty and she brings so much happiness into our lives!"

What a sweet story. I can only imagine how happy Coco is to have a home instead of fending for herself at the scary power plant.

The video below is of Coco doing kitty-like things at her new home. In this instance, she's discovering carbonated water. That bubbly stuff tickles her nose, and she's not sure it's entirely safe. Best to take cover behind a curtain and stalk it for a bit, just in case. -Via Tastefully Offensive

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Balloons With an Edge

A Brooklyn-based photographer calling himself “B. Balloonerman” shot this photo series of balloon animals that are a bit rougher around the edges than usual. The balloons, fashioned by Buster Balloon, aren't your cousin Patty's mid-1980s birthday clown balloon animals. Perhaps that's why they're appealing.

These photos are available for purchase as prints at the TwistedBalloon Etsy shop. See the full variety of characters there. 

Via Laughing Squid | Images: B. Balloonerman 

The Real Values of 15 Movie Homes

YouTube Link

The interesting article linked below takes a look at homes used as sets for popular movies, estimating what they are worth in today's real estate market. Featured are small, modest homes like the Oklahoma house used as that of the Curtis brothers in The Outsiders to expensive estates, such as the Corleones' house in The Godfather. 

See all 15 examples here. What do you think?  

Six Charts That Explain Late, Flaky People

I know that I am never late or prone to blowing off plans made weeks ago with the best of intentions. I also know that no Neatorama reader could ever be characterized as such. Yet sometimes, we need a visual aid to understand the unfortunate people who aren't perfect like us. Thankfully, Isla Bell Murray and Jessica Saia have come to our rescue with such charts. Quite a revelation, are they not?

See all six graphics explaining late and/or flaky people here.  

Via Design Taxi | Images: Isla Bell Murray and Jessica Saia


Mutant Pit Bull Terrier Specimen Discovered

YouTube Link

Recently, the owner of a pit bull terrier was stunned to find it missing, with this terrifying mutant of the breed in its place. It's no wonder that there is widespread public concern about pit bull terriers when something like this can just turn up at any time. Hide and secure the dog treats! -Via Tastefully Offensive

Four-Sided Paintings by Jacek Yerka


Jacek Yerka (previously) is a Polish artist who creates these fascinating four-sided paintings that keep the viewer's focal point constantly shifting. Aptly titled4 Siders,’ Yerka’s series gives the stuff of still lifes a surreal quality. Like an interactive story in which the participant can choose their own ending, the person studying these pieces is free to decide on their preferred perspective with which to absorb the artwork.  

See more of Yerka's beautiful paintings here, visit his website "Yerkaland," and follow him on social media via Facebook and Twitter.  

20 Facts About Nuclear Accidents

Three Mile Island

According to The Guardian, working from data compiled by the International Atomic Energy Agency, there have been 33 nuclear accidents (and more minor incidents) since the first at Chalk River in Canada, 1952. Given the scope of destruction, potential effects on human life and the length of time radiation contaminates affected areas, the threat of nuclear accident has always been a major concern. 

The article linked below lists twenty facts pertaining to nuclear accidents. One fact concerns the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine. In the days immediately following the accident, the needles of pine trees within 1.5 miles of the plant actually turned red! Today, the trees appear twisted and mangled, having the appearance of sickly bushes.

Read 19 additional facts about nuclear accidents here.   

Image: Wikipedia 

Whimsical Octopus Chandeliers

Philadelphia-based artist Adam Wallacavage (previously) makes delightful chandeliers and sconces with tentacled arms. It's a concept that almost seems like a logical progression of thought, when one considers the traditional shape of chandeliers and their multiple arms.

Wallacavage uses materials such as plaster and epoxy resin to form the structure of the fixture, and the fanciful finish is done with iridescent paints, powders and glitter. Each chandelier is unique, so the owner ends up with a one-of-a-kind piece.     

See more photos of Wallacavage's deep sea designs here, and visit his website to see more of his work (he's also an accomplished photographer). Additionally, check out his blog and follow him on Instagram. 


Dear Kitten: Regarding the Big Game

YouTube Link

Have you ever looked at the ritual of Super Bowl parties and wondered what the big fuss was all about? If so, your'e not alone. In this amusing Ze Frank ad for Friskies, done in the style of the "Dear Kitten" series, the elder cat tries to make sense of this perplexing ritual, so that the kitten may know what to expect.

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