Screw that. Hell No. Other ways of registering a negative opinion of this idea. How about sending a promising science student (regular kid) instead of this annoying tw*t. He's done NOTHING to deserve that kind of free ride. Yuck.
If you say so - Wikipedia has Frontalot releasing recordings 2 years before Chris. So, um Which MC Chris record are you talking about? Frontalot's Song Fight recordings were released in 99 and ... (Ripped straight from wikipedia)
In 2000 he released the song "Nerdcore Hiphop". The song became an immediate hit in the geek and nerd communities. The rap subgenre of nerdcore hip hop, which had been around though unnamed beforehand, embraced the title and has since been expanding rapidly."
So, you know, as long as bloggers make exaggerated claims like, something is the “cutest ever” or “lamest ever” or “single-handedly did x, y or z” some nerd will probably jump on them. I don't need to be that busy, I'm on the internet, and there are millions of us.
I don't mean to start a Nerd Fight here, but you are the one who brought Conan into this.
Nothing against MC Chris (who I think is a super bad ass) but to say he "single-handedly brought Nerdcore to Hip Hop" ignores the existence of MC Frontalot, who has albums and albums of Nerdcore Hip Hop, started recording Nerdcore albums TWO YEARS before MC Chris, and happily accepts the label. MC Chris has resisted the nerdcore label many times.
McCain really is not the guy to be in charge. Regardless of how he speaks to his opponent, regardless of how he speaks to the American people, and regardless of how he appears in a debate.
He's a "maverick" - meaning that he'll do what he likes, regardless of what his party, other politicians, or the American people want.
He can't be trusted to do the right thing on the economy. He certainly can't be trusted with the military.
In 2000 he released the song "Nerdcore Hiphop". The song became an immediate hit in the geek and nerd communities. The rap subgenre of nerdcore hip hop, which had been around though unnamed beforehand, embraced the title and has since been expanding rapidly."
So, you know, as long as bloggers make exaggerated claims like, something is the “cutest ever” or “lamest ever” or “single-handedly did x, y or z” some nerd will probably jump on them. I don't need to be that busy, I'm on the internet, and there are millions of us.
I don't mean to start a Nerd Fight here, but you are the one who brought Conan into this.
He's a "maverick" - meaning that he'll do what he likes, regardless of what his party, other politicians, or the American people want.
He can't be trusted to do the right thing on the economy. He certainly can't be trusted with the military.
Obama/Biden 08! Landslide anyone?
brcguy AT g m a i l dot com