Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

The TSA on Instagram

You're packing for a relaxing summer getaway, but you have the nagging feeling you forgot something. For a perfect visual reminder of what your carry-on bag is missing, hop online and peruse the Transportation Security Administration's Instagram account.

You likely forgot to pack little amusements like the grenades above. Nothing says "I can't wait to get to the beach" like handy pocket explosives. While these particular grenades were inert, there is another photo of a live one that some brainy guy thought to "disguise" with bright yellow tape. It's hard to believe he's facing felony charges in Los Angeles, in light of his valiant efforts in the way of grenade casual chic.

Those who want to make a bigger vacation fashion statement can select the arsenal or comb/knife combos in photos two and three. One can't go wrong with those classics.

Not your style? For the glamorous traveler, try this shiny, pink lipstick taser (photo four). Drop someone to their knees just when they're expecting you to re-gloss your luscious pucker.

Thanks for the packing tips, TSA! Via Flavorwire.


An Honest Trailer for Planet of the Apes

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Another film trailer of truth from Screen Junkies. This time, for Planet of the Apes. ("Wait... the Tim Burton Version? *sigh* Let's just get this over with...") Blah, blah blah time travel... blah, blah blah evil monkey society... and then Mark Wahlberg phones it in. I think I've joined him!    

A River Runs Through It

...and by "It," of course I mean the dinner table. These way cool tables from furniture maker Greg Klassen have"rivers and lakes" flowing through them. Klassen uses discarded trees (from construction areas) or dead wood and aligns the pieces to form edges reminiscent of lake and river shores. The "water" is filled in with hand-cut glass pieces.

See more of Klassen's creations
 at at his website, and shop the tables here. Via Colossal.


Photos of Adolf Hitler Practicing Hand Gestures for Use in Speeches

These cartoonish yet creepy photos are just a few of the approximately two million images of Adolf Hitler captured by his personal photographer Heinrich Hoffman. The poses were intended for use in his future sturm und drang public speeches. Hitler actually went so far as to label some of his gestures by their intended effect, such as “gebieterisch” (domineering) or “kämpferisch” (pugnacious).  

Hitler ordered Hoffman to destroy the photographs, but Hoffman disobeyed the order, and the shots were found in the photographer's archives when they were seized by law enforcement. Read more at Dangerous Minds.

Give Your Living Room a Stormy Forecast

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Designer Richard Clarkson, in time split between his New York and New Zealand studios, has produced Cloud, a light fixture in the form of a cumulus cloud. But Clarkson's Cloud doesn't just look pretty; it also does an excellent thunderstorm imitation. The simulation can be controlled either by remote control or motion sensors. Information from Clarkson’s website reads in part:

"The system features a powerful speaker system from which the user can stream music via any Bluetooth compatible device. Using color-changing lights the cloud is able to adapt to the desired lighting color and brightness. The cloud also has alternative modes such as a nightlight and music reactive mode."

Read more about the Cloud and its different versions at Clarkson's website. Via Colossal. 

New Eyes With Which to See Her New Cubs

We suddenly have no shortage of cool cats named Venus at Neatorama! Venus the 6-year-old cheetah recently gave birth to four cubs at her home on the Cango Wildlife Ranch in South Africa. But that wasn't the first time she was in the news.

Venus made headlines a year ago for having eye surgery. Prior to surgery she was diagnosed with bilateral cataracts, likely due to suffering from malnutrition as a cub. At that time, Venus was nervous, fearful and displayed a fair amount of fear aggression. Vets monitored her condition, which continued to deteriorate. 

During a complicated surgery rarely performed on animals, Dr. Anthony Goodhead of Cape Town, South Africa removed the cataracts and accumulated scar tissue from Venus' corneas. The surgery transformed Venus' personality as well as restoring her eyesight. She now carries herself with confidence and explores her surroundings without fear.  

The first-time cheetah mom surprised the ranch staff with her exceptional maternal skills. Venus and her cubs are healthy, playful and enjoying their time spent bonding together as a family. See more pictures at Zooborns.

Images Credit: Cango Wildlife Ranch/Oudtshoorn/South Africa



President Abraham Lincoln's Slippers

Abraham Lincoln wore these size 14 goat slippers while relaxing at home, right up until the day he was assassinated. Soon to be displayed at
President Lincoln's Cottage in Washington, D.C., the slippers are on loan from the President Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center, where they are part of a permanent exhibit. Replicas of the slippers were used in Steven Spielberg's 2012 film Lincoln

Alex Williamson, tutor to William and Tad Lincoln, presented the slippers to President Hayes, 
a collector of historical artifacts, after Lincoln's death. Williamson attached a note that read, "Sir, Please accept the accompanying slippers. They were worn by the late President Lincoln up to the day of his murder." 

Read more in this article at the Hayes Presidential Center website. Via Nag on the Lake. 

Image: Michael Bechloss 

Anatomical Venus: Medical Models from 18th Century Europe

These photos show anatomical guides used for educational purposes, first used in 18th century Europe. The figures seem odd in comparison to those seen today, which are absent of many details present in the photos shown here, such as strands of pearls and makeup on the female forms. The figures were generally made of wax.

See more examples (some borderline NSFW that are strangely sexualized) in this article at Dangerous Minds. 

Photorealistic Drawings by Marcello Barenghi

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Milan-based Italian illustrator Marcello Barenghi posts videos of his photorealistic drawing process to his YouTube channel at the rate of about once a week. On his website, Barenghi lists varied influences, from Leonardo da Vinci to Derek Riggs, the illustrator that worked with Iron Maiden on their band and album graphics. Barenghi's amazing drawings seem to leap off the page when he is through. Follow the artist on Facebook here. Via Colossal

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Bites of Fright by Christine McConnell

This is artist and photographer Christine McConnell, a/k/a my role model. She does everything, and does it well. She bakes (Miss Cellania featured the cake she baked of her parents' house last month), and some of her creations are delightfully dark. 

She is lovely (see photo four) and, according the photo captions on her imgur albums, she personally delivers her baked goods in a beautifully restored classic car (photo five). She does oil paintings. She does house painting. She makes most of her clothes from scratch. She designed a Halloween decoration concept for her parents' large home. She makes skeletons, aliens and snakes out of sugary tastyness. I just love that Christine!

Visit McConnell's imgur albums, instagram account and her recent reddit post to see more. 

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Solar Flare Eruptions Photo from NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory

This is a composite image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory that shows a series of significant solar eruptions occurring over a three-day period in January, 2013. The photo has light wavelengths that are colored in red, green and blue to better outline the eruption dynamics. It would make a beautiful painting.

Nathalia Alzate, a solar scientist, posted her version of the solar events on Facebook. Read that post hereVia Colossal.

Image Credit: NASA SDO

Catface of Venus

This cat has a face that should go Hollywood. Venus, a five-year old tortoiseshell cat, has two different colored eyes and two different colors of fur split perfectly down the middle of her puss. 

With the longtime "cat culture" of the Internet, it's not a shocker that Venus has a sizable following; her Facebook page has over 175,000 fans. Venus lives in a home with two of her siblings plus two dogs, so she's pretty and somewhat tolerant of not being the center of attention. See Venus on Facebook to follow her antics. Via Twisted Sifter.

Comedian's Horse Impression Good Enough for the Horse

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Comedian and voice actor Rudi Rok, the same guy who makes 24 animal sounds and barked at dogs to record their reaction, does another of his terrific impressions in this video, this time fooling a colt. Can't quite call it Horse Whispering, but Rok may be part horse. At least, that's what the colt seems to think.

Fish Take the Escalators at Abandoned Mall

Fish have taken over this abandoned mall in Bangkok.
Jesse Rockwell, professional cook, traveler and aspiring writer/photographer, posted the following on his blog "A Taste of the Road":

"Down a nondescript soi [ed.: Thai term for "side street"] in old town Bangkok lies a relatively unknown hidden gem. Without a good knowledge of Bangkok geography, one would be hard pressed to believe anything interesting lies behind this gate. The posted sign reads in Thai "strictly no entrance beyond this point."

Rockwell described waiting for a policeman sitting outside to leave, after which he went inside and explored what was once the New World Shopping Mall. A four-story structure, it was originally built as an 11-story building, which violated local zoning codes allowing for only four stories.

Rockwell says the 
top seven floors were demolished to adhere to the codes, and two years later there was a fire that further damaged the building. The remains have no roof, which keeps them in a perpetual state of flooding. 

A mosquito problem eventually developed in the standing water, and locals introduced freshwater tilapia in the water to eat the mosquitos. The fish population soon took over the lower floors of the watery space, swimming around rusted escalators and other remnants. Visitors and locals, who feed the fish with fish food supplied by area stores for that purpose, have since added other types of exotic fish, such as Koi carp, to the mall mix. 

Read more of Rockwell's adventures at his blog. Via Nerdcore. 

Images Credit: Jesse Rockwell.

The gate designed to keep the public out of the watery space.

Children React to Fireworks

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Adults usually have an opinion on fireworks. They may be apathetic and think the production isn't worth the crowds, bug bites and chance for accidents. They may be excited to see the show every year, hoping for the biggest booms and brightest colors. Perhaps they can't stand their redneck neighbor and the last fireworks party his family threw when he got out of jail. Whatever the reaction, its a buildup of all experiences with fireworks they've had previously. 

But children who are new to fireworks are cute blank slates to previous "fireworks baggage" that any adult may carry. Watch a number of kids experience this American holiday tradition. Via Tastefully Offensive. 

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