First of all, I think that this picture is depicting a happy side and a sad side. The Person on the left who is smiling is happy because there is a rainbow and a sun smiling at him, while mr.cranky frown face is sad that the sun isn't smiling back at him, instead he is getting rained on by H02A and blue squigglies, also known as ACID rain. I wouldn't be happy either if acid rain was pouring on me.
size: small
color: ash gray
First of all, I think that this picture is depicting a happy side and a sad side. The Person on the left who is smiling is happy because there is a rainbow and a sun smiling at him, while mr.cranky frown face is sad that the sun isn't smiling back at him, instead he is getting rained on by H02A and blue squigglies, also known as ACID rain. I wouldn't be happy either if acid rain was pouring on me.