Something witty and thought-provoking. That's what my boss told me to write on this- post! I am actually super excited to find this because I have actually been to that restaurant (half off after 11!) in Pittsburgh- where I went to school. Seriously I have eaten there at least a dozen times as it was a block from my house for two years. I can recognize Forbes Ave behind it pretty easily. Good job on going viral Fuel and Fuddle, good job.
After reading the list of the 10 Documentaries Every Guy Should See (according to the guys at Cool Material) I can honestly say I have some work to do on my documentary game. I have seen a few of them, Exit Through the Gift Shop being my favorite documentary of all time and Murderball being just awesome, but there are a lot I haven't seen. One of them being Jiro Dreams of Sushi, man I love sushi.
This is easily the best movie about raw fish ever made. Jiro Dreams of Sushi tells the story of the world’s greatest sushi chef – A little old man with a restaurant in the basement of an office building. It’s about care for your craft and always striving to get better. Netflix DVDNetflix InstantiTunesAmazon Instant
November, the greatest month of the year (for several reasons including but not limited to my Birthday, Thanksgiving, turkeys, more pumpkins, football, and cranberry sauce) is fast approaching. Who wants to make it a Moustache Movember? Seriously, I'll try it if you guys do. I most likely will end up with a sad excuse for facial hair that pales in comparison to Nick Offerman's gorgeous upper lip... but I will do it anyway!
Let me introduce you to the most interesting bird in the world, the ʻĀkohekohe(Palmeria dolei). This critically endangered bird is only found on the island of Maui in Hawaii. There are about 3,800 individuals in two separate populations on Maui. It has distinctive calls from the "whee-o, whee-o" to the "tjook, tjook, chouroup" and even a rarely heard "hur-hur-hur-gluk-gluk-gluk".
The bird, sadly, is on the decline. Deforestation of the ʻĀkohekohe's natural habitat is one factor. Another is due to the bird's unique colors, it is very desirable to collectors and poachers. Competition from nonnative species that have been introduced to the ecosystem has also hurt the ʻĀkohekohe. Finally, in the 1900s mosquitoes were introduced to the Hawaiian Islands and the diseases they carry have been deadly to these magnificent birds.
Conservation efforts are under way and the species is under the protection of the Federal Endangered Species Act.
I think the natural decay of this bench makes it even more beautiful. If I got to decide what books were in the bench I would probably choose Skippy Dies, Ender's Game, The Hobbit, Catch 22, Super Sad True Love Story (the book that I am currently enthralled with), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (trilogy), Things Fall Apart and maybe Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal.
Update: Congratulations to user TeamHubble for being selected from our random drawing and receiving a free copy of the book! Thanks to all that participated!
by Shepard Fairey: Untitled
Nothing tastes more like iconography than Hello Kitty. The character has been printed and copied over generations through culture, pop art, graphic design, toys and pretty much any other way imaginable. Conceived by the Japanese company Sanrio, Hello Kitty first appeared in 1974 and made its American debut in 1976. Together with Sanrio, Roger Gastman has compiled a collection of some of the most beloved works of Hello Kitty by contemporary artists in a new book Hello Kitty, Hello Art!
"Hello Kitty is the ultimate muse, a blank canvas upon which for years people have projected their dreams and fantasies, and increasingly, artists too."
-Caroline Ryder
by Caia Koopman: Gato Muerto
The artists that comprise the book include Gary Baseman, Ron English, Luke Chueh, CRASH, RISK, Anthony Lister, Eric Joyner, Camilla d’Errico, Amanda Visell, Colin Christian, Huck Gee, Kozyndan, Deph, Caia Koopman, Yosuke Ueno and many others.
"About two years ago, my wife and I went to check out an art show at Santa Monica airport in a huge hanger. It was a Sanrio show and we didn’t know what to expect. It just sounded cool. When we pulled up, we were not disappointed. It seemed like a carnival atmosphere. As we walked in, we passed a chuck wagon of food trucks with a variety of assorted pleasures. Then I saw a Ferris wheel. It was really cool! We were really surprised and we wandered through a maze of great art. We had no idea what to expect and we were hooked. We caught the Hello Kitty fever!”
by RISK: East Meets West
Sanrio celebrated its 50th Anniversery in 2010. The brand prides itself in leading a lifestyle they define as a "small gift, big smile" philosophy. There are over 50,000 Sanrio brand items in 70 countries world-wide.
Since she has been around for so long, I feel like I know her; I’ve been with her through her various stages and products and she has been with me through my life.”
-Natalia Fabia
by Natalia Fabia: I Heart Hello Kitty
Sanrio paired with artist POSE, a Chicago based street artist, and launched a gallery show on October 14th under the same name Hello Kitty Hello Art. The show was at the Known Gallery in Los Angeles.
Roger Gastman, the compiler of the book, has been in the art and graffiti scene since his teenage years in Bethesda, Maryland. He has founded two pop-culture magazines- While You Were Sleeping and Swindle (co-published along with Shepard Fairey) and has published more than 30 art books. He is the founder and creative director of R. Rock enterprises.
This is freaking awesome, Monster Roll just does so many things right for me. I love the ancient pact that is the premise of the film, I love the griminess of it, and I love that if you watch the credits- the sleazy American's name is Brody. Not only is that the character's name, but the actor who plays him is Steve Howey from Reba. I am not ashamed to admit that at one point in my life I watched Reba, and Steve's character Van was a hoot.
Meet The Thing from The Fantastic Four- pumpkin style. You have to give it to redditor Wizardtig, he did a bang up job creating this 6'4" custom Jack-o'-lantern. The Thing comprises of 11 pumpkins and one pair of very large jean shorts. You can check out a photo gallery of the process here.
There is nothing better than a family meal of rotting brains and bloody spleens come Halloween time. It brings the family together. The zombie Spider-Man is just about the greatest idea ever. Why didn't I think of that #jealous. (And now I am ashamed of myself for actually using a twitter hashtag seriously. What is happening here.)
Lights, camera, goldfish. I love this, as someone who has always been a fan of both pranks and fish, I never thought I would see the two combined. The look on some of their faces is just priceless. One women goes right up to it and picks it up, and frankly I am surprised she didn't drop it when she remembered it was supposed to be piping hot.
What pranks have you pulled lately Neatoramanauts?
One of my favorite episodes of Futurama includes Lela trying to destroy the evil Robot Santa Claus by feeding him a logical paradox. While Robot Santa survives thanks to his "paradox-absorbing crumple zones" I still enjoyed the paradox. If you enjoy paradoxes as well, check out this super fascinating list of 11 Brain-Twisting Paradoxes.
Some of the paradoxes include The Unstoppable Force Paradox, The Unexpected Hanging Paradox, Achilles & the Tortoise Paradox, The Omnipotence Paradox, and a few other really interesting paradoxes.
The power of the Internet! You want to watch a mashup of Star Wars and West Side Story? Well bam, here it is. Particularly well edited if you ask me, the sound effects are pretty spot on.
One of my favorite parts of this bit actually came from the comment section. You go SpeedBikeDad!
I don’t really need any of these excuses to sneak a chocolate bar. Usually the line “I want chocolate” is good enough for me. That being said, I don’t mind being sweet-talked into eating delectable chocolate. Maybe it will help with the regret I am sure to feel a few minutes later when I am down exactly one chocolate bar.
There are things, as a kid, that I just went absolutely bonkers for- dry ice was one of them (things that explode would be another). At eight years old if you had told me I could make dry ice bubbles that resemble planets, I would have lost my marbles. Thanks to Youtube user ShanksFx, I now know it’s possible.
According to the web you can do something similar with cigarette smoke and bubbles, I still prefer the dry ice though. Not only is it a ton healthier, but it just seems a whole lot more interesting when using solid carbon dioxide.