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Hm, is there sci fi / fantasy books about societies that have been doomed and faced it? I'd enjoy reading some fiction about that. I think typical stories all talk about some shared hope, maybe that's necessary for a good story, but it's not necessary for a society.
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France has a welfare system that gives a safety net for roughly the same amount. Hiring is becoming difficult : would you work 35 hours for an extra mere $300? This system is a poverty trap.
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He could have dressed as a Cowboy but Comics/movies/tv all are representative of our culture too. Superman is a pretty all American superhero(who didn't get his powers from drug use). Sadly though the Superhero costume could have been awesome but he looks like i just picked one off the shelf at a costume shop. Should have got a custom cosplay piece made that would have looked a lot better.
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I'm sure there have been powerful storms way before any weather statistics were kept let alone before the early European explorers and settlers. Of course climate changes. There were ice ages back in the day. way before cars and cows.
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Funny. When we lived in a small hamlet in the northern Catskills, Mrs.O would take our two young sons to play in the nearby cemetery. It was safe and clean.
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Fun Fact: The intent of the 2nd Amendment was that the citizens would have military "assault" weapons, all of them. The same ones used by the government, as it levels the playing field and incentivizes the leaders to stay honest.Oh and also, Gun Control Laws® began to keep firearms out of the hands of black people, making it rooted in racism. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
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People are so intelligent they've actually convinced themselves that "planting more trees" and "bagging your own groceries" is the solution. Meanwhile no one is talking about human overpopulation. Let's see how this plays out.
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Here's my thoughts: 99% of all animals are already extinct so it's not that weird. Experts are now saying that the oceans on earth will boil in roughly half a billion years. I'm not trying to be negative - I'm just saying that none of this is designed to last. The fact any of us are alive at all is kind of amazing and should never be taken for granted. Or maybe it should, depending how you feel.
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I always see these maps and get the feeling they are written by folks on the East Coast who start to divide up the country by if you say Hon or not. I think there more nuance and geography needed to define these countries. However this is how the rest of the world was divided up by the European powers so I guess I should be grateful for the experience.
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