Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

The Number One Cause of Early Death in Every Country

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This interesting Vox video tells us that 150,000 people are going to die today, and that where we are born can dramatically change how and at what age we die. Vox presents viewers with a map that lists the number one ways people die early in every country. For instance, tragically, four out of ten deaths in Africa are in people under the age of 15, and for reasons as easily preventable as diarrhea. The main cause of early death in Saudi Arabia is far more perplexing, however. Watch the video to learn that statistic and more. Via Uproxx

Watch an RPG Blast Through 16 Inches of Bulletproof Glass

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Bullet-proof glass, while an amazing, life-saving invention, is no match for a rocket-propelled grenade. As if we needed proof, we see video evidence of that fact in this video from Russian YouTube channel Crash Zone. They set 16 inches of bulletproof glass up against the anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade. Later they do a second test with an added piece of glass. But who cares about the test  it's really all about watching things get blown up, is it not? Via Popular Mechanics

The Voice Activated Corgi

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This older video continues to make the rounds online due to its humorous subject: a discerning little Corgi named Kinney. Kinney likes to give her owner Mark White love, but only under certain circumstances. Specifically, White gets Kinney's attention when he talks like a member of the Beatles. Sure, a number of YouTube commenters have said White's Beatle voice sounds more like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons or Stewie from Family Guy, but that makes no difference to Kinney. When the imitation starts rolling off White's tongue, the dog comes running. No other accent will do. Perhaps she heard that Corgis are the preferred breed of Queen Elizabeth II? Via IAF TV

12 Upcoming Horror Movies to Give You a Fresh Batch of Nightmares

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Horror movie enthusiasts, take note: the linked article lists movies that should be on your radar throughout the remainder of this year. If you're not turned off by gore to the level of Eli Roth (director of Cabin Fever and the Hostel movies), you should check out The Green Inferno, Roth's latest. The film, shot on location in Peru and Chile in what Roth claims is "deeper in the Amazon than anyone who has ever shot a film," is set for wide release today.

Yet if you like your horror without excessive blood and more along the lines of a good ghost story, there are soon to be released films that will suit your tastes as well. Read about 11 more upcoming horror films here.  

Cat's Evil Stare Stops Yapping Dog in Mid Bark

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YouTube user Devon Meadows set up a camera to see how much his dog Chazz was barking when Meadows left home. But the human need not worry about Chazz being a noisy nuisance. The dog's housemate, Grayscale the cat, is fully capable of handling the problem. One stern stare renders the dog silent and sorry. Via 9GAGTV

Lion Cub Tests His Roar, Only Squeaks

This lion cub has the urge to let loose with a roar, but what comes out of his mouth instead is hardly intimidating. Be patient, little cutie. You'll be king of the jungle in good time. Via Esquire

Essential Survival Skills We've Lost From Our Ancient Ancestors

Amanita phalloides, also known as the Death Cap mushroom, is extremely toxic to humans. Consumption of as little as 30 grams of the fungus can result in death. | Image: Ak ccm

While humans have learned new skills in modern times, such as how to operate a selfie stick, we have lost a number of proficiencies throughout the ages that our ancient ancestors needed to thrive in their lifetimes. The linked article at i09 highlights and discusses six such skills with the input of Klint Janulis, an anthropologist completing his doctorate in prehistoric archaeology at the University of Oxford.

One such skill modern peoples no longer have is the knowledge of what in nature is edible and medicinal. According to Janulis, such detailed knowledge would have been passed down from generation to generation. He says, 

“That accumulated knowledge of the plant world not only was specific to each ecosystem, but would have contained the nuances of conditions, appearance, and preparation that those of us who study survival and ethnobotany can’t hope to fully replicate without that generational knowledge guiding us,”

The article continues, 

Today, the best thing we have when confronted with a similar situation is the so-called “universal edibility test.” This rather imperfect test involves the graduated introduction of a given plant to the body in a series of steps. It starts by placing the plant on the skin, and then introducing it to an abraded area, then lips, tongue, and finally a small amount of consumption. Between each step, the person is supposed to wait and assess their reaction to the plant.

“This method is debated as some plants have chemicals that have a delayed onset reaction and it may take much more time for the toxins to harm you than the test allows, particularly with fungus,” says Janulis.

In regards to medicine, it’s worth noting that some degree of self medication has been observed in other primates as well. It’s likely that humans have been doing this for eons.

Read about other survival skills we've lost to our ancient ancestors here.

Baby's First Lightsaber

Twitter user Stephen O'Hara, a dad from Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, England, obviously knows how important it is to document the milestones in his little daughter's life. So when he presented the toddler with her first lightsaber, he made sure to catch the moment on video. It's lucky he did, too, as her adorable reaction will be something that she and her parents can look back on with a smile. Via Daily Dot

Art Deco-Inspired Disney Movie Posters

Illustrator David G. Ferraro's series of art deco-style Disney movie posters are so pretty one wonders if this isn't the best possible style in which to create such artwork. The vivid jewel tones, geometric shapes, symmetry and retro fonts seem to blend seamlessly with the content, to the point that this reimagination doesn't seem too far a stretch.  

See Ferraro's entire series at his website. Via Geekologie

Redditors Share Their Weird Eating Habits

Image: Jim.henderson

Do you have any unusual eating quirks? Most people have at least one. I've been teased before due to my penchant for sometimes taking apart and rearranging my sandwiches. I've seen some people who have their procedure of eating Oreos down to a science. Others eat chocolate bars in a certain way. Some people combine foods on their plate; others are freaked out if the foods on their plate even touch. 

Yet when Redditors were asked what their most bizarre food habits were, it became clear that the abovementioned routines were just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Some examples follow: 

"Cheese Doritos dipped in milk, then suck the cheese milk off the chip and eat the naked chip. Delicious.

EDIT: Guys, it’s actually delicious! Please try it." -gumgooki

"My co-worker 1.) Takes his sandwich out of the fridge. 2.) Removes the single slice of swiss cheese. 3.) Eats his sandwich. 4.) Places the cheese slice on a plate. 4.) Puts this in the toaster oven until melted. 5.) Proceeds to eat the cheese with a fork and knife. 

Mitch if you are reading this, ITS WEIRD." -today_is_yesterday

"When I have Taco Bell I eat the taco or burrito first then suck on a packet of hot sauce after. Too lazy to pour it on the food I guess." -jusfunky
"I peel and eat the crust off Chicken McNuggets before eating the actual chicken." -TheCoastalService

"I can take 25 bites out of an M&M. 50 out of a peanut M&M." -Heideed

Read more unusual eating habit confessions from Redditors here. Via Uproxx

Pop Culture Icons Unmasked

Alex Solis (previously at Neatorama) is a Chicago-based illustrator who, with his series "Icons Unmasked," draws parallels between characters from popular culture with these mashup illustrations. Some of the pairings are obvious choices, some are less so, but all Solis' matches share at least one common characteristic. 

See all of the artist's amusing pop culture crosses at his website, and keep up with him on social media via Facebook and Instagram. Via My Modern Met

Move Over, Pizza Rat: Shake Shack Squirrel is On Your Tail

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Receently, Pizza Rat made a big splash on the Internet, the coverage of which even included behind-the-scenes-interviews with those who were lucky enough to meet the famed rodent.

Now it seems as if Pizza Rat has competition, and in his hometown, no less. Enter Shake Shack Squirrel. He got aggressive upon finding the leftovers of a Shake Shack milkshake in a trash can. Like a true New Yorker, he knows that Shake Shack cannot be resisted, and must be inhaled promptly. That he does in this clip, as onlookers provide their commentary. Pizza Rat, this guy was caught on video imbibing his find. Better get moving on the munching! Via Laughing Squid

Photographer's Haunting Self Portraits Representing Depression

Photographer Edward Honaker is only 21 years old, but he's already felt the weight of the world, as a sufferer of anxiety and depression. Honaker was diagnosed two years ago, and it prompted him to strive to understand the condition, which had baffled him prior to diagnosis. It was then that Honaker decided to express his feelings through his art. He began to shoot the self-portraits seen here, which are almost frightening in their honesty. 

Honaker's intent with his project is to hopefully inspire those suffering from mental illness to be more open about their struggle, and for people who know the sufferers to be less judgmental and more accepting. Honaker told The Huffington Post

"When I was making the portfolio, I asked myself if I was the kind of person whom others would feel comfortable coming to if they were going through a difficult time and needed someone to talk to. Truthfully, at the time, I don't think I was. I've still got quite a ways to go, but the whole experience made me a lot more patient and empathetic towards others."

Read more and see additional photographs from the series in this article, and visit Honaker's website to see more of his work. Via Dangerous Minds


Cats Putting Their Paw Down to the Idea of Being Petted

As animal lovers know, cats aren't the safe bet for instant affection that dogs are. They may deign to accept your offering of love, or they may not. Are your cuticles appropriately manicured? Have you lotioned your hand so that it's soft, and are your nails filed and clean? If your nails are painted, is it an appropriate color? Gaudy nail color won't be tolerated. Your cat may present you with a list of acceptable times to pet him or her: please follow it to the letter. If not, you WILL get the paw. Via Tastefully Offensive

Facebook Buttons the World Actually Needs

Thanks to an announcement by Mark Zuckerberg during a recent Facebook Townhall meeting that the company was working on a new button expressing a sentiment other than "like," much press coverage has centered around the idea. Zuckerberg said that he thought it was a touchy issue:

"It's important to give people more options than just 'like'" to help express empathy and sympathy. Not every moment is a good moment... We didn’t want to just build a Dislike button because we don’t want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people’s posts. That doesn’t seem like the kind of community we want to create.”

Zuckerberg spoke of how Facebook users have long asked for a "dislike" button. Yet if we had to make a list of other new button suggestions to send to the Facebook brass, what would we include? BuzzFeed's Jamie Jones presents his ideas in this article. Do you have anything to add? Comment with your suggestions, if so. 



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