Crazy story! However the bear in the picture is a brown bear and they're no longer anywhere to be found in California. All we've got left are black bears and it's surprising to me that one of those little guys would take on a mountain lion.
um... there's something to be said for simply displaying the entirety of the text in a straightforward fashion, rather than the painfully slow typed-out presentation used here. despite being interested in the content, i got bored about 2 sentences in, realizing that complaining about it would be a far better use of my time.
dang! i want to order but they don't ship to US. If anyone of you European types read this is willing to order a couple on my behalf and ship to me (one to open and examine, one to keep for posterity), i'll send you one of my blinkybugs (handmade blinking electronic insect art thing)...