One is more likely to suffer cramps from NOT eating before swimming. Swimming is good exercise and tends to exhaust the body of necessary nutrients. A cramp is a sign that your body needs fluids, minerals, & sugars.
I agree that the body is the garden. I intujitively feel that the "tree" is the male genitals. The fruit is what you get from that "tree". Having participated in fellacio and cunnilingus, Adam and Eve had a heightened awareness of their differences compared to the "I never thought about it" exsistence they had been living. Thus began the age of man second guessing and questioning everything. Ergo, the fall from grace (after all, ignorance is bliss...).
I agree that the body is the garden. I intujitively feel that the "tree" is the male genitals. The fruit is what you get from that "tree". Having participated in fellacio and cunnilingus, Adam and Eve had a heightened awareness of their differences compared to the "I never thought about it" exsistence they had been living. Thus began the age of man second guessing and questioning everything. Ergo, the fall from grace (after all, ignorance is bliss...).