I should probably let this go, since I know you aren't responsible for the grammar issues of other websites you quote in your articles, but the English major in me just won't permit me. The suffix the writer was looking for was "-esque," not "-esk." Thus, it would be "Dumbledore-esque." It's French, and it means "in the style or manner of." "Esk," aside from being a phonetic representation of what "esque" sounds like when spoken aloud, means nothing at all. And yes, I did comment on the source site as well; I suspect it shall be roundly ignored.
Sorry to be pedantic, but Vespucci's first name was Amerigo, not America. The country name was taken from the Latin version of his name, which was Americus.
This is an early implement for the performance of the brit milah. As you can see, an added bonus of the covenant between the Jewish people and their creator was nigh-superhuman endowment. Interestingly, this design was later repurposed in the creation of wire strippers.
The woman is a humorless toad. If you don't like the book, don't read it. She's clearly implying that the book and (by extension) those that find it funny condone violence towards children. It's a charge that is simultaneously simple-minded and cheap, which leads me to believe she must be a Fox News viewer.
Canned Octopus, 2x.
Animal lover 2x
Zombie: eat flesh 2xl
Resurrection explained, 2x
Zombie - eat flesh, 2x, please.
Zombie-Eat Flesh 2xl mltry grn