Regarding the SSC, John said: "... And as for the “cost-benefit†analysis… How can we meaningfully assign dollar amounts to knowledge? Our increasing understanding of how the Universe works on its most fundamental levels is one of the primary causitive factors in many of the most important technological advances of the last century, and the benefits we could gain from a true supercollider are incalculable! ..."
Which advances are these exactly? Hint: most particle physicists do not claim their research has any slightest impact on technological advances. So it is surprising you obviously found such advances. Maybe you can give an example? And why exactly should the SCC fiasco be not included in this list?
Which advances are these exactly? Hint: most particle physicists do not claim their research has any slightest impact on technological advances. So it is surprising you obviously found such advances. Maybe you can give an example? And why exactly should the SCC fiasco be not included in this list?