Well I admit he's got me beat.I proposed at the hot dog cart in front of the hardware store.Dosen't take much to bring back memories of what happened to that foot long.Needless to say,my dreams of cheap nostalgic anniversary dinners has now been reserved for one brain cell only,shared equally with my last memory of what she so pleasantly looked like before I asked for her hand and one with mustard & onions.
I don't take candy from strangers,much less eat it,much less look on the inside of the wrapper as I let it fall to the ground and slowly walk away and call security.Never know what's in it ya know.
Ya,I feel their pain.I had to take down all those tiki torches at my fireworks stand outside the stadium entrance.I feel possible death toll was overestimated and my insurance could have handeled it.Tthis level of harrasment is uncalled for.
Mabey they should get from pictures of you and your girlfriend,a computer generated digital picture would have looked like of your kid,if you both never left the couch and played ball there.
That's still better than grown adults stareing right at ya while your driving down the street and walking right in front of you .Slammed on my brakes 3 times in 1 block.Atlantic City I'm talkin bout.What a space cadet capitol.
With a wind coefficency equall to the side of a barn,no wonder he has a tow bar permently attached. For what they would spend on fuel,they could have hired a chopper with a cute attendant for less.And whatever AGFH says Wes said,whatever Wes said,I most certainly agree.
I'll let you know when I'am ready.
For what they would spend on fuel,they could have hired a chopper with a cute attendant for less.And whatever AGFH says Wes said,whatever Wes said,I most certainly agree.