Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

More Movie Mistakes That Made it Into the Final Cut

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Screen Rant is back with another collection of movie mistakes that made it into the final cut. Whether these takes were left in on purpose or by an additional mistake, these errors were preserved for posterity. Video features Star Wars, Guardians of the Galaxy, Days of Thunder, North by Northwest, Terminator 2 and more. Via Tastefully Offensive

Donald Trump Photoshopped Into Horror Movie Stills Equals Things of Beauty

Image by: jkrebs04

There are some people, famous or otherwise, that when injected into practically any possible situation, they make it funny. Agree with him or not, Donald Trump seems to be one of those people. With his corny coif, amusing expressions and colorful vernacular, Trump is a King of Political Comedy.

Over at Design Crowd, designers have submitted 124 images thus far of Trump Photoshopped into horror movie images. The result is a collection in which one image is more hilarious than the last. Just when you think you've seen your favorite, you find a new favorite. 

Check out the entire collection here. Via Dangerous Minds

Image by: kirkalan

Image by: see why

16 Terrible Movie Accents We All Let Slide

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Meryl Streep is one American actress in whom the whole country can take pride when it comes to movie accents. No matter the accent, Meryl nails it every time. Unfortunately, not every actor required to use an accent for their role in a media presentation has the talent of Meryl Streep. Cracked compiled a list of movie characters with terrible accents in this amusing footage.

Bartenders Share Their Best Halloween Cocktail Recipes

Image: Evan Swigart

Thinking of having a Halloween party or just interested in having a cocktail or two as the kiddies are out collecting their candy? The Chicago Tribune asked prominent bartenders to submit their best Halloween drink recipes. The resulting collection is a scream. 

One example is the "Iron Complex," a recipe supplied by Revae Schneider of Femme du Coupe, a Chicago mixology company. The cherry lambic in this chilling libation lends the appearance of blood swirling through the glass:  

3 ounces Scotch

1.5 ounces ginger syrup

1.5 ounces freshly squeezed lime juice

5 sage leaves

Cherry lambic, to taste

Combine Scotch, ginger syrup, lime juice and sage in a cocktail shaker; add ice. Shake for 30 seconds, then pour into a glass of your choice over ice. Hold a spoon over the drink with the back facing up; slowly pour cherry lambic onto the spoon, letting it drizzle into the drink.

See more recipes for creepy cocktails here. 

Ten Ridiculous Instances of Zero Tolerance in Schools

Image: Politically Suspect

While some might argue that zero tolerance policies in schools are necessary, over the years these narrow rules have put many kids in hot water for fairly innocent, kidlike behaviors. 

Take the 2014 case of 13-year-old Ethan Chaplin. The New Jersey middle schooler was being bullied, like just about every middle schooler at some point. During a class Chaplin shared with his bully, he was twirling a pencil capped with a pen cap as he listened to the lecture. The bully was watching and called out to the teacher, 

“He’s making gun motions, send him to juvie.”

Instead of recognizing that the troublemaker was the bully for speaking out of turn in the classroom, the teacher took his words seriously. As a result, Chaplin was suspended from school for two days and had to undergo a mandatory five-hour psychological assessment at Riverview Medical Center. Chaplin was barred from returning to school until the results of the testing were returned to school officials.

In defense of the school's disciplinary actions, the superintendent said,

“If a student demonstrates odd behaviors, non-conforming behaviors, it causes us to take a closer look, if a student gestures or demonstrates behavior that could be construed as a threat to others in a classroom . . . then that’s also a trigger for us.”

Read about more cases of questionable applications of zero tolerance policies in schools here.

People Who Wore the Perfect Shirts for Their Celebrity Encounters

T-shirts that reference film, television and other bits of popular culture are everywhere. On occasion, many of us walk around wearing an image of a celebrity or media presentation that we're enthusiastic about. 

The people in these photos happened to have just the right shirt on at the right time. Whether they were at a convention in which the celebrity at hand was expected or they happened upon the star in a completely random encounter, these celebrity sightings give new meaning to the phrase "dress for success." 

See a collection of these encounters with famous people on Imgur. 

Via Daily Dot 

Ten Bizarre Tales Surrounding Adolf Hitler

Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler with their dogs | Source: Unknown

After Adolf Hitler lost in his bid for the 1932 German presidential election, his team of supporters decided that he was badly in need of a public relations makeover. Heinrich Hoffman, Hitler's photographer, had his job cut out for him, but he was up for the challenge. The result of his work was the 1932 book The Hitler Nobody Knows

Hoffman's book purported that the Hitler nobody knew wasn't an antisemetic egomaniacal lunatic, but a man who was the embodiment of  “STRENGTH and GOODNESS”; a “NON-DRINKER, NON-SMOKER, and VEGETARIAN.” Photos of Hitler as a baby, as an adult frolicking with baby deer and dogs, and showing him as a busy, hardworking and competent politician were featured. 

The book worked like a charm. It became incredibly popular, selling 400,000 copies in 1942. American magazines also lent a hand in Hitler's public relations campaign. Vogue and New York Times magazines ran flattering puff pieces about Hitler that contained tours of his home and painted a picture of him as a simple, kindly gentleman. It wasn't until the war that people learned the truth about the Hitler nobody knew.

Read more bizarre facts surrounding Adolf Hitler in this article.  

Retail Photoshop Disasters

In their near hysteria to sell fashion and create an appealing image that the masses will want to aspire to, retailers sometimes rush to press with grave errors in photo editing. The website Photoshop Disasters documents these often hilarious slip-ups. As one can imagine, most of the mistakes surround the task of thinning the model to often ridiculous degrees. (As if the model wasn't thin enough to begin with. She's a model. By definition she is not overweight.)

Some examples of these Photoshop retail ad failures are shown here.  See more at Photoshop Disasters.

Via Business Insider | Images via Photoshop Disasters


Female Disney Villains as Pinup Girls

Ursula gone sexpot

California-based artist Andrew Tarusov has turned female Disney villains sexy in his latest series. If you prefer a "bad girl" instead of a princess vibe in your pinup, feast your eyes on characters like Ursula from The Little Mermaid and Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmations stripped of their usual costumes and dressed in sexy garb like thigh highs, lingerie and stiletto heels. 

See more of Andrew Tarusov's Disney villain pinup series at his Instagram account.

Via Design Taxi

The Evil Queen from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs has been a naughty girl

Winners of the 2015 International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest

Fourth Place Winner, Paulo Pacheco, Brazil | Image: IAPLC 

During the 1990s, a new discipline was born: aquascaping. The activity, made popular by Japanese wildlife photographer Takashi Amano, has become an artform. These aquarium designs are far from your average neon colored rocks, plastic sunken ship and the odd aquatic fern. 

An official competition has grown up around the hobby, namely the International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest (IAPLC). Years of work go into the placement and development of these all-natural aquascapes, and the results are beautiful. 

The 2015 IAPLC contest winners were announced in September. Winners were selected from a pool of 2,545 entries from 69 countries. The art has yet to catch on in the United States; only 13 entries were from Americans, with Japan, China, Brazil and France being the countries most represented. 

Some photos of the finalist tanks are shown above and below. See more photographs and read more about the art and competition at Vice. Via Colossal. 

Grand Prize Winner Takayuki Fukada, Japan | Image: IAPLC 

 Eighth Runner Up, タナカカツキ, Japan | Image: IAPLC 


Hamster Has Nap Attack

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A hamster is feeling relaxed and in a safe environment among his humans when it happens: sleep overcomes him. Once he passes out, the cute little hairball rolls off his perch like a tiny bowling ball, to the laughter and delight of his audience. Via Uproxx

Zack the Golden Retriever Buys His Own Ice Cream

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Youtuber John Hubble's golden retriever Zack is the consummate shopper. Give that pup money and he knows just how to spend it — on ice cream, of course! Hubble hands over the cash and Zack carefully totes it in his mouth over to the ice cream truck, where the ice cream man is happy to oblige and give Zack his goodies. Zack loves the process so much, it's hard to tear him away from the truck! Now that's a canine after my own heart. Via Arbroath

Nazi Photos Documenting Belongings Looted from Jewish Homes


The images seen here are from the recent book Witnessing the Robbing of the Jews by sociologist Sarah Gensburger. Gensburger explains in the text that the items pictured are Nazi-plundered treasures from Jews before and during the second world war.

The catalog was once stored in the German Federal Archives in Koblenz. The collection was organized post war by an art historian hired by the Allies in their attempt to return art stolen from the Jews by the Nazis.

Once taken by Nazi forces, these objects were counted, categorized and stored in Lévitan, a Paris department store. It was there that the Nazi occupiers of Paris prepared to redistribute the stolen goods to German citizens.


23 Kitchen Shortcuts

Get more juice out of lemons by microwaving them for 20 seconds first | Image: Aka

Very few of us wish to spend more time in the kitchen doing prep work, cleaning, or other tedious tasks. If asked, most people would say that they prefer to be at the table with friends and cocktails rather than toiling alone in a hot kitchen. 

The linked article lists a collection of kitchen shortcuts that may make your time spent there a bit easier. From grating mozarella cheese to pre-lining measuring cups to food storage that will stretch your food dollars, these 23 kitchen shortcuts are practical and user friendly.

See all 23 kitchen tips here. 

Grate fresh mozarella without it turning to mush by freezing it first | Image: Shiva Nataraja

Redditors' Photoshop Battle Over Evil Toddler Holding Owl

Original Image, via Reddit

When Redditors are presented with an evocative photograph, one that begs for a philosophical explanation or scholarly interpretation, there's no time to be lost. There is one answer, and one answer only to the curious photo conundrum, and that is Photoshop Battle. Stalwart Reddit warriors prepare their trusty weapons, and voila! The original photograph of a little girl planning for world destruction and domination as she holds an owl is transformed.

A few of those transformations appear here. See the rest on this Reddit thread. 

Via Mashable 

 Honey Boo Boo Busts a Move to Safety | Image: webbdesigner3, via Reddit

Mighty Thorkid | Image: Chaosmusic via Reddit

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