To all of the above, or future below bitching people: I have NEVER seen so much whining in my life. If we took all of the children from the Pansy-Parents above and put them in a room, and denied them all their iPods and cellphones that mommy and daddy "promised" still wouldn't have the tear-cried level you have hear. The article says at the bottom "Sad but fascinating." And that sums it up. No one here likes animal cruelty! But it does make for an interesting story. And without having horrific acts like this placed in our faces, there wouldn't be any anti-cruelty movements. To those of you that lost sleep...Good!!! Take that time to think of maybe making a donation to your local animal shelter. Or better yet, volunteer some time. Good day!
I have NEVER seen so much whining in my life. If we took all of the children from the Pansy-Parents above and put them in a room, and denied them all their iPods and cellphones that mommy and daddy "promised" still wouldn't have the tear-cried level you have hear. The article says at the bottom "Sad but fascinating." And that sums it up. No one here likes animal cruelty! But it does make for an interesting story. And without having horrific acts like this placed in our faces, there wouldn't be any anti-cruelty movements. To those of you that lost sleep...Good!!! Take that time to think of maybe making a donation to your local animal shelter. Or better yet, volunteer some time. Good day!