I think it's really overkill designed for over-anxious (and well-heeled) first-time parents. I'm all for the built-in lifting system but doing away with the "bars" of a traditional crib (or cot, I suppose, since this product is from the UK I believe) removes the handholds kids tend to use when they're first practicing standing up. Actually, I'm suprised they don't have a built-in exercise system (along with a sound system to play educational tapes.)
Of course, at about the same time, Winslow's Soothing Syrup and (I think it was named) Kopp's Baby Friend were marketed as a way to help children sleep -- not surprising since they were liberally laced with morphine!
Laudenum and opium were similarly available for the asking.
Yes, but Fox in Socks was an exercise in sadism! My daughter keeps choosing it as one of her bedtime stories because it cracks her up to to hear me struggle to get my tongue around "Bim bends Ben's broom, Ben bends Bim's broom or six sick bricks tick, six sick chicks tock...then again, maybe it's my daughter who has the mean streak ; )
But yes, other than that, Suess was a trailblazer in children's writings. Aside from the environmentalism, bigotry, and xenophobia, he also tackled what must have been a touchy issue at the time in Horton Hatches the Egg about a mom who foists her baby off on someone else to raise while she takes off and indulges herself.
I'm betting that hell will freeze over before any of these ladies buys an Oscar de la Renta gown again.
Then again, two ladies in the same dress would be embarassing. Four brings the whole thing to a level of absurdity that would have to make the situation pretty funny even if you were one of the four bridewmaids" (hell, that getup is ugly enough to have been a bridesmaid dress -- at a wedding with a particularly sadistic bride.)
The **** people will buy and wear just because it's a designer label!
Wow, the ultimate diet aid table -- I've lost my appetite just looking at a picture of it -- imagine trying to eat dinner while watching worms and sowbugs squirming among compost.
I know this is going to sound like I am some sort of art cretin -- and I'm not disputing Calder's artistic talent -- BUT...if you didn't know this was a famous artist, if it were labeled "some weird guy in my neighborhood playing with toys" would you still think this circus is the work of genius so many people say it is?
Wow -- the kid's confidence and abilities are phenomenal but the mom should be not only teaching a course in working with the "differently abled" but should be heaped with praises and honors for what she has accomplishe in the hardest and often most thankless job in the world, being a mother.
Laudenum and opium were similarly available for the asking.
But yes, other than that, Suess was a trailblazer in children's writings. Aside from the environmentalism, bigotry, and xenophobia, he also tackled what must have been a touchy issue at the time in Horton Hatches the Egg about a mom who foists her baby off on someone else to raise while she takes off and indulges herself.
Then again, two ladies in the same dress would be embarassing. Four brings the whole thing to a level of absurdity that would have to make the situation pretty funny even if you were one of the four bridewmaids" (hell, that getup is ugly enough to have been a bridesmaid dress -- at a wedding with a particularly sadistic bride.)
The **** people will buy and wear just because it's a designer label!