Lisa Marcus's Blog Posts

A Collection of Funny Tweets About Exercise

One sees it every year on Thanksgiving. We might be driving to our dinner destination or hitting an after-dinner gathering, and behold, there they are: the runners. Out for a run before or after their carb-heavy, calorie-laden sugar fest.

Many concepts are prefaced by "there are two kinds of people in this world." This is one of them. There are the pre- or post-Thanksgiving dinner, guilt-filled exercisers, and there are the pre-dinner, pie-drooling people who, post meal, are the "relax with some couch love and TV embracement" crowd. 

It's not hard to discern what types most of these people are who tweeted funny quips about exercise. See all of them here; it's worth a smile. 

Sweet, Beautifully Animated Short Film is a Charmer

Vimeo Link

This lovely animated short called "Lost Property" by  is a delight to the eyes and heart. The film packs charm and skillfully conveys a sweet story in a few minutes. It's worth the time of anyone who checks it out, but in particular, lovers of animated short films are sure to be smitten. Via i09

Gorgeous, Nature-Inspired Resin Jewelry Filled With Real Petals, Gold Flakes

If I have one nearly embarrassing obsession, it's pretty jewelry. Whether of the costume variety or the genuine article, it's no matter as long as it's beautiful. I've fallen for these pieces by Lyuda, whose Etsy store is called LivinLovin. These bracelets, earrings and rings are made of natural flower petals and buds encased in resin, and flecked with gold to lend interest and sparkle.

I featured another Etsy shop early this year that also encases natural materials in resin, but Lyuda's pieces are different in that they're more delicate, shimmery, and with decidedly feminine touches. 

At these reasonable prices, checking out the inventory at Lyuda's Etsy Shop can give you one more thing to be thankful for: getting a holiday gift quite likely to put a smile on a beloved woman in your life. -Via Design Taxi


Ten Last-Minute Thanksgiving Recipes That are Incredibly Easy to Pull Off

Crown Jewel Turkey for Dummies | Image and Recipe: The Crepes of Wrath

Has someone communicated a late request for you to bring a dish to Thanksgiving? Or are you planning to accept a last-minute invitation to a pot-luck style dinner? Even if you have the task of hosting and discover you need another side, dessert or drink, all is not lost.

Snickerdoodle Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chex Mix Bars | Image and Recipe: Half Baked Harvest

This article at Bustle has you covered in terms of throwing together something tasty for T-Day on the quick. Some of these dishes look so tempting, you might want to whip one up as a surprise. There's nothing like that delicious, unanticipated bite that adds spice your spread.

Bacon and Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts | Image and Recipe: Damn Delicious

How to Prevent Your Anger From Spiraling Out of Control

You wouldn't like him when he's angry | Image: Universal Pictures

For some, the holidays aren't necessarily all sweetness and light. With immediate and extended family gathered and the discussions of world events and politics that can produce; with some worn thin working odd hours with cranky coworkers; and travel by plane, train and automobile, tensions can run higher than usual.

But that doesn't mean we can't keep our own emotions in check. As "they" say, you can't control others, but you can control how you react toward them — and often, that makes a significant difference in the moods and behaviors of those around you.

This well researched article offers suggestions on how to communicate in tense situations as well as diffuse and keep reign on anger that gets a start simmering beneath the surface. Check it out; you may be able to use a technique that makes the inevitable refugee, presidential candidate and "who's eating the last slice of pie" discussion smooth sailing, and make your holiday season even more enjoyable.

All of the Films of Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ranked

Philip Seymour Hoffman in a publicity still from The Talented Mr. Ripley
Image: Paramount Pictures

Fans of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman were floored and saddened when the actor died of a heroin overdose in February of 2014. It inspired some to go back and review the titles from his impressive film career, which spanned from 1991 until the year he died.

Beginning as a scene-stealing character actor and ending up as a commanding presence who often carried the movies and theater productions in which he starred, no one could say that, as an actor, Hoffman was a "one trick pony."

As such, Hoffman played widely varied character types: from a gay crew member of porn films in Boogie Nights to a privileged, preppy snob in The Talented Mr. Ripley. From a secretive Catholic priest in Doubt to a lonely obscene phone caller in Happiness.

Refresh yourself with every film title from the late actor's body of work and see how a writer from Vulture ranked each with his opinions of worst to best here. 

The Behind-the-Scenes Beauty of Barbarella

Ah, Barbarella. How many ideas sprung from its seminal influence (Dr. Durand Durand, anyone)? Roger Vadim's 1968 film based on the French comics was the flop that launched a thousand concepts. Now a cult favorite, it starred Vadim's one-time wife and American acting dynasty family member Jane Fonda as a sexy star traveler. 

This iinked collection of behind-the-scenes photos from the set of Barbarella catches Fonda, Vadim and the easy-on-the-eyes, mostly French cast at the height of their glamour and beauty. See photos of Vadim and Fonda together, with his son, her about to spacesuit malfunction out of being dressed, a video clip of the opening titles, and more here. 

Image credits: unknown (Via Dangerous Minds)

Vadim cuts Fonda into (or out of) her costume

Why Do People in Old Movies Talk Funny?

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A past episode of BrainStuff – HowStuffWorks explains that odd, sorta-Brit/sorta not accent that some American actors, politicians and other notable names used to affect. What we're hearing is known as the Transatlantic (Mid-Atlantic) Accent, which was taught to actors, media types and students alike, mostly prior to the second world war.

What's funnier than the accent itself is the way some actors spoke that way consistently throughout their early films and then dropped it in their later years, thus rendering their voices practically unrecognizable. Mia Farrow in, say, Rosemary's Baby vs. her later films comes to mind. Via Laughing Squid

Old Plane Fuselage Makes for New Plane-Trippy Lightshow

Vimeo Link

PlayMID and Eduardo Cajal's production Porta Estel·lar (catalan for "Star Gate") was created using the fuselage of an old airplane as container and stage for a light show made more immersive by the close quarters. The show makes great use of the contours of the fuselage such as the windows and rounded body.

The creators intend Porta Estel·lar to be suggestive of

"the idea of interstellar travel, audience flies to outer space in an intense trip, from departure and takeoff to the sighting of comets, planets, galaxies and alien worlds, until finally returning safe to earth."

Via Gizmodo

One Mother's Witty Comics on Motherhood

Héloïse Weiner is a mom to sons William, almost 3, Ezra, 18 months, and newborn Nino. Anyone presented with that information can easily gather that she has her hands full. Héloïse documents the joys and occasional sorrows of motherhood with entertaining, well written comics, some of which are featured above and below.

The humor in her work has helped her deal with serious issues such as postpartum depression, a condition Héloïse has suffered from in the past. She says it makes her happy to share her work with parents who can relate.  

You can see more of Héloïse's comics on Tumblr and follow her on social media via Facebook.

Via Bored Panda | Images: motherhoodcomics

Artist Transforms Celebrity Dolls into True Likenesses

Jennifer Lawrence

California-based artist Noel Cruz (previously at Neatorama) continues his fine work repainting celebrity dolls, which seldom look very much like their real-life inspirations, to look more realistic. Cruz not only does amazing paint jobs on the dolls and transforms them into near photorealistic works of art, but he also lists many of them for sale. 

See his latest listings and work at his Deviant Art site.

Via Design Taxi | Images: Noel Cruz

Cate Blanchett
 Angelina Jolie

Little Girl's Lesson for the Family Dog

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Three-year-old Hadley teaches the family dog (who looks to be a poodle mix — possibly a Goldendoodle) how to offer his paw to shake. Her father looks on as the lesson progresses, with both teacher and student apparently feeling confident in their performances. Via Viral Viral Videos

NYC Cabbies Bringing Sexy Back Again With Their 2016 Calendar

You've understandably been counting down the months, and the time is finally here. Yes, it's time for the release of the 2016 New York City Cab Drivers Calendar. For three years running, cab drivers in the Big Apple have been showing their sensual sides for a good cause. In that time, they've raised more than $50,000 to benefit the city's University Settlement. The organization assists immigrants and working families with securing housing, education and literacy efforts.

Don't let those pretty boy firemen rule the charity calendar world. Check out more hot shots and place your order at the calendar website.

Via My Modern Met | Images: New York City Taxi Drivers Calendar


Thanksgiving: Myth Versus Fact

YouTube Link

In episode 43, the latest Anglophenia video, host Kate Arnell discusses fact and fiction regarding British influence and more in the origin story of our American Thanksgiving holiday. How many of us have misconceptions when we envision those who partook of the first Thanksgiving and the circumstances surrounding their arrival in the new world? Hear this interesting take on their trip over, their early experiences and other facts. Via Laughing Squid

An Interesting Analysis of Edward Hopper's Nighthawks

YouTube Link

American realist painter and Manhattan resident Edward Hopper created many iconic images of life in America, both urban and rural. Hopper generally painted simple, restrained scenes, yet he worked during some of the country's most chaotic, tumultuous times; throughout the Great Depression and both world wars.

In this video, YouTuber the Nerdwriter analyzes one of Hopper's most recognized paintings, Nighthawks. Learn some interesting facts and circumstances surrounding the creation of this painting, as well as insights about the artist in general that shed light on his works. Via Esquire

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