Brody's Blog Posts

Helicopter Rescue

Warning NSFW - Strong Language

A two man Robinson R-22 helicopter was passing by a group of large houses when the crew sees a kid flying a small toy plane. When the plane crashes in the tree tops, the guys decide to perform a daring rescue of the P51 Mustang. Pretty great.

-Via Orange

NaNoWriMo 2012

It's been a while since we have posted about NaNoWriMo, so some of you might need a refresher. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is sort of like a competition and sort of forced motivation for aspiring authors. You sign up on this website and pledge to write a 50,000 word novel (approximately 175 pages depending on layout) from November 1 to 11:59:58 PM on November 30. If this sounds like a lot of writing, well it is. Last year 256,618 people signed up and about 36,843 finished. That may not seem like the best conversion rate but just think - that is 36,843 novels finished, or at least the first draft of 36,843 hastily written novels finished.

I know what you're thinking, it's already the 2nd of November and you are already 1666.66 words off pace! Well, Neatoramanauts, you have plenty of time to catch up as I am a paltry 356 words into mine. Writers block. Anyone else up for the challenge?

Back in the day Neatorama had an author, Stacy, complete the challenge. So it is possible!

-Via Amanda Patterson

Uncle Drew Chapter 2

In the first chapter of Uncle Drew, Pepsi Max teamed up with NBA star Kyrie Irving to play a little prank on people. Now, they are back for Chapter 2.

In the first installment they dressed him up as an old man named Uncle Drew and brought him to a pickup game. The film crew explained to the participants that they were filming Uncle Drew's nephew, a prospect trying to work his way to the NBA - really just an actor. When they need an extra player for the game, the nephew suggest his Uncle, he still has game. Little do the participants know but Uncle Drew is really Kyrie Irving and he slowly takes over the game.

The second installment is essentially the same thing, just add Kevin Love as Kyrie's friend and Bill Russell as... some old guy. It may be the same prank but it's still funny to me.

Is it real? Probably not, but who cares. Apparently this was written and directed by Kyrie Irving himself.

-Via VVV

Ellen Loves Macklemore

I have been infatuated with the music Macklemore has been producing ever since I first heard the song Wings. I like him because there is actual content in his music, not the empty-calorie music that modern pop-culture seems to be obsessed with. Oh Wiz Khalifa you have catchy choruses about... partying all day. How original. Bieber, you like girls? No way. Ms. Swift, I am glad that you are informing me that we are ever never getting back together but can you be a little more constructive with your feedback?

Finally someone who isn't afraid to actually say something with their music. Whether you agree (I hope) or disagree (you are entitled to that) with gay marriage, or whether you like rap or not - that's fine - but you have to respect how creatively and passionately he delivers his message.

Ellen loved it too, so there's that. Check out Macklemore's new album The Heist.

The song he is preforming is called Same Love, and you can check out the official music video here.

-Via Daily Dot

Dramatic Kitty

Such a drama queen. A cute, cuddly, funny noise making- drama queen.

Great. I have now stumbled onto the cat videos part of the internet, and I wanted to get work done today!

-Via The Presurfer

Happiest Man Alive

Scientists have located a man they believe to be the happiest person on the planet. Matthieu Ricard was born on the 15th of February in 1946, in the commune of Aix-les-Bains in south-eastern France. The son of celebrated French philosopher Jean-Francois Revel and painter Yahne Le Toumelin, Ricard was raised in a vastly intellectual community. He worked a molecular geneticist, and in 1972, after completion of his doctoral thesis, he left his life's work to become a Buddhist monk.

Ricard has been promoting his message of happiness for years, but neuroscientist Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin put that it the test. 256 sensors were attached to Ricard's skull, they were scanning the level of gamma waves his brain produced. While the scan commenced, Ricard meditated.

The scans showed that when meditating on compassion, Ricard's brain produces a level of gamma waves -- those linked to consciousness, attention, learning and memory -- "never reported before in the neuroscience literature", Davidson said.

The scans also showed excessive activity in his brain's left prefrontal cortex compared to its right counterpart, giving him an abnormally large capacity for happiness and a reduced propensity towards negativity, researchers believe.

Ricard is the author and photographer of several books including Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill.

-Via NY Daily News | Bonus: 2007 TED video with Ricard

Salt Facts

As far as information on a salt grinder goes- this is one of the more interesting things I have seen. It sure beats contains high levels of sodium. It does make you wonder though, what does it say on the pepper grinder?

-Via Tastefully Offensive

One Tough Bridge

For some reason this video took me back to my childhood. I don't know if everyone had this, but the movie theatre close to my house had a small arcade in it, and in the arcade was a truck racing video game. In the game there was a character (I think his name was Archie but I am not sure) and when you chose him as your driver a video would play. The video showed Archie driving his Big Rig along the road when he comes to a small overpass with a sign that read something like "12 Foot Clearance". Archie, being a wily hillbilly, looks around for a few seconds then sneakily says "that says 12 foot clearance and this here is a 16 foot rig. But I don't see no cops around... lets go for it!"

I always loved that, the broken logic. Either these people weren't paying attention (most likely) or they had a similar intuition as Archie.

-via Bits and Pieces | 11foot8

One Big Gun

Meet Big Bella. Big Bella is a T-shirt gun for the Philadelphia 76ers'. Big Bella can shoot 100 T-shirts in 60 seconds. I don't know much about T-shirt guns, but that has to be a record.

-Via Deadspin

Lucas on Future

You have heard that Lucasfilm was purchased by Disney, now see what George Lucas himself has to say. He mentions the new Star Wars film(s) coming out in the future and what he wants to do now that he is moving on.

-Via Super Punch

Breaking Bad Halloween Traditions

Unbeknownst to me, the actors from Breaking Bad have a tradition of dressing up as each others characters. Let me warn you before clicking through to the full thread, some of them are absolutely brilliant. Above you have Aaron Paul as a Los Pollos Hermonos chicken and Bryan Cranston as Hector Salamanca. Click here to see more.

-Via Hypervocal

Kidrobot Helps With Hurricane Sandy

Kidrobot is an iconic brand that is a large part of the modern collector art toy movement. The company is now located in Boulder, CO but has a large influence on the East Coast and specifically New York. They want to help with relief efforts from Hurricane Sandy.

To help out, Kidrobot is auctioning off 5 sealed cases of the upcoming Apocalypse Dunny series before the release next Thursday, November 8. 100% of the winning bids to be donated to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.

Click here to bid NOW. Auction ends 1p EDT on 11/3.

You can also make donations to the American Red Cross, here.

-Via KidRobot Blog

Ghostbuster Does Backflip

Warning: NSFW - Language

We have all done some silly things while under the influence. Whether it be drunk dialing an ex-girlfriend or accidently smashing your neighbors shoddily made pumpkins (not my fault, I was mad I just drunk dialed that crazy) - these actions can have some pretty bad conclusions. This man was arrested, a just punishment, but I have to say I am impressed by the inebriated athleticism, I can't do a backflip sober.

-Via Reddit User ThisIsStatus

Transformer Explodes in NYC

It has been a while since I have seen a real explosion, not caused by some special effects company, and that was big. After seeing how bright it was, I feel like maybe the guys in Hollywood are playing explosions down a little bit.

The explosion was at a Con Edison Plant on 14th Street in New York City during Hurricane Sandy. No injuries were reported.

-Via Geekosystem

Witch Food

Okay all you foodies out there, can you guess what this is?

If your answer was a Butterscotch Broomstick with chow mein noodles, you would be correct. Also if you anwered that correctly and with confidence- can you make me some? For more pictures and info check out Cozy Walls.

For the bottom part of the broom, melt together 12 oz. butterscotch chips with 3 tablespoons of nut or sunflower butter until uniform and glossy. Coat 5-6 oz. of chow mein noodles with the golden butterscotch mixture and drop as pyramid piles onto parchment paper. For the broomstick, place a pretzel stick in the middle of the pile and give them about 20 minutes to harden. These brooms are easy to make, easy to serve, and perhaps even easier to eat.

-Via Cozy Walls

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