I'm really looking forward to the sequel. While I agree with Skipweasel that the simplistic graphics were charming, it makes sense that the digital world has evolved just like it has in real life.
Looking at the concept art for the film, it looks like the old lightcycles are still going to be around though :D. I'm hoping the glowing suites are too!
I understand your point Davron, but we have to start somewhere. We have to learn to walk before we can run a marathon.
Besides, with our current "risk aversion" mentality, going to Mars first (or even a NEO) is practically out of the question.
And to all of the moon landing doubters, I have just one question: What does it matter? If they faked it, they faked it! That has no impact whatsoever on future space endeavors. Faked or not, the truth about the original moon landings will come out eventually.
An incredible story! I have a deep admiration for everyone involved in getting man to the moon. They accomplished an amazing feat with technology that was just barely able to do it. It doesn't get any more bleeding edge than that.
So... Anyone else excited that we're going back? Anyone else disappointed that it won't be for another 11 years? Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if private interests set foot on the moon long before NASA does.
I am appalled by all of the people saying that kids don't need a summer vacation. Summer vacation is something every child looks forward to, because it gives them time to be a kid and have FUN.
To those of you saying "kids are likely to stay inside and play video games instead of going out and playing in nature, therefore they should be spending that time in a classroom": Shame on you! Because you don't like how they spend their free time, you would take that free time away?
I'm really looking forward to the sequel. While I agree with Skipweasel that the simplistic graphics were charming, it makes sense that the digital world has evolved just like it has in real life.
Looking at the concept art for the film, it looks like the old lightcycles are still going to be around though :D. I'm hoping the glowing suites are too!
This information is, in fact, neat. Does this explain why there are glaciers melting in the dead of night?
I can understand the original misspelling (kinda), but to spell it worse the second time? That's just...special.
Besides, with our current "risk aversion" mentality, going to Mars first (or even a NEO) is practically out of the question.
And to all of the moon landing doubters, I have just one question: What does it matter? If they faked it, they faked it! That has no impact whatsoever on future space endeavors. Faked or not, the truth about the original moon landings will come out eventually.
So... Anyone else excited that we're going back? Anyone else disappointed that it won't be for another 11 years? Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if private interests set foot on the moon long before NASA does.
To those of you saying "kids are likely to stay inside and play video games instead of going out and playing in nature, therefore they should be spending that time in a classroom": Shame on you! Because you don't like how they spend their free time, you would take that free time away?
"Wow! What kind of leather is that map of America made of? Deer?"
"Nope! Human!"
*end of conversation*