vdog's Comments

Frankenfood is horrible! It allows all them darkies to eat and not starve and die! Even worse, it contributes to overpopulation by allowing us darkies to reproduce!

The population needs to be smaller, and the quickest way to to do so is to starve all those uppity darkies in China and India. The arrogance! Why they don't even eat organic or listen to indie rock! How dare they think they're just as human?

We can't let darkies eat and reproduce after all. The only people that should be allowed to survive are New York Times reading educated liberal urbanites.

Oh, and a select population of darkies that cook, clean, and repair because it's not like Little Miss Manhattan Non-profit knows how to fix her Prius.
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cleek: Those bonds are not at all as real as those owned by Japan or China, as neither Japan nor China incur any liability in purchasing those bonds. The United States government, on the other hand, incurs a debt identical to the asset.

If I write you a check for one thousand dollars, you can then buy a thousand dollars more stuff.

If I write myself a check for one thousand dollars, I am exactly where I started.

If JP Morgan owes Bernie Madoff fifty billion, Bernie Madoff has assets.

If Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC owes Bernie Madoff fifty billion, Bernie Madoff has nothing, as his investors sadly have found out.
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Obviously, this list has been manipulated by TEH JOOOZ who control the world.

In the 20th century, TEH JOOOZ got pogroms in Russia and Poland, followed by the Nazi death camps, and finally got themselves one percent of the land in the Middle East and no oil, while finding themselves surrounded by enemies orders of magnitude larger than them that controlled half the world's oil and the Suez Canal. Finally, they're now deeply hated by nearly everyone in their large and powerful European neighbors.

If that's the result of TEH JOOOZ trying to control the world, they need to quit pronto, because it's not working out so hot for them.
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The only problem with the Social Security Trust fund is that it doesn't have any money. It's just one part of the government writing checks to another part of the government.

If Bernie Madoff wrote Bernie Madoff a 50 billion dollar check, that would not make his fund solvent, any more than taking billions of dollars government debt (future Social Security liabilities) and turning them into another form of government debt (T-bills)

The fact of the matter is no assets have been purchased to cover the expected outlay.
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These places aren't worth fixing up. Unless you sleep inside with a loaded gun anything and everything worth money will be stolen. I feel for the older folks still living in places which were probably once nice neighborhoods. After the second or third time you're ripped off you begin to understand why cops stop trying and good people (young) move away.
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So let me get this straight:

Rich people get to eat what they want.

Poor people get to eat whatever rich people allow them to.

What happened to "all men are created equal"?
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So what this book says is that only the better-educated, secular, well-off, urban Muslims tend to hate America?

Funny, better-educated, secular, well-off, urban Americans tend to hate America too.

Why don't we just send our loonies and their loonies to go duke it out, and Middle America and Middle Ummah can finally get along. After all, many Muslims don't like Wall Street thieves, DC imperialists, and Hollywood hypocrites - and guess what, we don't like them here in America either.
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The 21 drinking age is great for the same reason insanely low speed limits and pot bans are great:

It's obviously stupid, and it gives young people a strong foundation of distrust of government.
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For LOTS of information on oil, and more specifically about the peak oil question, have a look a www.theoildrum.com , a very good source of discussion.
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