Brody's Blog Posts

Behind the Scenes with Raiders of the Lost Ark

If you know me at all you know my two favorite actors of all time are Sean Connery and Harrison Ford. That's just the way it is. So it should come as no surprise to those of you who know me that I love Indiana Jones and dressed up and Indy for 65 percent of my childhood Halloweens. A few of my adult ones as well. Check out this great collection of behind-the-scenes photos from Raiders of The Lost Ark.

Link | Photo: Paramount Pictures

Playing The Viral Market

How good are you are predicting viral videos? Do you also happen to enjoy the stock market? Then you will love the Viral Video eXchange - an online stock market game. You can view trending videos, buy stock in videos, spend and earn (fake) money, and so on. I personally just bought 100 shares of Eat, Fry, Love: A Cautionary Remix with William Shatner.

The game is the creation of Dave Ganly, a 31-year-old Irishman who settled in London four years ago. “I wanted to make a throwback to web based games like the BBC's Celebdaq, which I played in college,” he said in an email interview with the Dot. “I love viral video as well, and was annoyed at the poor quality of discovery of really original viral content (as opposed to just 'what had a million views yesterday’).”

“The game has two major 'goals' from a player perspective – one is to finish an in-game story that reveals itself as players become more wealthy … and the other is to hit the overall target of one million voins. Like lots of games of this type, having seriously rich users (e.g. people on one million + voins) would cause too much imbalance, so players are awarded a final in-game achievement and reset to one thousand voins.”

Link | Image Captured at

Leeloo Cosplay Dog

It's Carrot Top Leeloo from The Fifth Element! Are you a supreme being? Do you know what love is!? I wonder where she has got her Multi-pass... I have so many questions! Oh well. IF I can get my dog to dress up as this next year, I promise to go as Zorg.


A Breaking Bad Thanksgiving

Warning- NSFW Strong Language. I don't think anyone could cook as perfect a Thanksgiving meal as these two meth dealers! While their costumes might not be the best, and their voices a little bit off, they nailed the mannerisms of their respective characters. They even have the classic corny yet cool montage. Which of your favorite factional characters would you like to make your Thanksgiving feast? Some of that Harry Potter food, like Cauldron Cakes or Chocolate frogs, would be... magical.

-Via VVV

Real Life Up

It was only a matter of time before someone did it for real. Well, actually it has been done a few times but It still is cool every time I see it. The floating house from Pixar's Up. This was the first time, however, it was pulled off with a human passanger. Jonathan Trappe is a "professional" cluster-balloonist. Check out more images at Geakologie.

Ai Weiwei Big Think

I recently watched the Ai Weiwei documentary, this is a man on a mission. Sometimes it is easy for people in the Western World to take our freedomes for granted, it's unfortunate really, because so many are still without basic human rights like the freedom of expression. He does not mince words.

Free information and communication on Internet is forbidden in China. So you're facing so-called a great firewall to block all the major international Internet servers. And within China you have 100,000 Internet police just sitting there delete all blog or whatever the information they think we cannot appreciate about.

As someone who writes on the internet for a living, I don't like the idea of Internet police at all. Big Think has been producing some interesting viral videos lately, including that one with Bill Nye.

-Via Ulamonge

The Middle of Middle-Earth

The people of New Zealand are so excited for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey that they are renaming Wellington, the capital city, to The Middle of Middle-Earth for the week of the premier. I have to say I am equally as excited. I have never been into Cosplay, never dressed up, or been to a premier of anything, but I am considering it for this film. As a kid I loved The Lord of The Rings, but I lived and breathed The Hobbit. I don't think I have been this excited since I found out Evangeline Lilly (Kate from Lost, AKA my dream girl) was going to be in the movies. Which was today. I might just lose it.

-Via Hyper Vocal

R2-D2 - A Canstruction

We have had R2-D2 engagement rings, as a dancing machine, as a Vespa, and even as a keg. Now meet R2-D2 as a canned foodstuff creation. He was on display at the Canstruction Exhibit at One Market in San Francisco, Ca. The Canstruction exhibit is part of a competition where people make things out of cans, essentially.

Canstruction, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that holds annual design and build competitions to construct fantastic, giant sized, structures made entirely out of canned food. In each city after the structures are built and the winners declared the creations go on view to the general public as giant art exhibits. At the close of the competitions all of the food used in the structures is donated to the local food banks for distribution to community emergency feeding programs.

Pretty creative cause if you ask me.

-Via Buzz Patrol

Sandwich Trolling

Chefs can pull some mean pranks on their friends, this one even a novice chef could pull off. All you need is a piece of cardboard, some eggs, bread crumbs and flour, something to fry it in, some sandwich garnishes, and some hungry gullible friends.

As the only one in my apartment that knows anything about cooking (like the difference between sauteing and pan searing) I am often asked to cook food for others. I will try this over Thanksgiving and report back to you guys, so keep an eye out. Click here for step-by-step photo instructions. Anyone have any other good cooking pranks?

-Via Nerdalicious

I Have Your Heart

I have always loved stop-motion films ever since I watched Wallace & Gromit as a kid. If you feel the same way then you very well might like this new collaborative effort by Molly Crabapple, Kim Boekbinder, and Jim Batt titled I Have Your Heart. Along with having great names, the trio collectively are an extremely creative bunch. Watch the film below.

The project was funded by Kickstarter and you can check out a Q & A about the film here.

-Via Laughing Squid (More Pictures)

Chocolate Express

People all over the world - join hands. Start a chocolate train, a chocolate train. That's how that song goes right? I think I might prefer a chocolate train (photo L'Avenir) over a love train. Love can be tough, but chocolate... ...chocolate is always there for you. Chocolate doesn't let you down or leave you for that football player two times your size.

Created by "master chocolatier" Andrew Farrugia of Malta, this is a choo-choo train made entirely of chocolate. It's 2,755 pounds of fine Belgian chocolate and is about 111 feet long. That's 6.5 million calories.

Farrugia got the idea for the train last year, when visiting Belgian Chocolate Festival in Bruge. ”I had this idea for a while, and I said what do you think if we do this realization of a long chocolate train, you know, because a train you can make it as long as you like,” he told the press.

Check out more photos via Oddity Central

Instructions for Immortality

Doktor A. News wants to congratulate you on gaining immortality. The directions are as follows.

1. Remove strap and leads from the storage drawer.
2. Place electrodes against forehead and tighten strap.
3. Attach bulldog clips to terminals in the jaw.
4. Set over-ride timer to desired duration.
5. Crank the main handle to build electrical charge.
6. Close the main switch to engage the electrical flow.
7. Increase the electrical voltage using dial.
8. Wait until your Asphyx manifests within the tube.
9. Shut off charge to electrodes using the main switch.
10. Transfer the Asphyx to a long term containment device.
11. Congratulations you have gained immortality.

Well that was easy and not the least bit dangerous. This was created by toy maker Doktor A and took nearly 2 years to finish. His inspiration was from the 1972 film The Asphyx.

The Asphyx appears in Greek myths as an angel of death like deity who appears at the moment of demise to seek release from it’s eternal pain by possessing the dying soul of its victim. This piece is directly drawing on the iteration of the Asphyx as seen in the 1972 British horror film starring Robert Stephens and Robert Powell and imagines what may have come to pass with the success of Sir Hugo Cunningham’s experiments in trapping an Asphyx, if the events of the film had not taken such a terrible turn for the worst.

This guy is a toy maker, where were these toys when I was growing up? My parents messed up, I never had anything nearly this cool.

-Via Buzz Patrol

Shaken Up Puppy

She is shaking so much you'd think there was something on her butt she is trying to get off! No matter how bad my day gets I think happy puppies will always cheer me up. If there comes a day where I become such a cynic that they no long do the trick- then I don't want to live in this world anymore.

-Via Hyper Vocal

Welcome Back Nick Gentry

Welcome back Nick Gentry. Gentry creates art on floppy disks. I think there is something to be said about his idea of beauty in this piece and the medium in which Gentry chooses to portray it. Clearly no one uses floppy disks anymore, they are out of date as time has passed them by. How does that Socrates quote go? Beauty is a short-lived tyranny. Time touches us all and even beauty will fade through time. As the digital age has taken over this idea could easily work on CDs as well, but aesthetically might not hold the same power.

What are your thoughts?

-Via Holy Puns, Batman!

The Fox and the Tomb

Foxes are about the coolest feral animal imaginable. I wish there were more foxes in the world. Less coyotes and more foxes- that's what I say. I can safely conclude my connection to the animal all started with The Fox And the Hound. I am tearing up just thinking about it, poor Tod and poor Copper. Both put into a situation where they are supposed to be enemies but all they want to do is be is the best of friends. Ugh, damn you Disney. How do you still have a hold over me some 20 years later?

-Via The Monica Bird

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